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Burpo The Mad Clown

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Everything posted by Burpo The Mad Clown
  1. Totally annoyed with this smart-a$$ chick buying a car. Geez, they've run it two dozen times tonight.
  2. They do seem much worse this year than ever before. Maybe it's their Instagram accounts. Look at me, I changed the flow of the game with this call .... check me out ....
  3. Good lort, it sounds like Collinsworth is having multiple orgasms over Henry.
  4. You know, I think it would be a good idea to, you know, maybe key in on that Derrick Henry guy. Just a thought.
  5. Nothing fancy. Grilled chicken breast, veggies and a baked potato. Healthy and easy to make.
  6. Hearing sports talk dorks prattling on about Hill every time they talk about the Chiefs got old a long time ago. He’s yesterday’s news. The Chiefs have moved on. May as well keep talking about Jared Allen or Curly Culp.
  7. Just from the GDT I would assume the Chiefs were behind 78-3 by halftime and that Clark Hunt was handing the entire coaching staff their walking papers as they headed to the locker room.
  8. Yeah, against this DLine for Pat to be sacked only once and having as much time as he did, the OLine did a good job, including both tackles.
  9. How about this year’s second and F. Clark? 2024 1st is too high a price.
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