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Updated: KCTV5 audio/story, Hill suspended by Chiefs

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Wow, that is some serious twisting of context by the lawyer man.....he did his job to cloud the thought [process and cast doubt on the accusations against Hill, shifting it to Espinal.


Now wait for the lawyer man for Espinal to produce some wordy explanation and more text messages casting doubt on Hill's version.

Sad, sad situation....

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32 minutes ago, Handswarmer said:

Wow, that is some serious twisting of context by the lawyer man.....he did his job to cloud the thought [process and cast doubt on the accusations against Hill, shifting it to Espinal.


Now wait for the lawyer man for Espinal to produce some wordy explanation and more text messages casting doubt on Hill's version.

Sad, sad situation....

Not sure what more they would find, they have all the text messages between the two.  I doubt HIll's lawyers are dumb enough to be showing text messages and say they have all of them if something incriminated Hill.

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40 minutes ago, oldtimer said:

this stood out to me

We know this because we had a forensic examiner look at Tyreek’s text 
communications with Ms. Espinal dating back throughout the period before and during 
the investigation. There are hundreds of pages of text messages documenting entire 
conversations. Importantly, the forensic examiner verified that not a single text was 
deleted so it gives a clear picture of their demeanor toward one another.

to have something like this done by the defendant tells me that he/attorney is absolutely convinced that it will show his innocence or it would not be mentioned .

I'm becoming very confused and almost burnt out on it all. One thing I am absolutely sure of is that woman of his is a fuckn nut and he is too for going back to her. I am also sick n tired to the point of not listening anymore to the Radio Talking  douchenozzels who  have already convicted him and spew their crap to all that will ingest it. I really really hope that Tyreek is found innocent  of all these claims for his son's sake and just to pack shit in the face of all those  who  once again over reacted.

That doesn't really prove he didn't just grab her phone and send those texts himself

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At this point, the actual truth of what happened or is happening will be buried between mountains of he said she said and half-truths and what not.  Just keep those kids far, far away from them and strongly encourage the both of them to stay far far away from each other forever.

Ultimately the only thing that matters in the end are the kids and regardless of whoever did or did not do that's a toxic environment and they need to be removed and placed somewhere that is healthy.

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11 minutes ago, liquidfriend said:

At this point, the actual truth of what happened or is happening will be buried between mountains of he said she said and half-truths and what not.  Just keep those kids far, far away from them and strongly encourage the both of them to stay far far away from each other forever.

Ultimately the only thing that matters in the end are the kids and regardless of whoever did or did not do that's a toxic environment and they need to be removed and placed somewhere that is healthy.


Clap clap clap clap clap

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30 minutes ago, liquidfriend said:

That doesn't really prove he didn't just grab her phone and send those texts himself

go ahead, argue it doesn't matter or that it's not correct:


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10 minutes ago, dksww said:

go ahead, argue it doesn't matter or that it's not correct:


Authenticated by someone paid for by Tyreek Hill.  I'm not saying they are absolutely false, but doubts definitely go both ways and the actual truth will probably never come out is sort of the message here.

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1 minute ago, liquidfriend said:

Authenticated by someone paid for by Tyreek Hill.  I'm not saying they are absolutely false, but doubts definitely go both ways and the actual truth will probably never come out is sort of the message here.


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1 minute ago, liquidfriend said:

So you seem to think that people that are paid by Tyreek wouldn't have an interest in painting him in a favorable light?  Interesting.

I don't think any high profile lawyers like this would risk their reputation and practice stating they have something like this when they don't, or if it was just something they had conjured up.

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6 minutes ago, oldtimer said:

from one of the twitter followers


As something resembling an expert in this field, allow me to answer, if you will: Digital forensics can determine, among many, many other things: If the phone use matches Crystal's normal patterns If Tyreek's phone was near hers to send it himself from her phone

That's not being discounted at all.  But generally you'd want all that to be authenticated by someone not possibly influenced by a possible bias.

6 minutes ago, dksww said:

I don't think any high profile lawyers like this would risk their reputation and practice stating they have something like this when they don't, or if it was just something they had conjured up.

Lawyers lie all the damn time dude.

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This whole thing totally reeks of an attempt to make them both look not credible and make the DA frustrated and just pass on doing anything with this case again.  In the end, Social Services doesn't remove parental rights without credible proof of abuse and they lost their rights to that 3 year old boy.  That's what ultimately matters and if he wasn't beating that kid himself, he's certainly liable for not preventing it.

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1 hour ago, liquidfriend said:

That doesn't really prove he didn't just grab her phone and send those texts himself

This is why he really appears to be doubling down with his innocence. The Article 46 bylaws address a false or deceitful testimony as a voilation within itself. He's now put himself in a position to get two strikes here from the NFL and worse face added criminal charges if they can prove these texts are somehow manipulated by him. And that is possible based on the proximity of the two when the texts were sent. If he really did all the things she claims his best bet was simply to sit back and take his punishment and get back into the league no later than 2020 and very possibly midseason 2019. But now he's put his career at risk with this direction. But if he's proven right somehow its an absolute game changer in his favor. 

If I'm the Chiefs I'm not saying word one about this anymore except  They have done exactly what they should have done for now. 

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I think the keys for Hill to escape some of the heat on this are these two facts:

1) Are the texts authentic? - People are saying the texts are "too formal" or "scripted". Whatever that means. It does look very damning to her and much less so to Hill. As previous posters had mentioned, it appears they may be legit. That is a game changer.

2) When were these texts sent in relation to the initial charges? - This again is key because people might say the texts were sent under pressure from Hill, or because by putting the blame on her, Hill's future income is protected, or he sent texts from both phones (I love that one) or whatever. If the texts were written before any of this shit storm, why would they feel the need to cover up for legal issues that had not even arisen yet. By all accounts, Hill was unaware that he was being recorded during the infamous audio so he wouldn't feel the need to script a retraction of what she said earlier. If  the texts were sent before the legal issues, it would be another reason to assume he is less culpable. 

I am a Chiefs fan. I readily admit it. I want Hill to be innocent. Not only for my sake, but for the Chief's sake, Hill's sake and most importantly Hill's son sake. People are just wanting their pound of flesh at this point and quite honestly, it disgusts me. Due process is part of the American legal system for a reason. Hill has done plenty to not get the benefit of the doubt here and I get that. However, there's a lot that we still don't know and to read and hear some of the stuff about Hill is really disappointing. Where is the common decency of people? If he did anything to hurt that boy, he deserves what he gets. I've said that from the beginning but I really don't know how anyone can be certain he did right now. The press should be ashamed, whether he turns out to be guilty or not, for running amok on this story.


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19 minutes ago, Mloe68 said:

This is why he really appears to be doubling down with his innocence. The Article 46 bylaws address a false or deceitful testimony as a voilation within itself. He's now put himself in a position to get two strikes here from the NFL and worse face added criminal charges if they can prove these texts are somehow manipulated by him. And that is possible based on the proximity of the two when the texts were sent. If he really did all the things she claims his best bet was simply to sit back and take his punishment and get back into the league no later than 2020 and very possibly midseason 2019. But now he's put his career at risk with this direction. But if he's proven right somehow its an absolute game changer in his favor. 

If I'm the Chiefs I'm not saying word one about this anymore except  They have done exactly what they should have done for now. 

The Chiefs are in the right for letting this all play out first.  As long as they act appropriately in the end.

Also I'm sure those texts were cleaned up so that the words actually resemble the English language.

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27 minutes ago, Dan4pres said:

I think the keys for Hill to escape some of the heat on this are these two facts:

1) Are the texts authentic? - People are saying the texts are "too formal" or "scripted". Whatever that means. It does look very damning to her and much less so to Hill. As previous posters had mentioned, it appears they may be legit. That is a game changer.

2) When were these texts sent in relation to the initial charges? - This again is key because people might say the texts were sent under pressure from Hill, or because by putting the blame on her, Hill's future income is protected, or he sent texts from both phones (I love that one) or whatever. If the texts were written before any of this shit storm, why would they feel the need to cover up for legal issues that had not even arisen yet. By all accounts, Hill was unaware that he was being recorded during the infamous audio so he wouldn't feel the need to script a retraction of what she said earlier. If  the texts were sent before the legal issues, it would be another reason to assume he is less culpable. 

I am a Chiefs fan. I readily admit it. I want Hill to be innocent. Not only for my sake, but for the Chief's sake, Hill's sake and most importantly Hill's son sake. People are just wanting their pound of flesh at this point and quite honestly, it disgusts me. Due process is part of the American legal system for a reason. Hill has done plenty to not get the benefit of the doubt here and I get that. However, there's a lot that we still don't know and to read and hear some of the stuff about Hill is really disappointing. Where is the common decency of people? If he did anything to hurt that boy, he deserves what he gets. I've said that from the beginning but I really don't know how anyone can be certain he did right now. The press should be ashamed, whether he turns out to be guilty or not, for running amok on this story.


FollowingFollowing @TerezPaylor

Update: My understanding is that the text messages referred to (and directly mentioned) in the Hill letter have been authenticated.

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Really good interview with Seth Keysor who is a child services attorney and has similiar type cases every day. He said this isn't even remotely unusual where you think you have something figured out and then a bombshell that changes that comes out of nowhere. He was adamant Tyreeks attorney would never put his name on a letter like this unless he 100 percent believed the texts were real and had proof of such. As in disbarment. He expects based on his experience for the Espinals attorney to respond quickly with something as they both start to "toss stones at each other."  There are now several reports saying the case has NOT been reopened. No clue about that.  


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I think Espinal's attorney  is not going to come back out and refute anything.  If they are smart, they can get through this,  Tyreek gets to keep his NFL career and they eventually get their son back.  What we can hope for is a good ending to this and hopefully whatever crap has been going on will get straightened out. 

I think unless some sort of smoking gun comes out or video,   etc  comes out.  There may be some sort of discipline for Hill and this may affect the amount of money he eventually gets in a long term contract.  For me , I would have a clause in his contract that forfeits money , if he has any further transgressions.   

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