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Burpo The Mad Clown

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Everything posted by Burpo The Mad Clown
  1. Not sure about his college loyalties but he’s a hard core Saints fan. So is his mom and my nephew.
  2. Yep. I played against him in Jr. High School. He played for for Princeton Jr High, I played for Rusheon. They beat us like yard dogs. He was unstoppable. And, my nephew's wife's kids are Delaney's grandchildren. BTW, her son is 15 and a fine ballplayer. He'll be varsity next year. I need to give Veach their number.
  3. Huge Delaney fan. Always have been, but his playing time was so short there’s no way to judge. Even if Joe had played a full career, Charles was so good I can’t see how he or anyone else could compare. Jamaal was on another level. One of a kind.
  4. I’m nervous every minute of every game. 1970s - 1990s era gave me PTSD. Even in a blowout, I wait until the clock says 0:00 before celebrating.
  5. Relax. It’s just something some fan made. Steelers don’t care.
  6. Note that Priest almost always ran to whichever side Jason Dunn lined up. Defenses knew that but were still powerless to stop it. I’d love to have Dunn in this offense.
  7. Yeah, it would require a complete meltdown to lose this game.
  8. That’s exactly how I react. When the Chiefs lose, I usually give up football altogether until the next kickoff.
  9. In 1995, I was part of a missions trip to Ukraine. We delivered materials to hospitals and orphanages in Kiev and Donetsk. We toured the hospitals and in one of the rooms was a guy with ALS. I guess he was about 40 years old. He could move his eyes and nothing else. I'll never forget the way he looked at me while I talked to him. Those eyes. Man. I could list a half million ways I'd rather go.
  10. Well, crap. I'm jumping in the shower and taking the dog for a walk. I hate football.
  11. Yeah, the officiating was bad and one sided, but, in spite of that, the Chiefs had every opportunity to win and didn't.
  12. Same. Usually blaming the refs is silly. But, man, those were some terrible calls. Really bad.
  13. They're going to keep calling penalties on defense until Cinci scores.
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