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Everything posted by Mloe68
  1. While I agree consider the NFL swapped two preseason games for two regular season games in 1978 to get to the 16 game schedule this league has absolutely thrived under. There’s a clear tipping point somewhere though.
  2. Catch 22 though because why would we want an extra 10 million dollar CAP hit this year that his signing bonus would likely do. I suppose they could get creative and have guaranteed salary years 2-4. But still that cheap 5 million dollar hit this year with a tight cap is awfully compelling. On the other hand there’s clear value getting players signed long term early in this new CBA.
  3. There’s clear value to get players signed early in this new CBA because I really doubt the rate of escalation changes initially. More likely an extra player might get paid though. 17th game isn’t likely til 2022 but stupid extra playoff teams starts immediately
  4. Gannon was exactly what Marty needed in 95 and 97 to get those elite defenses to the Super Bowl. A super smart QB with great leadership skills and the IT factor to make big plays when it mattered. In one drive in 1995 he drove us to within a Lake Dawson catch of the AFC Title game. In 1997 he beat the Super Bowl champ Broncos and won his last 5 games before being benched. Win streak over. He goes to Oakland and wins playoff games in three straight seasons all while winning NFL MVP. at 37 years old. It’s no wonder Shanahan mocked Marty for starting Grbac that day. Massive opportunity lost for the Chiefs. Just an awful decision all the way around by Marty and Carl. Seems like the opposite of Rose Colored Glasses 😂
  5. If Marty went with Gannon at halftime of 1996 Colts playoff game instead of midway through the 4th quarter, we probably go to tbe Super Bowl. In 97 stats didn’t tell real story of his impact in such a conservative scheme. But he was a massive handful and Mike Shanahan flat told me later that summer”I’m sure glad Marty went with Grbac over Gannon.” Gannon won the NFL MVP in a superior scheme. We made an awful choice and it buried us until 2003.
  6. Just keep the Super Bowl in tourist destinations.
  7. The 30 percent rule basically keeps teams from being able to negotiate even if they don’t want to tag a player. Seems very likely though the CBA will be approved.
  8. Agree. And no question the death rate is almost certainly exaggerated because most people won’t ever get tested to have accurate numbers. People who do show up are often the most sick. Meanwhile I’m reading China is beating the virus basically by shutting down its economy and putting 500 million people on lockdown. That’s nuts!
  9. This is what confuses me and why the CDC looks like they did a terrible job with this from the beginning. I clearly had far worse symptoms that this lady and I was traveling around a bunch of people from all over the world. And yet they didn't even think to quarantine or even test me. I think they fell behind on this thing and now are trying to overstate the problem in order to appear like they are on top of it. Meanwhile UMKCs last basketball game at Seattle was cancelled as was the gigantic music festical South by Southwest in Austin. Meanwhile people will be here from all over the midwest/southwest for the Big 12 tournament this weekend and I don' t know anyone worried about it. Very odd deal.
  10. They didn’t test me for Corona but they did test for the flu which I know because a $296 bill just came. Lol. By default he said i had a bacterial infection. Reality is most everyone has had some strain in the Corona viruses at one time or another and most of us are still here. This strain doesn’t appear to be any more life threatening than any of the others, it’s just new. Meanwhile the pro soccer league in Italy (which is akin to the NFL here) is canceling games. The Cannes Film Festival looks like it will be cancelled and we are starting to see similar here including some suggestions they play March Madness in front of empty arenas. At the same time I’ve read many different types of doctors say this isn’t necessary and what people really need to do is just practice common preventive practices. I’m choosing this approach and not changing any plans. I can’t imagine a scenario right now where Arrowhead isn’t packed to the rafters for the ring ceremony in September Are you seeing this playing out differently?
  11. I went to the Super Bowl and about a week after I got back I was sicker than I’ve been in decades. I was sure I had it but when I went to the doctor he just laughed and said you don’t with no test. I’m still not convinced. But I am healthy now and the threat of the virus won’t remotely keep me from doing anything. Sporting KC game tonight in front of standing room only crowd tells me most people aren’t worried around KC anyway. I expect similar at the Big 12 tourney. All that said today the first confirmed case in the county I live.
  12. Wilson has proven he can work underneath and has the speed to keep safeties honest. But I simply used him as an example of a value type pickup. He’s not worth any real contract but has clear value on a short term cheap deal. Could be a dozen other guys in a similar spot and I’ll bet we sign one. Marquis Goodwin is another guy to watch just off the top of my head.
  13. I’m all for upgrading backup TE and adding a veteran stop gap WR who would come in on a value deal.
  14. We are losing 85 catches, 1,200 yards and 7 TDs if both Robinson and Watkins leave. I didn’t see nearly enough beyond the verticals to believe the 22 year old Hardman can be trusted to pick up slack especially underneath yet. And any injury to Kelce or Tyreek could leave offense really handicapped. This is the Super Bowl favorite, I don’t think we can afford that risk anymore than we can afford to hand backup QB role to Pat Shurmer.
  15. We need a swing tackle and if we can draft a starting guard who can has versatility to do both, it’s ideal.
  16. All true but again I vividly remember Royals players talking about how the two deep runs really wore them out in 2016. So maybe its a cummulative effect. But the physicality of football and getting a month less off to recover or having to work a month longer period could play some role in teams not repeating. No idea for sure though. Could easily be incorporated into the idea that its possible a team that just won isn't as motivated. Then again I just saw a quote from the Landlord on Twitter which said "We've already moved on to next season. Season 100 will be the year of the Chiefs."
  17. My question is how much of a physical toll does playing 5 weeks longer than over half the league come into play? Or does it. I just remember reading a few articles about how long playoff runs cause some physical ill effects in baseball. And that's just baseball. In any case we've got most of our core locked up for two more years. I'd gladly take two out of three as a backup plan. LOL
  18. Why would a team trade for a guy that doesn’t show up over half the time and you also have to pay him 21 million for that privilege? I’m not convinced Sammy is motivated. Likewise why would we trade for a guy who’s missed more games than he’s played lately and still costs a fortune? Bottom line is yes we can create CAP space even in a tight year, but there’s just no value there.
  19. We are going to need a veteran and a draft pick to replace Watkins/Robinson IMO. Wilson was just an example of a guy who could be in the situation we need for.a cheap stop gap.
  20. Maybe he's the guy we bring back on a cheap 1 year prove it deal. Seriously what WR out there who isn't getting the offer he thought he would on the open market, wouldn't consider doing the same to come play with Mahomes.
  21. I think we are capable of finding quality interior linemen in the draft. We just need to commit to doing it on at least day two this year. I'm starting to really favor the idea of trying to stockpile comp picks in 2021 while focusing more of our free agent efforts on the 1 year prove it type deals. It will be interesting to see Veach's approach this offseason though. Obviously trading Jones changes the dynamics dramatically.
  22. How much money did Mahomes make Wilson in that last start against Denver in 2017? I think Robinson will get simiilar actually but then again Conley only got 2 years, 4.5 million. I'd keep Robinson for that even if I think he's never going to be a reliable top 3 guy. We want bigger contracts and earlier comp picks though!
  23. If they play under the franchise tag for two years, keep producing and don't get hurt (big caveat). They will definitely make more money. They all just want that guarantee and its hard to blame them with how quickly NFL careers can go south. But to your point it does sounds awfully silly to people in our position./
  24. I read at one point Texas Tech didn’t have one other NFL player on its roster other than Mahomes. That’s hard to do especially in Texas. The D was awful but go watch the Oline against LSU. It was a jailbreak on every pass play. Also he inherited an incredibly raw Mahomes.
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