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Burpo The Mad Clown

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Everything posted by Burpo The Mad Clown
  1. I bought this tie at the mall in 1991. One of my coworkers said it was the ugliest tie she'd ever seen. I told her that I would wear it again when the Chiefs win the Super Bowl. Back then, Marty was the coach, DeBerg the QB and DT was DT. This tie has been sitting in my closet for 28 years. My then coworker is now the Assistant District Manager. I really, really, really want to stroll into her office wearing this tie tomorrow. Really.
  2. We were supposed to have an office SB watching party at a small bar close by, but that fell through at the last minute. So, I'll watch it alone, which is probably for the best. My daughter is here but she doesn't care much for football. Found a deal on some massive ribeyes yesterday. I'll marinate one of those bad boys and have it grilled in time for kickoff. The ladies at the church always have a bake sale on Super Bowl Sunday -- and these ladies can bake. I'll pick up something from there to munch on during the game. Trying not to be nervous, but I wish they would kick it off at noon and get it started already. This waiting until 5:30 blows. I think I'll just tell myself "It's only a game, it's only a game" all day. Even though it's a game I've been waiting for for 50 freaking years.
  3. Dang. I was just about to post a thread titled "Doesn't This Feel Like Christmas Morning?"
  4. If they lose I'll have to hear my 49r fan coworker talk about it for the rest of the year.
  5. That's a surprise. I was sure he was resting and healing for the SB.
  6. I wish I wasn't. I'm having a hard time enjoying the Chiefs going to the SB due to anxiety about how it will go tomorrow. I just need to chill.
  7. I want this to be a laugher with KC so far ahead at halftime that SF can't possibly catch up. The Chiefs have already given me too many gray hairs for a nail biter.
  8. For about the past 20 years, once the Chiefs season ends so does my interest in football. I've seen, maybe, 3 super bowls since 1999. By March, I've usually forgotten who won.
  9. Man, you know it. He's the missing piece of the puzzle. I would be much more confident with him in the backfield.
  10. True that. The Texas to Florida corridor has more hotties per square foot than just about anywhere.
  11. Meh. Those overblown half time shows with the contrived, methed up, auditioned group of "fans" who jump around the stage like the music is convulsing them into ecstatic orgasms grew old years ago. They should just let a high school band play and save the bucks.
  12. Alabama has some astonishingly beautiful women. She is a prime example.
  13. You will never regret time spent with your kids. Every moment is precious and irreplaceable.
  14. In 1983, when Kenney had his big year, he came in for relief and was lights out. I remember watching him in 3 games. In each game he had one drive. He started at the 20, marched the team down the field and threw a TD in every one. He looked phenomenal. Everyone was on board the #14 train. Then, the next season Kenney was hurt in the final preseason game and #14 was pressed into the starting QB. That was the beginning of the end.
  15. He looked real good in one of the games he lost, so I came here and posted how we had a QB for the future and how great he was and blah blah blah. Thankfully, the board crashed and my post is unrecoverable.
  16. I remember that one week I reeeaaaaaally believed in Brodie Croyle.
  17. I had forgotten all about Pelluer and Seurer. Man, What a list. I was and remain a big fan of Green and DeBerg.
  18. I have to be honest. I have a bad feeling about this one. SF is dominant on both O and D lines. Along with a brutal running game, they like to dink and dunk passes to the RBs which has given the Chiefs trouble since ... geesh .... forever. They can keep the KC offense off the field for long stretches. Yeah, the KC defense is much improved but the SF D is better. They are well coached and talented across the roster. This is the best team the Chiefs have faced all year. Yeah, better than Baltimore. On the other hand, they haven't seen anyone as fast as Hill and haven't faced a TE as good as Kelce. And, of course, no QB they've faced all year is as good as Mahomes. Yet, they beat a very good Saints team led by Drew Brees in N.O. Yep. Gotta a bad feeling about this one.
  19. Rat Jr learned the running game from his dad. I wonder if they cut block like Rat Sr's offense.
  20. It's up to the Chiefs O-line and defense. If either plays a less than perfect game -- and doesn't eliminate the stupid penalties -- it's going to be a long afternoon.
  21. I'll defer to your memory of the game because mine's a bit fuzzy. All I remember is Thomas going through our defense like good jambalaya going through a yankee. And it was just as ugly.
  22. KC ran into a buzzsaw in Buffalo. Thurman Thomas ran all over the best defense in the league. No team on the planet could beat the Bills that day.
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