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Burpo The Mad Clown

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Everything posted by Burpo The Mad Clown
  1. It's not that I wanted KC to pick him, it's that I did not want the Bolts to pick him.
  2. OK That's weird because Youtube usually streams way behind everything else,
  3. Gotcha. I was watching multiple streams and this one is several minutes ahead of all the the others.
  4. I'm watching the KCSN stream on YouTube so it isn't exactly like ULTRA.
  5. Aren't you in Mountain Time? It's about noon there, right?
  6. The draft is supposed to begin at 7:00. So, the Chiefs will pick about ...... 1:30 am?
  7. Yes. I AM dreaming. I know full well we'll be watching #15 running for his life on about 1/3 of next season's passing plays. Again. But, that's "problem" of winning the SB. The pick of the litter is always taken by the time it's your turn to pick.
  8. Shoe horning a solid RT into the LT spot and elevating a back up, who couldn’t beat out Wylie, to RT just because you have no one better is no way to build an OLine for the future. Paying the price now for a premier LT will help to keep The Franchise healthy for the next decade.
  9. In most drafts since the 1970s I would have been ecstatic if the Chiefs drafted defense on every pick. This year, with memories of Pat limping around the playoffs and SB, my concern is LT. I would be glad to see Taylor kept at RT and KC trading up, almost no matter the cost, to grab Johnson or Jones. I know it won’t happen, but it would make my day.
  10. Oh, I have no idea what I’m talking about. Just making conversation.
  11. Who knows what Veach has up his sleeve. I don’t see him giving up next year’s first, but if he sees someone he likes (Johnson, Jones or Flowers if any of them fall) he can move up with a package of this year’s first and later round picks. Not saying he will, but I’ll be surprised if he stays at 31.
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