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Ward, per PFF

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I've posted it before. Ward can cover a guy like glue  when in man coverage.  The only skill he is still lacking is the skill of following the movements of the receivers eyes and head to know when to turn his head back and see where the ball is.  If he could see the ball in the half second before it arrives, he could contest it or get his hands in the way.  If he can learn that , he can become all pro eventually.  If he doesn't, he will become just another journeyman.

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2 minutes ago, qnet said:

I'm glad he's doing better. I've been a fan since last year, and hope he continues to get better. The Chiefs really need that.

Yeah.  We've all been screaming for CB's in the draft or in trade here on the forum for the last two years.  But we now have a solid core developing, and our two safeties, Mathieu and Thornhill are soon going to be acknowledged as two of the leagues best.    We need a BIG gap plugger run stopper on the D-line and a high choice or trade for a high choice for depth at LT.  The loss of Fisher has been devastating.  We have to protect Mahomes, because O-linemen get hurt all the time.  A team with a Mahomes at QB needs to have TWO offensive tackles who can protect his blind side.  Another good linebacker would be nice, but we mainly need some depth and run stopping ability on the O-line.  Then we can legitimately harbor Superbowl aspirations.

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5 hours ago, Thegoatee said:

Our CBs have become a bit more grabby. Not letting people run in the open. In general, the scheme against the pass seems better, but teams are killing us with underneath stuff and LB zones. Let alone, the intense focus on running the last three weeks.

This is why I was so against giving up picks for Ramsey.  Our secondary hasn't been the problem, our linebackers are just really bad.  Short zones are bad in the passing game, and their run stopping ability is nonexistent.  The linebackers are just bad, and we have a bunch of at one time 1st round picks in that group, but many of those are failed players whose teams shipped them off after they didn't amount to crap.  Have we even drafted an ILB/MLB since we drafted DJ?  That group will be what keeps us from a Super Bowl once we start getting some offensive guys back from injury.

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5 hours ago, Iluvhouse24 said:

He is. He was developing so quickly in Suttins scheme you could literally see the strides. Then they switched schemes and he was completely lost. Now hes back at the point hes literally progressing in front of our eyes.

Its definitely a welcome sight.  With so little help in house on the way next year a guy like Ward can really help a team out.   

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17 hours ago, PAChiefsFan79 said:

Must be a lot of bad cornerbacks in the league if he's rated that high...lol. just kidding,  don't kill me.

I thought the same thing but for basically getting him for nothing Ward has been ok.  Hopefully he continues to improve.

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