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Hill Investigated for Battery. Oh no.

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3 hours ago, moons314 said:

Wait for the facts to come out.  There's a million things that could've happened, though this is going to be painted as if he were beating his child like a grown man.  By law, hospitals are required to report gunshot wounds, anything that can be possibly child abuse, etc.  If it was truly bad on Hill's part, I imagine he would've lied to the hospital and said the kid fell.  I mean there are a lot of possibilities here, and nobody knows the truth.  Relax, no reason to hit the panic button and start assuming suspensions, guilt etc. 

Man, I really hope so.  Just please don't let this be true or let it be something else.  

I just can't imagine the cops coming to the house twice and seeing a kid with a broken arm and no one getting arrested.

I just don't understand how Hill is not in jail if he truly broke his kid's arm.

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3 hours ago, moons314 said:

Me too.  The modern pussified society...  Nothing would put you in line faster than being forced to go cut your own switch, because you knew your whipping wasn't coming out of rage, but cool, calculated discipline.  Also, fuck wooden spoons.

Shit I had a horse whip taken to my ass in the 2nd grade for mooning and flashing my neighbor's kid.  I never, EVER did that again I can promise you that!

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The old saying..Innocent until proven guilty...but either way, wtf is wrong with these guys! They got the world by the balls and one is kicking a woman and another beating a kid! C'mon man! If hill is quilty this will destroy this team, which has so much promise..seems like a bad dream, disgusted!

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3 hours ago, Adamixoye said:

That seems EXTREMELY optimistic, but I hope it's true.

The guy seems pretty biased, though.  Says he would still give Hill money RIGHT NOW before the facts are known, and says cutting Hunt was a mistake.

I'm blocked by him for some reaosn

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So, I've been reading Twitter and other articles for literally 3-4 hours now.

I actually feel better than I did when I first saw this news come across at like 3:30 my time or whatever.

I don't want to get my hopes up, but here's what I've basically seen...

2 police reports, one on March 5th, one on March 14th.

The report from the 5th does not list Hill as a suspect and states it as closed/cleared and prosecution denied on March 8th.

The 2nd report doesn't list Hill at all and has his Fiancee listed as an "involved person" in a battery case.

TMZ reported they called the local DA office and was told they had nothing in their records.

The KC Star is saying the kid suffered a broken arm but none of the police reports state that occurred.  The KC Star source just said it was someone close to the situation.


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I'm really hope things works out. I was raised old school like many of you. I'm familiar with the wooden spoon, and remember my kindergarten teacher using it on us. The worst beating I remember is,  my 1st grade teacher Mrs Johnson taking a pointer stick to myself and a classmate, for staying out on recess too long.  That incident scared the crap out of me, and I made sure not to do it again, but looking back on it, that was too extreme IMO. 

Bottom line, without getting too deep i to this subject; I don't think spanking kids is a the best solution. Declaimer, I have no kids, so I'm no means an expert. 


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I got no issues spanking a child, but it should be limited to the rear end and it should be done while in control of your emotions and not out of emotion. Beating a child is never condoned, if he beat his kid he needs to be held accountable, period. No excuse to ever beat a child, zero tolerance on that issue.

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6 minutes ago, Biggjliv4 said:

I got no issues spanking a child, but it should be limited to the rear end and it should be done while in control of your emotions and not out of emotion. Beating a child is never condoned, if he beat his kid he needs to be held accountable, period. No excuse to ever beat a child, zero tolerance on that issue.

I too have no issue with spanking per se. I believe there are reasonable guidelines that should be followed but alas too many parents often are frustrated and angry and discipline out of their charged emotional state. That is wrong. It is also wrong to use spanking as a cookie cutter form of discipline. Kids are all different. What works for one will not necessarily work for another. The idea of discipline is to modify negative behavior. If spanking a child is not accomplishing that it is just physical punishment at that point. Very wrong.

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Reports I am reading are saying Hill was not listed in the police report &/or he was in California when all of this was transpiring in KC.  Let’s wait for the facts to come out before we rush to judgment. For the record, given his history I really hope this has nothing to do with Tyreek.

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The fact that he was not named in the investigation and Children and Families have already closed the investigation on their end is good news.  It looks on the surface like Hill's fiance is the subject of the investigation.  This is blown up and grabbing headlines because he is an NFL star, but it really isn't about him.

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When a child is involved there are 2 investigations initiated: one by the Dept of Children and families to look into abuse/neglect situations, and one by law enforcement for criminal charges. While the jnvestigations are separate,  the LEO investigation is generally predicated on the results of the child protective investigation.  Unless the CPI sees criminal issues unrelated to the abuse investigation the LEO invest should be closed out in a few days.

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7 minutes ago, Joe_Chief said:

When a child is involved there are 2 investigations initiated: one by the Dept of Children and families to look into abuse/neglect situations, and one by law enforcement for criminal charges. While the jnvestigations are separate,  the LEO investigation is generally predicated on the results of the child protective investigation.  Unless the CPI sees criminal issues unrelated to the abuse investigation the LEO invest should be closed out in a few days.

Thanks for the insight, Joe.  You deal with this stuff all the time, so you would know.

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3 minutes ago, SEMO said:

Thanks for the insight, Joe.  You deal with this stuff all the time, so you would know.

Certain injuries automatically trigger an investigation,  too.  It happened to me back in 2003.  My son fell at the babysitter's and sustained a spiral fracture to his leg.  CPI and LEO both met us at the hospital to investigate,  and quickly closed it.  Some investigations are conducted as a formality.  With no real firsthand info, we don't know what is really happening with Hill. Innocent until proven guilty.

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5 minutes ago, DefensiveMan said:

1 catch against the Patriots.

I think it's fair to question his character off the field, but we wouldn't have sniffed the AFC Championship Game without Tyreek Hill.  And even if he only had one catch, he is such a weapon, that he completely changes the game just by walking onto the field.  I doubt Watkins goes for 114 if they are not doubling Tyreek all game.  

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