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What hapens to Hill?

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First, my heart aches for this little boy. No one should have to endure that kind of torture- yes, torture. That's not discipline and its not even up for discussion.

Second, I feel really bad for Chiefs fans. Just when you guys get to the edge of success, another road block. IMO, it is really heartbreaking as a fan, even one of another team, to see and experience.

Now, Hill lied.

  1. He will probably be charged by the DA
  2. He will probably be cut by the Chiefs
  3. He will be suspended by the NFL
  4. He will be shunned by the other 31 teams, ala Ray Rice

What say you?

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Will he be charged?  Not sure there is enough evidence on the tape.  But wouldn’t be shocked if  he was.   Agree the chiefs will cut him eventually and he will be suspended.   

I seriously doubt he goes a 90 days without being signed by another team though.  This is what makes this such a bitter pill to swallow.  Be will help another team and because of this another team will get a superstar for peanuts.


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1). Technically Hill said he didn’t do it in the recording and I don’t see how the DA can charge him with how our legal system is F’ed up.

2). I say 100% yes Chiefs will cut him

3). Yes but not permanently 

4). No, Rice was bad when his stuff happened.  Hill will play again probably after a year suspension from the NFL....Take Adrian Peterson for example.

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1 minute ago, Lamardirts said:

Will he be charged?  Not sure there is enough evidence on the tape.  But wouldn’t be shocked if  he was.   Agree the chiefs will cut him eventually and he will be suspended.   

I seriously doubt he goes a 90 days without being signed by another team though. 


I don't think anyone else going to sign him. 

Radio talking about chiefs reputation being ruined. I don't think so, they gave him a chance to change his ways and be an example for others going through domestic violence and he failed miserably. His speed and agility was remarkable enough to earn him that chance, but in the end, you have to be smarter than the horse you're riding. 

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36 minutes ago, Lamardirts said:

Will he be charged?  Not sure there is enough evidence on the tape.  But wouldn’t be shocked if  he was.   Agree the chiefs will cut him eventually and he will be suspended.   

I seriously doubt he goes a 90 days without being signed by another team though.  This is what makes this such a bitter pill to swallow.  Be will help another team and because of this another team will get a superstar for peanuts.


I am thinking obstruction of Justice.

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31 minutes ago, Balto said:

1). Technically Hill said he didn’t do it in the recording and I don’t see how the DA can charge him with how our legal system is F’ed up. I have to listen again but I thought he said something like "Yeah but what about you?"

2). I say 100% yes Chiefs will cut him Agree

3). Yes but not permanently Never know, this is pretty bad. Not a video like Rice but an audio is just as damaging.

4). No, Rice was bad when his stuff happened.  Hill will play again probably after a year suspension from the NFL....Take Adrian Peterson for example. Where charges ever considered in his case?


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31 minutes ago, Chiefmanzada said:

I don't think anyone else going to sign him. 

Radio talking about chiefs reputation being ruined. I don't think so, they gave him a chance to change his ways and be an example for others going through domestic violence and he failed miserably. His speed and agility was remarkable enough to earn him that chance, but in the end, you have to be smarter than the horse you're riding. 

Great point. Take the opportunity given

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If (should be when) we cut him, the NFL needs to do the right thing also.  It was BS that Hunt only got an 8 game suspension after we cut him.  It sucks because if we do the right thing, another team will benefit like Hunt but if we keep Hill we look like the bad guy.  

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1 minute ago, soonerborn77 said:

If (should be when) we cut him, the NFL needs to do the right thing also.  It was BS that Hunt only got an 8 game suspension after we cut him.  It sucks because if we do the right thing, another team will benefit like Hunt but if we keep Hill we look like the bad guy.  

Because the NFL is a business, They just have to act like they care enough to keep things moving along. They don't care about Hill, Hunt or others they only care about $$$

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People are crazy if you think his career is over.  Teams will drool over signing him on the cheap. They know their fans will forgive/justify anything if a player helps them win. Hill has elite talent and speed, only jail delays his return to the NFL if convicted.  

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1 hour ago, Handswarmer said:

Now, Hill lied.

  1. He will probably be charged by the DA
  2. He will probably be cut by the Chiefs
  3. He will be suspended by the NFL
  4. He will be shunned by the other 31 teams, ala Ray Rice

What say you?

1. Not sure if they can prove anything so the DA might not end up pressing charges.

2. Yep

3. Yep, hopefully a lifetime ban after the Adrian Peterson fiasco

4. If he's not suspended for life he'll be Brady's last big name WR

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If he punched his child and broke his arm, the NFL has to lifetime ban him. Children being attracted to the game is the only way to sustain a fanbase. Child abusers are pretty much the lowest of people in the eyes of the public and in the prison. Didn’t AP just spank his kid too hard with a switch? He didn’t break bones.

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1 hour ago, Handswarmer said:

First, my heart aches for this little boy. No one should have to endure that kind of torture- yes, torture. That's not discipline and its not even up for discussion.

Second, I feel really bad for Chiefs fans. Just when you guys get to the edge of success, another road block. IMO, it is really heartbreaking as a fan, even one of another team, to see and experience.

Now, Hill lied.

  1. He will probably be charged by the DA
  2. He will probably be cut by the Chiefs
  3. He will be suspended by the NFL
  4. He will be shunned by the other 31 teams, ala Ray Rice

What say you?

Hard to know, I think he's facing jail time which would keep him out of the NFL.

If not, a team will sign him.  Everybody's a tough guy today and wants Tyreek Hill banned from the NFL...until their team signs him.

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13 minutes ago, dksww said:

Hard to know, I think he's facing jail time which would keep him out of the NFL.

If not, a team will sign him.  Everybody's a tough guy today and wants Tyreek Hill banned from the NFL...until their team signs him.

Honestly, I would not want him and I absolutely do not think the Ravens would ever sign him, not after Ray Rice.

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7 minutes ago, Handswarmer said:

Honestly, I would not want him and I absolutely do not think the Ravens would ever sign him, not after Ray Rice.

Very true and I wasn't necessarily trying to single you or the Ravens out.  Sorry if it came across that way.

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32 minutes ago, Handswarmer said:

You would think that there is no way she stuck around knowing that the tape was released.  Hill was probably none too happy with her when the news broke.  Probably not safe for her to be there.

Maybe he already knew about it.  Who knows?  This whole situation is FUBAR.

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2 minutes ago, BroncoStud said:

What a shit-show :lol::lol:

Not sure I understand your imogi choice. Nothing remotely funny about a child being abused and a mans entire life spiraling out of control. It’s a human tragedy all he way around. Even though, as a fan of a rival team, you probably relish anything that hurts the Chiefs, but you’re better than that, Stubby. 

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6 minutes ago, SEMO said:

You would think that there is no way she stuck around knowing that the tape was released.  Hill was probably none too happy with her when the news broke.  Probably not safe for her to be there.

Maybe he already knew about it.  Who knows?  This whole situation is FUBAR.

Well, if she wasn't there, why would the Police need to respond? Unless he was just tearing up the house.....wonder who else lives there?

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6 minutes ago, TomahawkChop said:

Not sure I understand your imogi choice. Nothing remotely funny about a child being abused and a mans entire life spiraling out of control. It’s a human tragedy all he way around. Even though, as a fan of a rival team, you probably relish anything that hurts the Chiefs, but you’re better than that, Stubby. 

I've said ALL ALONG that the kid was the priority, but seemingly half the fans in this discussion were more worried about keeping their WR than the actual substance of the potential crimes and/or abuse.  It took actual audio of the asshole talking about abusing his kid and threatening women for them to admit he MAY be done...  My laughing isn't about what Hill did, it's about how the Chiefs fans have reacted to it.

That said I edited my emojis Toma, I don't want to look as bad as some of these dudes do right now...

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3 hours ago, Balto said:

1). Technically Hill said he didn’t do it in the recording and I don’t see how the DA can charge him with how our legal system is F’ed up.

2). I say 100% yes Chiefs will cut him

3). Yes but not permanently 

4). No, Rice was bad when his stuff happened.  Hill will play again probably after a year suspension from the NFL....Take Adrian Peterson for example.

I don't think his situation is similar to AP. AP didn't have a history of physical violence and criminal record of physical violence. Hill was giving his second chance when he was drafted.

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