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Burpo The Mad Clown

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Everything posted by Burpo The Mad Clown
  1. It seems that no one is spying him even though he ran for almost 500 yards this year.
  2. Looks like his coverage was good but he can’t hold him forever. That should have been a sack.
  3. Man, I hate pregame shows. The x-jocks awkwardly standing around, the MTV graphics, the relentless thumpa thumpa thumpa music, players flexing all over the place, everything aimed at the too easily bored, low attention span casual fan.
  4. Yep. Not having a good feeling about this one. Good thing my pre game jitters have nothing to do with the outcome. I hope.
  5. In at least two of those seasons Buffalo was the best team in the NFL. They blew through the playoffs and looked unstoppable. Then, in the SB they looked like they were running in mud. They looked like a shadow of the team they were all year. It wasn’t just that they were outplayed in those SBs, but that they weren’t even the same team. It was weird.
  6. I get it. If any game would induce ptsd, that’s the one. I’ll never forget Joe lying on the ground with his hands on his helmet looking like he had no idea where he was.
  7. Jason Dunn’s blocking was a game changer. Go back and look at some of those games. Almost all of the sweeps were run to his side and he almost always took out his man. The guy was a stud.
  8. Yeah, I was sure one of them would and was wondering what Andy would call for 4th and 6. Not kidding.
  9. Ain’t that the truth. They had the “we’re just going to be still until one of you guys goes offside” bit down pat. Bravo performance.
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