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Burpo The Mad Clown

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Everything posted by Burpo The Mad Clown
  1. Chiefs had such PTSD after that pick they refused to consider a first round QB until Pat.
  2. Yep. Every QB in the AFC West is elite or borderline elite. Add to that mix the freakish Robo QB in Buffalo and that makes DE and DB top priority. A good crop of WRs will be available round 2 and after. If the Chiefs don't dramatically improve the pass rush, every game will be a shootout.
  3. Unless the number 10 pick results in a perennial All Pro type player, I would hate to give up the two first round picks. A first and a third / fourth, sure.
  4. I like DD and if not for his heads up plays in the 2020 playoffs the Chiefs probably wouldn't have made it to the SB. But, last year he just looked lost.
  5. Hill is a freak of nature and we’ll never see his like again. It will take some getting used to once KC settles on their crop of WRs. None will have that combination of blazing speed and agility. Because no one else does.
  6. How many years does he have left? Two? Three? Make another team pay through the nose and use the picks for players who will be around for the next decade. Pat will excel any way.
  7. Agreed. I don’t get the deal at all. Seems like the Browns were in full panic mode and traded their future for one guy who, I assume, they believe is the missing piece of the puzzle. And he still has something like 25 lawsuits to deal with.
  8. Hunt is at or near the end of his shelf life. The current rotation of backs is more than adequate with this offensive line, which is only getting better. Why pay for another RB to sit on the bench while Andy forces the pass against drop 8 defenses? No doubt, the fiasco resulting in his departure left a bad enough taste that he will forever be unwelcome at 1 Arrowhead Dr.
  9. I can’t imagine this happening. Surely all three will be gone replaced by younger upgrades by camp. Surely.
  10. They’ve been trying this for decades. Euros don’t care about football. I doubt they ever will.
  11. Yeah, the Pro Bowl is an anachronistic legacy of a far gone age. It served its purpose decades ago. It needs to be retired just like the NFL champion vs the college all star game.
  12. That’s where his emotionalism got the best of him. It’s what makes him great, it’s also what sometimes screws him up. Maybe he’ll calm down as he matures. No way to know.
  13. Mahomes runs on emotion. He isn’t captain cool like Montana or Brady. He relies on adrenaline and being in the moment with situational awareness. That’s his strength but also his weakness. It won the Buffalo game and lost the Cincy game.
  14. I was just thinking that the Chiefs need an OC with the cojonies to just say no; Someone not overly awed by Big Red who will keep him tethered to earth during a game.
  15. Have to admit. This one is really bugging me. I actually woke up at 3:30 this morning and couldn’t get back to sleep, I kept running the game over in my mind. The knuckle headed play at the end of the 1st half. The terrible play calling and execution at the end of the 2nd half. This game was very winnable. A few inexplicable things and the Chiefs are done. Geesh
  16. Once I get this game cleared from my mind I will give football no thought until the draft. That’s how I’ve kept my sanity being a Chiefs fan for 52 years. No replays. No NFL radio. No YouTube videos. Nothing.
  17. Come on, let it all out here. I figured we could use a dedicated thread for that.
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