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Burpo The Mad Clown

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Everything posted by Burpo The Mad Clown
  1. Probably a good idea. Find an adequate journeyman QB while waiting for a new prospect.
  2. 26? He’s getting pretty long in the tooth. About time to start combing the draft for a replacement.
  3. Yeah, I've been thinking about that for a couple of years. Charles, with his ability and speed, in this offense .... the mind boggles.
  4. Yeah, that’s a tough one for me. The Atl thing brought him down a notch for me, but he’s still freaking Gonzo. But, Kelce is doing things we’ve never seen a TE do. He just keeps getting better. It would be cool to see Gonzo in this offense. It would be cooler to see Jason Dunn.
  5. Has always driven me crazy. But, that’s Andy. That’s how he rolls.
  6. I bet he'll get a mega $$$ fine for that. You don't push coaches on the sideline. That's way outta line.
  7. Yes, Mahomes went too deep and should have stepped up, but Brown was beat on the first step. No matter where Mahomes stepped, he was toast.
  8. I hope someone gets lucky and knocks the out of the playoffs before they play the Chiefs again.
  9. No doubt. It will take probably half a season for them to really gel. When they do, they will be rock solid. I have zero worries about Brown or the Oline.
  10. I just hope the rest of the season isn’t as ….. interesting. Great win.
  11. The game just came on here. Jax and Houston taking their sweet time.
  12. I'm really looking forward to watching the new O-line play. It looks like it will become the line Pat deserves. I want #15 to have a very clean jersey after every game. Looks like I'll actually be able to watch this game rather than listen via SiriusXM, as I usually do. Way cool.
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