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kychief last won the day on April 28 2017

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    Daniel Boone National Forest.
  • Interests
    to crush your enemies and hear the lamentations of their women.
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  1. Man chiefs fans are incredible...sounds like 60000 people are there..
  2. I'm wired!! Going to my oldest daughter house S hes the world's biggest 49er fan with the chiefs a close 2nd.... I know there are folks here that waited the 50yrs..for her and I this is the game we wanted since 93.. God bless all...enjoy the game and GO CHIEFS!!!
  3. Fenton was really playing well...fullers been burned a few too many times.. And I think hardman will explode given the chance.
  4. He's a stud player and fits this scheme far better than ford..still would have rather had p Peterson but it is what it is...
  5. ok I'm all for the Spartan way to raise a son.. but if he broke his child's arm while blistering his ass with a belt.. damn... gotta wait til it all comes out.
  6. If the o-line Can finally come together and they get a true weapon at back..look out for this offense..
  7. I'm an Alex guy..think he can get it done.. However it's time..and this coupdate be a great move for the future..no rush to play and learning behind some of the best..plus it means smith gets possibly 2 yes to get this team to the big game.. Now we need a Runhinged back and an inside lber...go Chiefs!!
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