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Burpo The Mad Clown

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Everything posted by Burpo The Mad Clown
  1. The Chiefs have some of the best looking uniforms and helmets in NFL history. They've already achieved perfection, so they should be left alone. Whoever designed these should go back to spray painting railroad car graffiti. .
  2. MNF isn’t what it used to be. ESPN has a way of sucking the life out of every thing they touch. Gone are the days of the best matchups being on Monday night. It’s not that big a deal, anymore.
  3. Ditto. Give me a noon game on Sunday every time. Less hype, fewer commercials and over before dinner time. Just like God intended.
  4. Philly deserves to go winless in the post-season for the next 200 years for letting him go.
  5. I think it's pretty sharp. But, I would look like a dork in it.
  6. The talking heads are paid to squawk and, since there’s nothing to talk about now, they have to make up stuff while the cameras roll. Draft grades are silly, but it keeps eyes glued to the tube. That said, the only way to grade any draft is after at least ten years and by then, no one cares.
  7. I wonder what Tom Brady’s pre-draft evaluation said? Or Joe Montana’s?
  8. I'm just going to stay here and hit refresh over and over and see what the experts have to say.
  9. I watched it dozens of times and am convinced he fell on purpose. It sure looked like it. The camera angle was from behind the DB, so you can’t see his facial expression but one second he was playing football and the next he was on the ground and no one was near him; just Big Willie squaring up to make a block on the run. I still have that game on vhs, but my vhs player has long since passed on, otherwise I’d break it out and watch it again for a good laugh.
  10. Yeah, that’s my thinking. I would like even more attention to the offensive line, but LB is a real need and the D line could use some help.
  11. I remember the game against Atlanta when the Chiefs set the record for rushing TDs in a game. He was leading Priest in a sweep, a few steps ahead. The only guy in the way was some hapless DB. When he saw he was going to have to contend with Big Willie, the DB FELL DOWN. That's right, he hit the dirt. He didn't slip, he just simple fell down and let them pass by. I taped the game and used to watch that over and over and it never failed to crack me up. That guy wanted nothing to do Roaf.
  12. For every Munoz or Roaf there are a half dozen Jozwiaks or Mandariches. Only time will tell if this is a better investment than drafting an LT this year, but the safe money is on the proven commodity.
  13. I don’t recall any contractual particulars. But, I remember as soon as he became the Chiefs’ LT we had the best OL in the league.
  14. Yeah, me too. I can’t help but compare this to the acquisition of Willie Roaf.
  15. Nothing is as important as protecting the franchise QB the Chiefs have been waiting for for 50 years. A stud O-lineman is the only conceivable first round pick.
  16. I agree with all of this. I like Sammy, always have. When he was on the field he was a potential game changer. But, he reminds me of the old WWI war game “To the Green Fields Beyond” in which the British introduced early tanks. When the tanks worked, they ruled the battle. But, they didn’t work half the time. One reviewer commented that the tanks were both an exhilaration and a frustration for the player.
  17. Yeah, part of me hates to see him go. The rest of me doesn’t.
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