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Everything posted by Mloe68
  1. I instantly though what would the trade chart say. Move up 8 spots wasn't gonna get us the edge we needed. Hey be bold and go get the players you really want. Don't be afraid to fail. Veach will catch hell if this doesn't work out, but good for him for putting his neck on the line.
  2. I heard Todd McShay say the film on him shows "a dynamic pass rusher who's also very good vs the run. Kansas City's defense clearly just got alot better." I like to hear things like this. I've always rode the fence on him with his off field issues at Michigan which will draw alot of scrutiny on the talk radio curcuits initially. But he's had no issues since entering the NFL and that had to sell Veach and especially Clark Hunt. But as a football player we just got a guy who's clearly better and younger than anyone we just lost and I'm quite certain Spags would say a much better fit. And he plays with attitude which is something our defense has lacked. These contracts are gambles and Veach is sticking his neck out and put himself on the firing line. I like that. Sink or swim with guys you really want. That said, we've still REALLY got to find another corner!
  3. Not sure if you’re making this up as you go along https://www.pressherald.com/2012/12/03/jovan-belcher-cut-hand-after-punching-window-while-at-maine/
  4. If you can’t figure it out, I’m not interested in explaining.
  5. If they are privy to incriminating facts the CBAs Personal Conduct Code specifically Article 46, clearly allows Goodell great leeway in dishing out penalties whether criminal charges are filed or not. The players tried to negotiate this out of the last CBA but caved It’ll be a battle again because of Goodells abuse of it that was never a problem under Talieabue But in this case it sure appears like the league has been stonewalled because the Freedom of Information Act doesn’t apply to Family Court. And if that’s the case he’s gonna have to overstep his powers again handing out an arbitrary penalty on circumstantial information. The league has been taken to Federal Court and lost over such actions so he may indeed try but it could be tenuous. All depends on what they actually know and what Tyreek actually did. If you know the answer to either question you are way ahead of anyone else in the media or otherwise. Is there any precedent for this type of situation?
  6. I feel the same way about that as I do about the league or club trying to get involved in family court. It’s none of the Chiefs or NFLs business as long as criminal action isn’t involved. This entire thing at this point is between Tyreek, his fiance and family court and should stay there. Obviously however because this league has to sell tickets, there’s a tipping point where egregious behavior in general becomes worthy of action. If no other condemning facts emerge in this particular case we aren’t there. But that said my point would be it’s an ongoing concern and no doubt I’m sure the Chiefs prefer that engagement to end because it’s clearly toxic. Even there though these two are permanently bonded by kids even if they don’t necessarily belong together. That said the Chiefs don’t need to be trying to interfere with ultimatums other than don’t embarrass us. As Andy said last week about this situation “I’m a football coach.” Seems simple but speaks volumes.
  7. Sometimes the wrong two people together just bring out the worst in each other. Sounds like even Tyreeks employer was savvy enough to this situation to believe that. Tyreek hasn’t had any other issues other than when he’s with her. I’d hope they could both see that and act accordingly no matter which one is specifically to blame. I think it’s her but who knows. Sometimes kids just get caught in the crossfire.
  8. I think the Chiefs feel like they backed themselves into a corner with Kareem and asking him to tell them what went on. He lied and they had zero choice but to get rid of him. If you notice other than some Chiefs fans that didn't want to let him go, most people had a favorable opinion how the Chiefs handled it and all the negative attention went towards Kareem (as it should have). It was CLEARLY the right thing to do, but why not learn from that and try to avoid backing yourself into a corner. Without a video and without trying to get involved in the case itself there is plausible deniability that doesn't make them look so bad no matter what. Who knows what really went on there (very reasonable here to believe its possible the girlfriend is the main culprit) and it doesn't appear anyone will as the Freedom of Information Act doesn't apply to Family court. The fact they didn't ask him to stay away speaks volumes. Unless this deteriorates or TMZ pays off the right person to get specific malicious behavior from Tyreek, this could fade into the background with time. But it also clearly remains tenuous and the Chiefs clearly aren't going into fully backing Tyreek as such. I'm sure they are holding their collective breath right now. All that said it absolutely has to impact the clubs long term commitment to him. And as such could also mean he gets traded anytime since he will be on the last year of his contract. Unlike Kareem, he's got some trade value right now. And that value would only go way up if they could get another great year out of him and no issues moving forward. Perhaps that's what they are HOPING for. That said maybe they still commit to him long term with contract protections in there. I'd say anything is on the table.
  9. I personally really like Nate Bukaty and Steven St John and their entire Border Patrol show. They are local team homers for sure but never quick to judge in situations like this. I see no hidden agendas like I do listening to BTL (which I rarely do anymore unless I need the number for Buck Roofing).
  10. Key thing here. No criminal charges and I’m sure the Chiefs were aware of this which is why he’s practicing. This other part is between him, his girlfriend, their kid and family court. In that sense it sure seems like we’ve dodged a bullet here especially because the NFL was legally stonewalled by JOCO court of any information. But this will certainly create pause within the organization who are still sitting here with an elite young player entering a contract year. Contracts largely protect teams from illegal activity but rarely protect against the court of public opinion if anything else happens. Should add Adam Teicher said there has been an obvious dramatic change in how the team handles “troubled” players since Brett Veach took over and expects that to be represented on draft day. He was adamant he knows for a fact that Veach would never have drafted Marcus Peters. Interesting.
  11. I heard the Chiefs mouthpiece Mitch Holthus talking yesterday and he didn't sound real positive about this. Not sure if that means anything. He suggested that Jordy Nelson is a perfect fit fot the offense to run underneath stuff and then draft another deep threat. But he is also a KStater so take it with a grain of salt. Mitch does know his football though.
  12. Huh? The case from 7 years ago has nothing to do with him not being on March 15th report. Not at all sure how you brought those two together?
  13. To me intent isn’t even a question here. Of course whatever happened was an unintentional accident but circumstances behind it seem crucial to whether it was negligently excessive. A broken bone alone without knowing exactly how it happened isn’t worthy of any charges But is worthy of investigation I know one thing for sure. If any kid in any situation shows up at the hospital with a broken bone or bruises, those parents are going to meet child services people. What I don’t understand is why it didn’t end there? I talked to a Dad on Friday who went through this and after they met with him it was over. No police involvement at all. This is the part of this deal that’s concerning.
  14. What’s his culpability in this if she is the one who did this? Or heck they could determine this was an accident couldn’t they? I’m assuming one parent can’t really fully absolve the other but he’s not even named at all in the second report. I’m confused as to where this is.
  15. Actually good to hear then that Veach was smart enough to cover his bases.
  16. Even without his checkered past he probably still goes later than the second round. He came into the NFL with very little experience as a WR as was probably seen as more of Dexter McCluster jack of all trades (man did we overdraft him though). But the lost thing here is that Tyreek has GREAT hands and was a natural for the position. Literally reminds me of a cross between Steve Smith and DeShaun Jackson. An absolute bulldog who's tough as nails and is as quick as he is fast. As his route running develops he will be almost uncoverable. Young, durable, tough, already elite and ascending. He's worth the money if anyone is as a player alone.
  17. WRs like Tyreek are nearly impossible to find anywhere. He's THAT good and still just scratching surface which makes this entire situation so concerning. But great QBs will elevate the play of everyone around them and we can survive if something does happen where we have to release or suspend him. At this point I'm just not seeing the evidence he did anything wrong, but I don't have all the facts. Should also mention the best WR in the AFC the past 5 years was a 6th round pick.
  18. WRs aren’t really hard to find at all especially with a good QB. A system type like we had in Donnie Avery could have thrived here. Heck most of the top ten WRs last year were day two and three picks.
  19. Worst case scenario they extend Watkins and get that CAP number down next year and draft a WR in the second round. There’s a backup scenario that’s viable. I’ve still yet to see anything compelling which would cause the Chiefs to have to move on from Tyreek. Facts of this case shouldn’t be the difficult to attain or take very long. Did he actually do anything?
  20. Soren Petro is saying the Chiefs signed Watkins in part because they felt Tyreeks girlfriend was potential trouble. And he had apparently just gotten engaged which escalated their concern. Interesting anyway.
  21. We do have the money and that was exactly the plan before this. Now we will see. His impact on that Patriots game despite 1 catch was HUGE. He crushed the Patriots in the first meeting and BB wasn't going to let that happen again. You can take anyone out of a game if you commit the right resources but it opens up things for other people. And Andy figured that out and lit up the Patriots in the second half. We would have been playing for a Lombardi had it not been for the defense and Dee Fords offsides.
  22. That's because the BB takes away your best player and used TWO guys to do it all day. Whenever you command that much respect from an elite coach, you know your impact on a game is gigantic. As a player, Tyreek is plain special. Lets just hope this story proves to be something that won't impact his career because losing him would be a dagger.
  23. If the DA presses no charges here, they have nothing. So what they decide to do means everything. I don’t even think Roger Goodell can act here without at least battery charges being filed
  24. If the husband is there while something is happening or doesn't report it, he is considered just as guilty. But again we need to know whats really going on here. The video made it clear what Kareem had done. Alot of gray area here.
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