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Flaccco to denver! Lol

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With so much money going to QB and they have so many free agents, they can't sign them all.  I would look to get Roby CB and Paradis at Center. Anyone else possibly? I mean now is the time to offer and make them either over pay which hurts them even more or we get some of our holes filled cheaper before draft time. Of course resign our own first but whatever we have left over or restructure etc wouldn be good to solidify before the draft.

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1 hour ago, dksww said:

Sam Mellinger tweeted that the new Broncos are the old Chiefs lol

Ive thought that for a while now.  They can’t draft and develop a QB so they try a never ending line of other teams castoffs.  Some pretty good, others not so much, but none the caliber needed tor compete consistently with an elite QB within their own division 

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I don't think this is great news like you all make it out to be. Flacco is a step up from Keenum and Keenum almost had the Broncos in the playoffs last year. Flacco is clearly not a long term answer and the Broncos will still be drafting a QB early this year. The Broncos got better today despite what you think of Flacco as an individual player. Flacco is at his best when the offense has a good ground game which Denver has. Flacco has never been a big stats QB across his career, so one cannot simply point to his stats and say "look at this bum."


The Ravens had 2 seasons of .500, 1 below .500, and all the rest with winning records with Flacco at QB from 2008-2017. 6 out of 9 seasons the Ravens were in the playoffs or at worst finishing 9-7. Food for thought...


All that said, the Chiefs have MVPat so I ain't scared.



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4 minutes ago, PAChiefsFan79 said:

I don't think this is great news like you all make it out to be. Flacco is a step up from Keenum and Keenum almost had the Broncos in the playoffs last year. Flacco is clearly not a long term answer and the Broncos will still be drafting a QB early this year. The Broncos got better today despite what you think of Flacco as an individual player. Flacco is at his best when the offense has a good ground game which Denver has. Flacco has never been a big stats QB across his career, so one cannot simply point to his stats and say "look at this bum."


All that said, the Chiefs have MVPat so I ain't scared.

Flacco sucks.  He's not a step up at all from Keenum.    Denver isn't drafting a QB, that's the  whole point of getting Flacco who's signed through 2021.  Even with that good running game, Denver's offense was awful last season.



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1 minute ago, dksww said:

Flacco sucks.  He's not a step up at all from Keenum.  Denver isn't drafting a QB, that's the  whole point of getting Flacco who's signed through 2021.  Denver can run the ball, but they don't have much else on offense.



Like I said, Flacco's entire career has not been a stat generating machine. BUT the Ravens had 1 losing season in 9 years.

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1 minute ago, PAChiefsFan79 said:

Like I said, Flacco's entire career has not been a stat generating machine. BUT the Ravens had 1 losing season in 9 years.

That's mostly because of their coach and defense.

Outside that magical run in 2012, Joe Flacco hasn't doen anything.

Since PM retired, the moves the Broncos' have made at QB have failed miserably.  There's no reason to think it changes with this move.  This isn't getting Peyton Manning.

As Chiefs' fans well know, trading for another team's castoff, espensive QB doesn't work. 

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5 minutes ago, dksww said:

That's mostly because of their coach and defense.

Outside that magical run in 2012, Joe Flacco hasn't doen anything.

Since PM retired, the moves the Broncos' have made at QB have failed miserably.  There's no reason to think it changes with this move.  This isn't getting Peyton Manning.

As Chiefs' fans well know, trading for another team's castoff, espensive QB doesn't work. 

Let me be clear. I wouldnt dare even think this compares to when the Broncos traded for PM. That would just be plain stupid and silly to think so. I simply think he is a better option then Keenum. That's it. I am not comparing him to any other QB on or off the market. Keenum had better stats... but like I said... the Ravens have had 6 seasons with a winning record with Flacco at the helm. 


It's similar to the arguments Chiefs fans had at great length over Alex Smith. Alex Smith didn't throw a lot of yards. Alex Smith didn't throw a lot of touchdowns. Statistically Alex Smith was mostly just average comparing the stat line to other QB's BUT somehow that "average stat line QB" won a shit load of games and kept the team relevant and in the playoffs. You cannot just simply brush off teams winning and the QB's at the helm when it is being done for almost 10 years by the guy.

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23 minutes ago, PAChiefsFan79 said:

Let me be clear. I wouldnt dare even think this compares to when the Broncos traded for PM. That would just be plain stupid and silly to think so. I simply think he is a better option then Keenum. That's it. I am not comparing him to any other QB on or off the market. Keenum had better stats... but like I said... the Ravens have had 6 seasons with a winning record with Flacco at the helm. 


It's similar to the arguments Chiefs fans had at great length over Alex Smith. Alex Smith didn't throw a lot of yards. Alex Smith didn't throw a lot of touchdowns. Statistically Alex Smith was mostly just average comparing the stat line to other QB's BUT somehow that "average stat line QB" won a shit load of games and kept the team relevant and in the playoffs. You cannot just simply brush off teams winning and the QB's at the helm when it is being done for almost 10 years by the guy.

I understand, but again, my point is BAL has a stellar coaching staff and always has a good defense so to me, those are the main reasons for them having 6 seasons with a winning record.

Look at this way, Flacco was benched in Baltimore for a QB who can't even throw the ball yet.  They still won their division..

As far as Denver goes, they have a first year HC w/no experience and a pretty bad roster overall.  Is Flacco good enough to elevate them to a winning record?  I dont' think so, not with out a top HC and defense.

And yes, I can brush them away, because for all those years they, or whoever else we faced that trotted out a HOF QB and we didn't against, we lost.

Now that we have Mahomes, it's us that will be the ones that drive all these teams like this crazy and win most of the time, due to having the better QB.

Denver ended the season with at best, the 3rd best QB in the AFCW.  They STILL, at best, have the 3rd best QB in the AFCW. 

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9 minutes ago, dksww said:

And yes, I can brush them away, because for all those years they or whoever else we faced that trotted out a HOF QB and we didn't, we lost to them.

Now that we have Mahomes, it's us that will be the ones that drive all these teams like this crazy and win most of the time, due to having the better QB.

Denver ended the season with at best, the 3rd best QB in the AFCW.  They STILL, at best, have the 3rd best QB in the AFCW. 

Again, I am not talking about elite QB's. I'm talking about a team winning versus losing across the entire season for multiple seasons with said QB. I'm not talking about HOF QB's either. I don't think Flacco fits into either of those categories so I wouldn't bother to bring those topics up. I'm talking about Flacco making the Broncos better. I'm not talking about Flacco versus MVPat.  I'm not talking about Flacco and the pecking order of QB's in the AFC West. I am talking about Flacco and his potential impact on the Broncos for the 2019 season. 


I'm well aware the elite QB's make their teams much better than average QB's. I'm not arguing otherwise and wasn't arguing otherwise prior to your comments. And as I type this I am not trying to come across negative, condescending, or rude. I just really want to make sure what I am saying is clear. I think the Broncos are a better team with Flacco then they were with Keenum. That's it. Regardless of the rest of the NFL, those are my current thoughts because of Flacco's career history in the league.


But as for your last remark, the Chargers have Phillip Rivers for more than a decade, with plenty of talent, great talent at QB, yet has had how many disappointing seasons during his career? Much can be said about that in my opinion. Stats aren't everything.

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9 minutes ago, PAChiefsFan79 said:

Again, I am not talking about elite QB's. I'm talking about a team winning versus losing across the entire season for multiple seasons with said QB. I'm not talking about HOF QB's either. I don't think Flacco fits into either of those categories so I wouldn't bother to bring those topics up. I'm talking about Flacco making the Broncos better. I'm not talking about Flacco versus MVPat.  I'm not talking about Flacco and the pecking order of QB's in the AFC West. I am talking about Flacco and his potential impact on the Broncos for the 2019 season. 


I'm well aware the elite QB's make their teams much better than average QB's. I'm not arguing otherwise and wasn't arguing otherwise prior to your comments. And as I type this I am not trying to come across negative, condescending, or rude. I just really want to make sure what I am saying is clear. I think the Broncos are a better team with Flacco then they were with Keenum. That's it. Regardless of the rest of the NFL, those are my current thoughts because of Flacco's career history in the league.


But as for your last remark, the Chargers have Phillip Rivers for more than a decade, with plenty of talent, great talent at QB, yet has had how many disappointing seasons during his career? Much can be said about that in my opinion. Stats aren't everything.

I understand, I guess we'll have to respectfully agree to disagree.  I live and work in the Denver area and none of my friends or co-workers are excited about the move and don't understand it.

I guess I would just keep harping on the idea that if Flacco is the worst QB in the division, then I don't see how Denver is any better.  I mean, if you wanna say they're an 8-8 team instead of a 6-10 team, then ok, but I don't see the big difference.   Especially since Denver's roster and coaching staff is bottom 5 of the league.


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