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Everything posted by BroncoStud
  1. I'm not hoping Mahomes gets injured, only absolute pussies wish injury on other people. The phantom offensive interference call saved the Chiefs asses in that game, even Stevie Wonder was screaming at his TV when that flag was thrown.
  2. Not sure why you would even question me at this point, I'm batting like .999997. That said, I've been speared in the chest a few times during games and MY heart-rate jumped pretty quickly thereafter, I can easily see a scenario where the right hit, by a strong enough person, on the right spot, at the wrong time, could cause a serous cardiac event, regardless of any other underlying medical issue. I really hope he pulls through, what a horrible situation for all involved.
  3. The refs are going to make damn sure of that.
  4. Wilson has no time to throw, when he does he's generally good. The Denver line absolutely sucks.
  5. I have drop in from time to time to give you a break from your regularly-scheduled red and yellow circle jerk. You are welcome.
  6. Mahomes doesn't play anything like Brady, he runs around and creates, which is really fun to watch, but also puts his head and legs at significant risk. Same with Josh Allen. I didn't think that Lock was the next elite QB, I just thought (and still do), that he has enough mobility and arm talent to have the potential to be good. His offensive coaching in Denver was horrific, just as Wilson's is now. There's no denying that Lock has a cannon, but his issues appear to be reading defenses.
  7. I liked the idea of trading for him, but George Paton gave up WAY too much to get him. He had all the leverage yet still handed them all those picks and gave Wilson that large extension. So in that context, I don't blame Wilson at all, Paton should be fired, no question. He should be fired before Hackett gets fired, and a new regime brought in. And I wouldn't get too cocky about Mahomes, one injury could change the course of your franchise for years. So enjoy it while you have it (like we did with Elway and Manning), but don't take it for granted. Cam Newton went from NFL MVP to an afterthought in less than two years. Every time you start to get cocky just think back to the days when you started Damon Huard, Brodie Croyle, or Tyler Thigpen, and remember that life comes at you fast.
  8. You guys never seem to learn... How many years did the Chiefs absolutely suck because they lacked good coaching and a good front office? Answer: a bunch. Russell Wilson isn't the only problem, and he looked quite good on Sunday despite a bad offensive line and ridiculously predictable playcalling. Wilson will be fine but Denver will suck as long as they continue to neglect the offensive line and front office. The solution to winning in Denver is firing the GM and HC (both of which the new ownership inherited). If you put Wilson in a system like Shanahan ran with Jake Plummer to great success, and he will look like a different player, certainly good enough to win with.
  9. Cinci played a really solid game on both sides, and you can't win them all in the NFL. The sky isn't falling.
  10. There have been so many blatant holds on the Chiefs offensive line in this game uncalled while if the Titans breathe on a Chief too heavily, it's a flag. The Titans are absolute shit, a useless organization and team (Henry aside), and I could care less who wins this shit-fest, but this officiating team clearly has some money riding on the Chiefs rofl..
  11. I was at this game with my wife and kids, and have to admit, the Chiefs fans were on really good behavior. Last two times I was at Arrowhead it was a lot more hostile. My 13 year old and I ate so much Gates on this trip that I don't want to see any more BBQ for a while.
  12. CS is gorgeous. It's a must-see at least once. Too bad so many people in Colorado are illogical left-wing troglodytes.
  13. Ok, I'll play: 1) Play out this season, see if Hackett gets his shit together. 2a) If he steadies the ship, stay the course. 2b) If he doesn't, fire his ass. From there it's just a matter of managing the team logically.
  14. Dude, I'm a grown adult with children, wife, and employees. I don't have the time to stress or worry about a football team full of a bunch of overpaid millionaires that I have zero control over. The only games I am emotionally invested are the ones my 7th grader QBs every week for his school. The Denver Broncos will either sink or swim on their own merits and effort. If they sink, it's more rebuilding. If they swim, Denver will become competitive. Like any business, you learn from and correct the fuckups of the past, you make the most logical decisions you can in the present, and you set reasonable goals for the future. John Elway passed on both Patrick Mahomes and Josh Allen in the draft. He hired horrible coach after horrible coach, and then stuck with them. He left the team in a mediocre-at-best position. Only the most dumbass of Denver fans were talking about a playoff run this season, even IF Wilson/Hackett had their shit together. The Kansas City Chiefs went 20 years without a playoff win not that long ago. Shit happens. Bad management happens. Denver will be fine. It's just a matter of how long they will suck until they no longer suck.
  15. The Denver offense is one of the most poorly coached and under-achieving I have ever laid eyes on. Every time Russell Wilson drops back the QB in me is crying on the inside at how poorly he sees the field. I coach all of my sons. Two of them are QBs. One of them is going to be really really good. He can already run through his progressions as well as Wilson is in this offense. Hackett's playcall is complete shit. When your mobile QB isn't seeing the field, your RBs are not effective, and your line cannot block, the OBVIOUS move is to roll the pocket, run bootlegs, and get your QB into situations that slow the game down for him. A good example of this is what Shanahan did with Jake Plummer, which led to a win rate of over 70%. But none of this is happening. It's basic. It's so basic that it leads me to believe Hackett is in over his head. Hackett needs to watch tape of the Shanahan's 2003-2005 offenses and replicate almost everything he sees. If he does this, Denver will be much better. But he won't. At Seattle, on 4th and 1, I saw him line up in shotgun twice, failing to score on both. The Denver defense is really good. The Denver offense is absolute shit. 5-12 or 6-11.
  16. I'm pretty sure "Cheetah" is about to realize that life with Mahomes as his QB was a whole lot more beneficial to his stats than any gameplan or QB the Fins are going to provide him.
  17. I think you’re referring to Arian Foster? It’s unfortunate that happened, he was a solid RB.
  18. I'll work under a 1 year deal, league minimum, thanks.
  19. Sweeping the Raiders and Broncos? Losing to the Colts?
  20. Technically I'm still a free agent. Not as fast as I used to be, my arm is definitely diminished, and I will probably phone it in after week 2 or 3, but you can get me at a bargain... Make it happen.
  21. I doubt it dude, he was a weapon but his production can be replaced through strategy and draft picks/signings. And it beats paying him what the Dolphins did. That will hamstring them for years.
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