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  1. This ^. I think he has enough in the tank to provide 10-touches a game in a rotation with Perine and Steel. Good signing. Maybe the best available. Curious what the contract looks like. It won't be guaranteed (I don't think) since he's a veteran signed after the first game. I assume it's close to league vet minimum with incentives for performance.
  2. I am bullish this year - saying 13-4. I do not believe the Bills have the horses to beat KC this season. I also don't think they'll lose game one to the Ravens. The Ravens are certainly good enough, and built to beat the Chiefs, I just have a feeling we're going to catch them on a few Reid specials and am not sold that their O-line will hold up against some creative Spags blitzes. I see two losses in the division (it's tough to win them all) - probably a Raider and Donkey loss. I could see Cincy knocking off the Chiefs as well. The other loss is "one of those games" that can't be predicted, but you know it's going to happen (like last year's opener - Toney tipping a pass in his hands to an open defender for the pick-six, for example).
  3. Man-o-man. This is a big deal, kind of. Danna has had some flashes, but is not as consistent, nor as good in run support as Omenihu. Wonder if the Chiefs brass will consider bringing in a vet (not sure whom that would be) since we have two weeks to practice. Somebody situational for 15-20 snaps. This stinks...
  4. Did you see Amani Watts’ tweet. He said something to the effect of “crazy these boys get to play in the Super Bowl in their second home stadium.” 😂
  5. The Chiefs are in the same success cycle as the Colts/Patriots of the 2000's/2010's. First place finishes are a good bet for this team as long as Mahomes and Reid are in town, so we'll continue to play division winners from previous seasons. The Bills keep winning their division and so do the Chiefs - they'll keep playing each other more often than not. Good spot to be in as a Chiefs fan, for sure.
  6. I think it's ironic/bizarre that the Dolphins will be starting Ingram, Ogbah, and Houston on Sunday. Basically starters/key rotation guys for the Chiefs only a handful of years back. Glad to see all their washed up names appearing at playoff time. I liked all three when they were here, but they've all aged significantly since. That's good news for a Chiefs line that is beaten to shit on the edges right now.
  7. Yes - please. For the love of all things holy, at least look competent this week. Too much to ask for…
  8. Patrick should get Toney a new uniform - you know, as a gesture of holiday goodwill.
  9. I wanted to wish everyone a very happy Christmas/Chanukah/Kwanza - whatever you celebrate, may it be Merry. I've been roaming the virtual halls of the CC since the day Boss hung out the shingle and, though I don't post much, am here multiple times a day - every day - and have come to know and appreciate many on this board. All my best. Even BroncoStud (reluctantly).
  10. I feel a shootout that’s in doubt late in the game. Good guys pull out the W with Mahomes magic and a timely defensive turnover. 34-28 Chiefs.
  11. True story: My old high school math teacher is Nick Dicks. His sister is Fonda. She was Fonda Dicks. She Married a Cox. No shit. She went from Fonda Dicks to Fonda Cox. I never had the pleasure of meeting Fonda, but she sounds fun as hell.
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