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BroncoStud last won the day on March 29

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  1. What a game. I love the defense. Kelce attacking Reid was a twat move tho.
  2. You guys aren’t getting it… Payton believes his offense will be better with Jarrett Stidham than Russell Wilson, and so far he’s correct. Denver likely will not win the division, but they definitely have not thrown in the towel.
  3. I never said the NFL had "figured out" or "neutralized Mahomes" yet Mex, I said that they have played against him enough to defend his playstyle BETTER. Kind of like Favre was seemingly unbeatable at times early in his career, eventually defenses began to understand his tendencies, and though he was still great, and highly effective, he had to adapt. Mahomes needs to sit in the pocket longer at times, and he definitely needs a go-to WR. Toney should have been cut already.
  4. This is going to be an unpopular opinion, but I think teams have seen enough film and played against Mahomes enough by now that they know how to defend his style much better than seasons past, and Kelce slowing down has really thrown him off his game. And as much of an absolute piece of shit human being he is, Tyreek Hill is a QBs dream at WR, losing his services hurts too.
  5. Watching film? These dudes need to be catching passes 24-7 until they stop dropping everything.
  6. Patriots defense is legit. Their offense is the shit of nightmares. Chiefs SHOULD win this one without much concern, especially without Stevenson playing.
  7. Agreed. It should have been directed at Toney. The WRs in general. The officials just called a blatant offsides…
  8. Mahomes acted like a tamtrumimg f’ing baby. Toney was offsides AF.
  9. What an absolute bullshit personal foul call against the Packers. Hardly even recognizable as football anymore.
  10. Denver will finish with like 6 wins, maybe. But that said, Denver fans are having to eat some crow over Vance Joseph, he has those guys playing their asses off after that ass-kicking the Dolphins put on them. I still think Russell Wilson, despite being someone I think is a very good person, holds the Denver offense back. The last preseason game where they let Jarrett Stidham throw vertically showed just how much more Denver could do with a live arm back running things.
  11. Don't worry, the Broncos will fuck this up. It's inevitable.
  12. Yeah that wasn't roughing unless you're playing flag football.
  13. Russ shits his pants when he should be making plays. Bench him, put Stidham in. It's simple.
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