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Hill Investigated for Battery. Oh no.

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4 minutes ago, BroncoStud said:

This is what I don't understand and I agree with you 100% Bil.  A 3 year old child had his arm broken by one of these two knuckleheads.  The child was removed from the home for his own safety.  Just imagine the injuries or mistreatment the public isn't aware of.  These people are tasked with feeding him, bathing him, taking care of him when he gets sick, when he cries - but both appear to have anger and domestic issues...  I get that fans want their best WR on the field, but there is a three year old living in said WR's house who has endured who knows what hell for three years.

Or someone snapped for 5 seconds and the kid got hurt and was never touched before or since.  You and me have no idea.  There are plenty of people that have abused a partner but never a child.   

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4 minutes ago, BroncoStud said:

Takes a real asshole to snap a kids arm, regardless of circumstance.

We don't know anything about it.  We really don't.  We don't know if he got whacked on the butt and fell awkwardly, or fell running from someone. He may not even have a broken arm.  I have not seen a confirmed report of that.   In your mind, you have input some information that we just don't have. 

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22 minutes ago, reesebobby said:

We don't know anything about it.  We really don't.  We don't know if he got whacked on the butt and fell awkwardly, or fell running from someone. He may not even have a broken arm.  I have not seen a confirmed report of that.   In your mind, you have input some information that we just don't have. 


The Kansas City Star also obtained the police reports, and further reported that the March 14 battery incident involved the couple’s son, and that it resulted in a broken arm.

I have to believe that the KC Star would be careful enough not to misreport that given libel laws...  Tyreek could easily sue them for $millions if it's untrue.  But you're right, it could be an accident, and I honestly hope it is.  The last thing I would want to see here is a child growing up abused and neglected.  Here's hoping for the sake of everyone involved it's all a misunderstanding, but.........


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2 hours ago, BroncoStud said:

I have to believe that the KC Star would be careful enough not to misreport that given libel laws...  Tyreek could easily sue them for $millions if it's untrue.  But you're right, it could be an accident, and I honestly hope it is.  The last thing I would want to see here is a child growing up abused and neglected.  Here's hoping for the sake of everyone involved it's all a misunderstanding, but.........


I understand your concern on this and its warranted.  However,  this example could very well be the following scenario:

Child comes to hospital with broken arm.  All hospital visits involving children and injuries are scrutinized, and may have been reported by the hospital staff out of obligation/requirement even if the injury was 100% accidental.  In this case, the Star can report exactly what they did while staying clear of a libel situation. 

Obviously I know as much as anyone else.  I'm just clarifying how this might not necessarily be as bad as it sounds.

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27 minutes ago, NChiefsCorner said:

Soren Petro said that he wouldn't be surprised if Tyreek Hill was traded for a 5th round draft pick during the draft.

Right. I want some of what he is smoking. We extend him after this is done but with a clause I bet or we he goes FA and we can get a 3rd round comp.

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42 minutes ago, wilkie said:

Doesn't matter now.  He is branded with the Scarlett letter now.  

Of course it matters.  All the posts here and what everyone following football thinks is what doesn't matter.  What Hill might have done and how it plays out from here matter a great deal to the Chiefs and more importantly, to Hill and his family, especially the kid. 

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3 hours ago, NChiefsCorner said:

Soren Petro said that he wouldn't be surprised if Tyreek Hill was traded for a 5th round draft pick during the draft.

That’s funny as hell. Hill is worth 3 first rounders. Not that anyone would ever give that. But that’s his WORTH to the offense.

fuck that

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10 minutes ago, dksww said:

Everyone but the Border Patrol on 810 today is convinced Tryeek Hill will be released and pretty much thinks he's guilty of something because the kid was removed from the home.

Border Patrol is full of douchenozzels..Chiefs fuck up on this call this call  to over compensate  about Hunt and they go from 12-4 to 10-6 

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24 minutes ago, Adamixoye said:

I think the most pessimistic piece of information is the way the Chiefs have kept their distance.  Maybe they know something, maybe they don't, but it seems to me they are preparing for the worst either way.

How? What are they doing that makes you say that? Because they have stayed clear of this and let the police do their jobs means they automatically anticipate a poor outcome?

How is the guy participating in the offseason program in any way a sign that the Chiefs are keeping their distance? 

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44 minutes ago, Iluvhouse24 said:

How? What are they doing that makes you say that? Because they have stayed clear of this and let the police do their jobs means they automatically anticipate a poor outcome?

How is the guy participating in the offseason program in any way a sign that the Chiefs are keeping their distance? 

It's one thing to let the legal process play out, but the fact that they seem to be actively avoided communicating with him.  Like how they didn't get in touch with him before the offseason program, and they report that Reid has been avoiding him since he reported.

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1 hour ago, oldtimer said:

Border Patrol is full of douchenozzels..Chiefs fuck up on this call this call  to over compensate  about Hunt and they go from 12-4 to 10-6 

I personally really like Nate Bukaty and Steven St John and their entire Border Patrol show. They are local team homers for sure but never quick to judge in situations like this. I see no hidden agendas like I do listening to BTL (which I rarely do anymore unless I need the number for Buck Roofing).  

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I don't claim to know the processes pertaining to Child neglect/abuse cases.   Broken bones often illicit an inquiry when their cause isn't easily explained correct?   Could this be a case of the boy saying one thing and the parents saying something else and coupled with Tyreeks background giving warrant to a more thorough investigation?  Since the boy was taken that would mean they found something worthy of removing a child.   Regardless if no charges are brought forth and he can play,  that is nothing to be proud of as a man!  Even if she is to blame, then you gotta get your child and kick that woman to the curb if you have no part in this.   

Part of me agrees that a 5th is pathetic compensation for such a talented guy but the way Reid has been dealing with this and what he's said make me think the teams legal team has told them as long as no chargers are filed you have to let him participate but no welcoming him back in makes me think there is some truth to those rumors.   And if true why is the team so snake bit?   First Hunt and then Hill if that were to happen?    There have been some real losers in the league play long productive years but we have to get the two knuckleheads that can't keep their crap together long enough to be great.    Hunts stupidity more than likely cost us a SB visit and TH could potentially cost us one this year at this point in the offseason.   

Hope all of this works itself out but no trophy is worth a child being abused or neglected.

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9 hours ago, Mloe68 said:

I personally really like Nate Bukaty and Steven St John and their entire Border Patrol show. They are local team homers for sure but never quick to judge in situations like this. I see no hidden agendas like I do listening to BTL (which I rarely do anymore unless I need the number for Buck Roofing).  

Or Bob Hamilton Plumbing.

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The thing is we just don't know what happened so it pisses me off old curmudgeons like Keitzman, Clinksdale and Frank Boal just think he's gone because something happened at all.

Look, I'm not trying to defend Hill, but if I lost custody of my kid, especially just temporarily, I woldn't lose my job.  Why TF should anyone suggest the Chiefs cut Hill over this?

As far as I'm concerned, if he's never arrested or charged with a crime there's no way you cut him over this.

I want the kid to be safe, but we dont' know what happened and any injury to a kid, malicious or not, can lead to this type of thing.

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8 hours ago, Lamardirts said:

I don't claim to know the processes pertaining to Child neglect/abuse cases.   Broken bones often illicit an inquiry when their cause isn't easily explained correct?   Could this be a case of the boy saying one thing and the parents saying something else and coupled with Tyreeks background giving warrant to a more thorough investigation?  Since the boy was taken that would mean they found something worthy of removing a child.   Regardless if no charges are brought forth and he can play,  that is nothing to be proud of as a man!  Even if she is to blame, then you gotta get your child and kick that woman to the curb if you have no part in this.   

Part of me agrees that a 5th is pathetic compensation for such a talented guy but the way Reid has been dealing with this and what he's said make me think the teams legal team has told them as long as no chargers are filed you have to let him participate but no welcoming him back in makes me think there is some truth to those rumors.   And if true why is the team so snake bit?   First Hunt and then Hill if that were to happen?    There have been some real losers in the league play long productive years but we have to get the two knuckleheads that can't keep their crap together long enough to be great.    Hunts stupidity more than likely cost us a SB visit and TH could potentially cost us one this year at this point in the offseason.   

Hope all of this works itself out but no trophy is worth a child being abused or neglected.

Yep.  I wonder how and who evaluates prospective draftees' personal and legal histories and what methods they use other than testimonials from other coaches.  It must take place with every team evaluating talent, even though all the usual football playing abilities are the focus for teams.  Football favors aggressiveness, and other teams experience these things as well.  What we don't know is how many problems are routinely prevented by the kind of caution the Chiefs are showing.  You can't measure what doesn't happen.

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On 4/19/2019 at 10:14 AM, Adamixoye said:

With the caveat that we still don't know exactly what happened - I'm pretty sure injuring a partner or child is both a criminal and domestic issue.  I'm not sure about the point you're making.

What I mean is that stuff does happen that borders the line of "do we file criminal charges" or "do we use the court and system to try and fix said issues" but no charges are ever committed to by the courts.


Example: husband and wife get into an argument. Husband leaves to avoid situation escalating. Later the wife approaches the husband and starts saying stuff that cause husband to react. Husband pushes wife, and leaves realizing he went too far. Cops are called and husband is initially charged with simple assault. Cops and judge see the husband is truly remorseful and orders the couple into marriage counseling. Married couple take it serious and grow as a couple. Charges dropped, hence no criminal conviction. 


Should the husband in this story lose his job? No. It is a domestic issue that they resolved. 

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On 4/19/2019 at 10:48 AM, Fmbl2187 said:

Statistics on that are not encouraging, and a child having broken his arm in a domestic dispute is NOT merely a domestic issue.

If the broken arm was an accident then it is not going to be a criminal charge.


Example: kid is acting up. Mom grabs his arm to pull him as he twists away. Kids bones at his age are not fully developed and can fracture/break more easily.  This warrants criminal charges?

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11 hours ago, Lamardirts said:

Even if she is to blame, then you gotta get your child and kick that woman to the curb if you have no part in this.   


Without knowing what happened, how often things might be happening, I think this is a dramatic response.


Hill was giving a second chance and so far as we know has made good on that second chance. So shouldn't Hill allow his girl the same chance? Shouldn't the kid have every opportunity to be with his biological parents and all be provided the support to succeed as a family?


We don't know the facts just like you said...

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13 hours ago, Adamixoye said:

It's one thing to let the legal process play out, but the fact that they seem to be actively avoided communicating with him.  Like how they didn't get in touch with him before the offseason program, and they report that Reid has been avoiding him since he reported.

I think the Chiefs feel like they backed themselves into a corner with Kareem and asking him to tell them what went on. He lied and they had zero choice but to get rid of him. If you notice other than some Chiefs fans that didn't want to let him go, most people had a favorable opinion how the Chiefs handled it and all the negative attention went towards Kareem (as it should have). It was CLEARLY the right thing to do, but why not learn from that and try to avoid backing yourself into a corner. 

Without a video and without trying to get involved in the case itself there is plausible deniability that doesn't make them look so bad no matter what. Who knows what really went on there (very reasonable here to believe its possible the girlfriend is the main culprit) and it doesn't appear anyone will as the Freedom of Information Act doesn't apply to Family court. The fact they didn't ask him to stay away speaks volumes. Unless this deteriorates or TMZ pays off the right person to get specific malicious behavior from Tyreek, this could fade into the background with time. But it also clearly remains tenuous and the Chiefs clearly aren't going into fully backing Tyreek as such. I'm sure they are holding their collective breath right now. 

All that said it absolutely has to impact the clubs long term commitment to him. And as such could also mean he gets traded anytime since he will be on the last year of his contract. Unlike Kareem, he's got some trade value right now. And that value would only go way up if they could get another great year out of him and no issues moving forward. Perhaps that's what they are HOPING for. That said maybe they still commit to him long term with contract protections in there. I'd say anything is on the table. 

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