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We did it!!!!

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The reason we won is because I was wearing my Coalition T shirt I got at the first Festivus.  In black marker,  the last part of the word "coalition" had "Xen" written over it.  He must have signed it for me. Hell, that was 16 years ago.  Can you believe that?

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Shout out to the oline and Dline they balled out today. Mathieu, Pennel and Wilson with some great stops. And of course 15, love watching him play and that he is a chief. Been waiting 30 years for this when I first started watching this game I love. Its been a long time coming, us chief fans enjoy we got 1 more to go.

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1 hour ago, Fmbl2187 said:

The reason we won is because I was wearing my Coalition T shirt I got at the first Festivus.  In black marker,  the last part of the word "coalition" had "Xen" written over it.  He must have signed it for me. Hell, that was 16 years ago.  Can you believe that?

Yes I can believe it... because my son is 19 now. Wow

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On 1/19/2020 at 9:21 PM, Fmbl2187 said:

The reason we won is because I was wearing my Coalition T shirt I got at the first Festivus.  In black marker,  the last part of the word "coalition" had "Xen" written over it.  He must have signed it for me. Hell, that was 16 years ago.  Can you believe that?

You can still wear it?  Mine looks like a shrink tanktop

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8 hours ago, wilkie said:

You can still wear it?  Mine looks like a shrink tanktop

I can still wear it.  Actually, I weighed more than I should have back then.  I was around  5''8" and weighed162, and for my height, I should not have been over 145 then.  Right now, that is what I weigh, but I have shrunk 2 full inches in height over the last 16 years.  I am  only 5''6" now. Even more of a shrimp than before. Gravity is the culprit.  1G literally squashes you over the decades.  I only wear my coalition T-shirt for playoff games.  Otherwise, it stays in my closet.  So, it looks like new and fits just fine. Now, if I can wash that "Xen" thing in black marker off of it, it would be perfect :lol:  Indelible marker pen, though. Xen is immortal in my closet. I wish he would just come out of the closet, but noooooo.

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13 minutes ago, wilkie said:

PS.  Didn't BEZ design it?   Do you suppose he checked with NFL properties first?

the First Festivus 2003 we were known as the KC Coalition  with Ranger Woody on the front.. thats the shirt I have ..also have the one with the Arrowhead that came some years later

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