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Updated: KCTV5 audio/story, Hill suspended by Chiefs

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44 minutes ago, Mloe68 said:

From the latest recording that was just released it sounds like Tyreek had to leave the house first and custody was granted to her in the interim.  And then something happened where she passed out while Tyreek was in a hotel and the kid was unattended for hours. Child services then took the kid away from her as well.  She sure doesn’t sound like a victim to me.  

Tyreek Hill had a camera system installed, saw the whole thing and called 911.  

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16 hours ago, Handswarmer said:

Maybe he did...I can't judge him. I can evaluate his life since-> maybe his BS rah rah routines will save someone's life or give it purpose. He hasn't been in trouble since tho.

Whatever happened that day with  Ray Lewis, it seemed to have changed him in a good way. 

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11 hours ago, Mloe68 said:

From the latest recording that was just released it sounds like Tyreek had to leave the house first and custody was granted to her in the interim.  And then something happened where she passed out while Tyreek was in a hotel and the kid was unattended for hours. Child services then took the kid away from her as well.  She sure doesn’t sound like a victim to me.  

Nah, she is knee deep in this

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10 hours ago, qnet said:

Whatever happened that day with  Ray Lewis, it seemed to have changed him in a good way. 

Speaking which how about Larry Johnson. He never did anything brutal but was basically a self admitted thug around KC when he was and arrested 3 different times because of it. He really looks like he's figured life out and gotten rid of the anger. It is possible for people to change but it generally does not happen until they are held accountable at the highest levels by people or things that matter to them. 

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34 minutes ago, Mloe68 said:

Speaking which how about Larry Johnson. He never did anything brutal but was basically a self admitted thug around KC when he was and arrested 3 different times because of it. He really looks like he's figured life out and gotten rid of the anger. It is possible for people to change but it generally does not happen until they are held accountable at the highest levels by people or things that matter to them. 

Bosskiller follows him on Twitter and I see tweets from him all the time referencing God and Jesus so, good for him that he figured it out and stopped trying to be a thug while growing up in a privileged household.

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Hill's lawyer details abuse denial in letter to NFL



1:14 PM ET

The attorney for Tyreek Hill issued a detailed denial of child abuse allegations made against the Kansas City Chiefs wide receiver in a recording that was released last week while also accusing Hill's fiancée of abusing their 3-year-old son.

In a four-page letter sent to the NFL on Thursday, a copy of which was obtained by ESPN, attorney N. Trey Pettlon went through the key accusations made by Hill's fiancée, Crystal Espinal, in a recording she secretly made and that was broadcast April 25 by KCTV in Kansas City.

In the recording, Espinal says, "He kept saying 'Daddy punches me,' which you do when he starts crying. What do you do? You make him open up his arms, and you punch him in the chest." Pettlon addresses that accusation, writing there have been times when Hill has tapped his son on the chest and told him to "man up, buddy" or "don't cry, my man" while denying grabbing his son's arms as part of physical discipline.

"He (Hill) categorically denies he has ever 'punched' his son in the chest or anywhere on his body, or otherwise touched him in the chest in a mean-spirited manner or as a form of discipline," Pettlon wrote.

Pettlon denied Hill played any role in breaking their son's arm. The attorney notes the boy was examined at the hospital and the injury was considered an accident.

Hill also denies Espinal's assertion that their son is "terrified" of him, with Pettlon adding that this was a claim he was hearing from Espinal for the first time. Pettlon addressed Hill's response from the audio, in which the wide receiver tells Espinal "You need to be terrified of me, too, b----," and write that Hill's comment was "inexcusable."

The letter confirms the recording is of Hill and Espinal. Following the release of the audio, Hill was barred indefinitely from all team activities by the Chiefs.

Pettlon also cites text messages between Hill and Espinal, claiming Espinal admitted to leaving marks on their son while spanking him.

Chiefs owner Clark Hunt said Saturday that the team is conducting an internal investigation into the matter, and Johnson County District Attorney Steve Howe, who declined to press charges a day before the audiotape surfaced, has reopened the case.

Hill is willing to meet with NFL investigators, Pettlon said, and will cooperate with the investigation "to the extent that he can under the law."

ESPN's Adam Schefter contributed to this report.


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This is crazy.  If Hill's Lawyer's have text messages stating all of that, this is pretty much over.

Especially if the Hospital deemed the kid's injury as an accident.


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36 minutes ago, dksww said:

This is crazy.  If Hill's Lawyer's have text messages stating all of that, this is pretty much over.

Especially if the Hospital deemed the kid's injury as an accident.


Just confirms maybe why she made the tape. He did not admit to any of it and she was trying to set him up. If she was at fault she will go down if the text are clear. If something happened while he was out of the state, again she will go down. I dont think it is this cut and dry though. He will face a suspension. Chiefs need to get him help and go from there if he is exonerated from most of this.  We should have done the same with Hunt and said he lied but we are getting him help etc. Guess we learned from that situation?

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6 minutes ago, kkuenn said:

Just confirms maybe why she made the tape. He did not admit to any of it and she was trying to set him up. If she was at fault she will go down if the text are clear. If something happened while he was out of the state, again she will go down. I dont think it is this cut and dry though. He will face a suspension. Chiefs need to get him help and go from there if he is exonerated from most of this.  We should have done the same with Hill Hunt and said he lied but we are getting him help etc. Guess we learned from that situation?

FIFY ..but agreed. The Chiefs cut off their nose in spite of their face with Hunt and it cost them a SB appearance IMO, hopefully the learned from that and wait for the final verdict before  making a decision.

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Now people that hate Tyreek Hill are saying the lawyers faked what the text messages said lol.

I mean, it would take massive balls to send a letter to the NFL and public with fake text messages.


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4 minutes ago, dksww said:

Now people that hate Tyreek Hill are saying the lawyers faked what the text messages said lol.

I mean, it would take massive balls to send a letter to the NFL and public with fake text messages.


Yea I googled the lawyer..he aint no slouch and I doubt he'd tarnish his reputation  with lies like that.


 let the Lawyer bashing begin

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22 minutes ago, oldtimer said:

FIFY ..but agreed. The Chiefs cut off their nose in spite of their face with Hunt and it cost them a SB appearance IMO, hopefully the learned from that and wait for the final verdict before  making a decision.

Good catch, I meant Hunt on your line through.

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Here's the full text of the letter:

Law Offices of Pettlon & Ginie
N. Trey Pettlon * Ryan S. Ginie *
* Licensed in Kansas & Missouri
May 2, 2019
Lisa M. Friel
Special Counsel for Investigations
National Football League
345 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10154
Re: Tyreek Hill

Dear Ms. Friel:
I represent Tyreek regarding the investigation in Johnson County, Kansas. I am writing you to confirm that Tyreek intends to cooperate with the NFL investigation to the extent that he can under the law, and to correct the record regarding misinformation in the press.

In the audio recording that Ms. Espinal secretly made in the airport in Dubai (and 
which the NFLPA has already produced for you at your request), Ms. Espinal asks 
Tyreek to explain how their son broke his arm. She insinuates that either Tyreek was 
playing too rough with him or he must have somehow fell, and she insinuates that their 
son says, “daddy did it.” Unfortunately, I cannot comment on other evidence at this time, 
except to say this incident has been investigated thoroughly. As has been reported, when their son complained of pain in his arm, he was taken to the hospital and examined. I 
cannot comment on what was reported at that time, but he was examined and released 
without any indication that the accident that broke his arm was caused by Tyreek or 
contributed to by Tyreek, or that Tyreek was even somehow involved. And as has been 
reported, that investigation was closed with nothing about the injury to suggest it was 
anything but an accident. Again, Tyreek has repeatedly denied harming their son.
In the secret recording Ms. Espinal also indicates that Tyreek “punches” their son 
in the chest, and Tyreek does not address the allegation. At that point, he didn’t know 
why she was asking these accusatory questions, but again, he didn’t know she was 
secretly taping him. This was the first time Tyreek ever heard anyone allege he punched 
his son to punish him. He categorically denies he has ever “punched” his son in the chest
or anywhere on his body, or otherwise touched him in the chest in a mean-spirited 
manner or as a form of discipline. He also denies that he has ever grabbed his son’s arms 
and pulled them aside to strike him. There have been occasions when Tyreek has tapped 
his son gently on the chest with his fingers, while his son was crying and said, “man up, 
buddy” or “don’t cry, my man.” He has said that in a calm voice trying to redirect him.

He’s never used his fist. He certainly doesn’t do it roughly. He is trying to calm his son
down so he can stop crying. He is not hurting him or doing anything to make him cry 
more. Of course, there have never been any reports of any injury to their son related to 
“punching.” These were the words Ms. Espinal chose for her recording. Because he did 
not want to argue with Ms. Espinal in the airport, and he didn’t see any good that would
come from it, regrettably Tyreek did not correct her choice of words.

The only thing Tyreek does with his son that is close to what she is describing as 
“punching” is when they are playing. Tyreek’s son loves to play as if he and Tyreek are 
marvel comic heroes. His son frequently dresses up in his Iron Man costume or his
Spider-Man costume Tyreek bought him, and they will “play fight.” There is nothing 
rough about this crime-fighting role playing. In fact, his son would be laughing
uncontrollably as Tyreek would avoid his son’s “attack” and tag him (not “punch”) in his 
chest or his legs.

Additionally, it’s a matter of public record that Tyreek was not in his son’s life for 
more than a year and a half when he first came to live with him. As a result, Ms. Espinal 
has always been the principal disciplinarian for their son. Both parents have freely 
admitted they grew up in households where corporal punishment was an accepted 
discipline, and they both admit that they have used “spanking” as a form of discipline
with their child.

Although Ms. Espinal claims in the secret audio to have never used a belt to discipline their child, Tyreek argued that she did, and she has admitted it to him. In fact, in text messages between her and Tyreek, she admits that she caused marks to their son’s buttocks when she spanked him. Her texts to Tyreek after their return from Dubai include the following exchange related to spanking:

Tyreek: “Crystal you know I didn’t cause any bruising or harm to [our son.] But for some reason I still may be charged.”

Crystal: “I know you didn’t. I did. I hurt [our son.] I’m the one that did it. I was hurt and mad at you so I blamed you for everything.”

As Ms. Espinal mentions in the secret recording, the recording and the second report by Ms. Espinal were made during a time when the parties were considering separation and 
contemplating a custody battle.

Finally, Ms. Espinal claims in the secret recording that their son was terrified of 
Tyreek. That was another comment Tyreek was hearing for the first time, and he denied 
it. It is also an observation that is contradicted by eye witness accounts and even by Ms. 
Espinal herself who states in text communications that “[their child]’s eyes light up when he sees” Tyreek, and “even a blind man can see it.” Or in Tyreek’s words in the audio, 
“My son loves me.” But in the audio, she presses the point again. It was in that moment
that Tyreek made the unacceptable comment to Ms. Espinal. Instead of denying that his 
son was terrified of him a second time, something that bothered him a great deal, he 3
became frustrated and said she should be terrified too. That comment is inexcusable, of 
course, and he wouldn’t ask me to defend that here. That comment is also inconsistent 
with Tyreek’s conversations with Ms. Espinal over the past several months.

We know this because we had a forensic examiner look at Tyreek’s text 
communications with Ms. Espinal dating back throughout the period before and during 
the investigation. There are hundreds of pages of text messages documenting entire 
conversations. Importantly, the forensic examiner verified that not a single text was 
deleted so it gives a clear picture of their demeanor toward one another. Several things 
were notable. First, Tyreek never once refers to Ms. Espinal by a derogatory name, not 
“bitch” or anything else. Second, their conversations were friendly and respectful without exception even during arguments. Tyreek never says anything that is even remotely demeaning, controlling, rude or threatening in nature to Ms. Espinal.

As an aside, it seems clear from the audio that Ms. Espinal is not in fact terrified 
of Tyreek. She has corroborated that herself. Of course, that doesn’t justify or excuse 
what he said. But after his comment, once again she continues to press him, and she is 
very much in control of the conversation. The fact that Tyreek’s comments during that 
conversation were uncharacteristic and that he regretted them explains why he and Ms. 
Espinal made the decision to get into family counseling immediately thereafter. Tyreek is 
currently engaged in both family counseling and individual counseling. He is committed 
to improving his life and becoming the best parent he can be. The preliminary reports 
have been positive. He has a tremendous attitude, attends without fail, and when I’ve 
asked him how it’s going, his response is, “I really like my counselor.” He is invested for 
his son. He is very upbeat even through this difficult process, and he’s embracing the 
counseling and the educational aspect to it.
Both parents understand now that corporal punishment in any form is not an 
acceptable form of discipline and that studies have indicated conclusively it can be 
harmful to a child in multiple ways. Both are cooperating with DCF and very much love 
their son who, as has been reported, is in very good health.

As you know, District Attorney Steve Howe’s office carefully reviewed all the 
evidence including detailed reports, videotaped interviews, medical reports and other 
significant evidence before he declined to prosecute either party in this case. They have
also reviewed the secret audio tape. It should be clear by now that there is a lot of 
information, including other compelling evidence that points to Tyreek’s innocence, that 
is not a matter of public record and that cannot be addressed in this letter. All indications 
are that the criminal investigation is over, and Tyreek still maintains his innocence.
Tyreek looks forward to having the opportunity to speak directly with you and to share 
all the relevant information that he can.

Best regards,
N. Trey Pettlon
N. Trey Pettlon
Kansas City Chiefs
Drew Rosenhaus


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Well time will tell just who is bsing here or how much each was involved. Going to let it play out but one thing for sure, they need to separate for good and get it on terms that helps the children.

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this stood out to me

We know this because we had a forensic examiner look at Tyreek’s text 
communications with Ms. Espinal dating back throughout the period before and during 
the investigation. There are hundreds of pages of text messages documenting entire 
conversations. Importantly, the forensic examiner verified that not a single text was 
deleted so it gives a clear picture of their demeanor toward one another.

to have something like this done by the defendant tells me that he/attorney is absolutely convinced that it will show his innocence or it would not be mentioned .

I'm becoming very confused and almost burnt out on it all. One thing I am absolutely sure of is that woman of his is a fuckn nut and he is too for going back to her. I am also sick n tired to the point of not listening anymore to the Radio Talking  douchenozzels who  have already convicted him and spew their crap to all that will ingest it. I really really hope that Tyreek is found innocent  of all these claims for his son's sake and just to pack shit in the face of all those  who  once again over reacted.

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