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Contract Offer for Mahomes

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Offer him 5-year,  $150M, fully guaranteed

  1. He gets fully guaranteed lottery money
  2. Doesn't handcuff the team from being competitive.
  3. Sets the standard for FA expectations in KC
  4. He's in his prime when it expires to go for the $50M/yr deal if that's what he wants
  5. We win 3 of the next 5 SB


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That would put him right around 15% of the cap.  Which might be important considering no QB has ever won the superbowl while counting more than 15% against the cap.

Sold.  Let's do this!

He deserves more though.  Can't wait to see what the final contract looks like.

If I was Mahomes, I'd just ask for 15% of the cap straight up.  No set dollar amount, just 15% each year, fully guaranteed.

Course I'd also wait for the new CBA.  

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17 minutes ago, xen said:

He deserves more though.  Can't wait to see what the final contract looks like.

If I was Mahomes, I'd just ask for 15% of the cap straight up.  No set dollar amount, just 15% each year, fully guaranteed.

Course I'd also wait for the new CBA.  

Personally, I'd straight up tell Mahomes he is deserving any amount he wants...HOWEVER, to win the SB, he needs a strong supporting cast.  This year proves that you need a strong defense.  IF he cripples our team by requesting too much, he hampers our/his chances for SB wins.  Therefore hampering his income through endorsements.  Take less to make more.  

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Sky is the limit for Mahomes. It would be very interesting to see him sign for 30 mil/year as it would basically be a team-friendly deal in his case. Even though he deserves more in the current market it wouldn't surprise me to see him go for a relatively modest deal like that. Definitely needs 100% guaranteed though.

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Not a cap guy and never cared about the finances of the team, still don't, but I do have a question for you capologist out there. Everyone agrees that KC needs to sign Mahomes to a team friendly/good contract so he stays here and doesn't prevent the team from winning in the future i.e. Flayko and to a certain extent Wilson.

What if the Chiefs signed Mahomes to a percentage of the teams revenue contract? The organization makes X number of dollars on 2020-2021, Mahomes makes a percentage of that in 2021-2022 season. This way it COULD be a very longterm deal without definite numbers but pretty much be made in a way he would be the highest paid in the league and not hurt the cap numbers. 

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10 minutes ago, Burpo The Mad Clown said:

In the 1980s the Lakers signed Magic Johnson to a 25 year contract. 

Anything in the union agreement to preclude such a contract in the NFL?

Unknown.  I'm assuming in a contract like that you'd have quite a bit in guaranteed money.  The current CBA only allows you to spread guaranteed money for 5 years but that's one of the things the players union wants to get rid of in this CBA.  The other problem would be that guaranteed money has to be fully funded up front, even if the player doesn't get it all right away.  Union wants to get rid of that too.  It's a relic from when the league was in much worse shape financially.  

Hell if he wins 2 more just give him Lamar Junior's share of the franchise.  He doesn't do anything anyway.  $8/year salary.  Suck it NFL.

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31 minutes ago, burt said:

Personally, I'd straight up tell Mahomes he is deserving any amount he wants...HOWEVER, to win the SB, he needs a strong supporting cast.  This year proves that you need a strong defense.  IF he cripples our team by requesting too much, he hampers our/his chances for SB wins.  Therefore hampering his income through endorsements.  Take less to make more.  

I don't know why I believe this, but I have always felt like Mahomes will be smart when it comes to contract demands and will put the team above his salary.  I have no facts to back that up, just a feeling. 

The question is, how much pressure will there be from the rest of the league and how will Pat react to that?  By that I mean very few players have been in position to push the envelope when it comes to resetting the market.  Patrick is one of those.  There has to be pressure from other players to reset the market cause it means more money for them too.

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23 minutes ago, xen said:

Unknown.  I'm assuming in a contract like that you'd have quite a bit in guaranteed money.  The current CBA only allows you to spread guaranteed money for 5 years but that's one of the things the players union wants to get rid of in this CBA.  The other problem would be that guaranteed money has to be fully funded up front, even if the player doesn't get it all right away.  Union wants to get rid of that too.  It's a relic from when the league was in much worse shape financially.  

Hell if he wins 2 more just give him Lamar Junior's share of the franchise.  He doesn't do anything anyway.  $8/year salary.  Suck it NFL.


7 year max contract length

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7 minutes ago, robgar said:

7 year max

I hate to say this, but I don't think he will play more than 10 years. Now days the players make more money, have better opportunities to increase their wealth without playing, and where the players had to play more than 10 years to be considered for the HOF has gone away. Why should he play more than 10 years. With that said 7 years sounds about right. I hope I'm wrong but we will see.

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13 minutes ago, xen said:

I don't know why I believe this, but I have always felt like Mahomes will be smart when it comes to contract demands and will put the team above his salary.  I have no facts to back that up, just a feeling. 

Odd. I had that same thought this week. 

He wants to win, so he knows he needs the players around him to make that happen consistently. Those players cost $$$. 

The wildcard is his agent. He'll certainly go for the largest contract possible with no regard for the team. 

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This is what a 7 year 15% of cap deal could look like, note the roster bonus is to kick up the guaranteed money. With the way the nfl does things

fully guaranteed is hard to do.. in the salary column ignore the first number... we had to work around some things so we had to change the numbers a bit. This is explained below. 


there never has been a deal tied to the cap, as of yet. --- the best we could do.. and what i think the nfl would do if that was done .. is to forecast future cap growth on past behavior.. I.e. the cap has grown at aprox 10 percent per year.. 

year cap - target - signing - roster - salary

1. 188 --     28.2       16           10         2.2 . 3.5

2. 198 --    29.7        16 .         10 .        3.7  5.1

3. 208 -- 31,2           16 .         10 .        5.1  6.7     

4. 218 -- 32.7           16            10 .       6.7  8.3

5. 228 -- 34.2           16           10 .         6.7   8.3

6. 238 -- 35.7           0            10            9.7  10

7. 248 -- 37.2           0 .           10           11.2 11.6



228.9 million  --- but lets say for fun, we wanted to give patrick motivation to actually sign that contract.. 

and lets give him a signing bonus, something nice like say 80 million. except theres a problem here..  The damned 25% rule.. so we gotta adjust the numbers in the last column..

which is a total of 46.8 million.. over 7 years thats an average of 6.7 million..  but in order to make some other things work out a bit.. we squeeze another 8 million in there .. so we dont have to work out all the calculations again.... and we give him 237 million or so..  -- this is what that could look like.. on a fairly team friendly deal.. 


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16 minutes ago, xen said:

I don't know why I believe this, but I have always felt like Mahomes will be smart when it comes to contract demands and will put the team above his salary.  I have no facts to back that up, just a feeling. 

The question is, how much pressure will there be from the rest of the league and how will Pat react to that?  By that I mean very few players have been in position to push the envelope when it comes to resetting the market.  Patrick is one of those.  There has to be pressure from other players to reset the market cause it means more money for them too.

I feel the same as you do on this.  Based on interviews and comments that I have watched, I believe that Pat will put the team first. 

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1 minute ago, Burpo The Mad Clown said:

Magic's contract was set at 25 years so he would remain a Laker the rest of his career. He could retire at any time, but he still got paid as if her playing. 

Magic didnt play in the nfl -- there is a stated maximum contract length in the cba of 7 years

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1 hour ago, Chiefsfan1963 said:

I hate to say this, but I don't think he will play more than 10 years. Now days the players make more money, have better opportunities to increase their wealth without playing, and where the players had to play more than 10 years to be considered for the HOF has gone away. Why should he play more than 10 years. With that said 7 years sounds about right. I hope I'm wrong but we will see.

Do you think Brady is playing for the extra income?  Or Rivers?  They play because winning is such a high for anyone who is competitive, not only in sports, but in business, politics, or even getting women.  As long as Mahomes gets his jollys from leading a winning team effectively, he'll want to play.  Injury or a hopeless team is all that will stop him prematurely.  

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13 minutes ago, Balto said:

We sure 7 years is longest?  Thought a few players signed longer?

Maybe they just renegotiate during the term of the previous contract.

Is this the last year of Eric Berry dead money?  It seems he's cost the Chiefs about $8,000,000 is cap space for 2020. 

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6 minutes ago, jetlord said:

Maybe they just renegotiate during the term of the previous contract.

Is this the last year of Eric Berry dead money?  It seems he's cost the Chiefs about $8,000,000 is cap space for 2020. 

I believe he was a june 1st cap cut, so yeah we have another 8 million dead for EB. At least we dont have to cut him a check this year. ( 3 million something in cash he collected from the chiefs last year)

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16 minutes ago, robgar said:

I believe he was a june 1st cap cut, so yeah we have another 8 million dead for EB. At least we dont have to cut him a check this year. ( 3 million something in cash he collected from the chiefs last year)

He will cost 8 million this year upcoming in 2020. It hurts but it had to be done.

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well there are other things that hurt.. 4 million for a kicker kinda hurts, what some of our linebackers make hurts. 9 million for dr tardiff hurts a bit. 16 million for fisher.. against the cap this year.. 21 mill for watkins.. but we can fix some of the above. 


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2 minutes ago, robgar said:

well there are other things that hurt.. 4 million for a kicker kinda hurts, what some of our linebackers make hurts. 9 million for dr tardiff hurts a bit. 16 million for fisher.. against the cap this year.. 21 mill for watkins.. but we can fix some of the above. 


show me where he gets paid that much

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3 hours ago, Chiefsfan1963 said:

I hate to say this, but I don't think he will play more than 10 years. Now days the players make more money, have better opportunities to increase their wealth without playing, and where the players had to play more than 10 years to be considered for the HOF has gone away. Why should he play more than 10 years. With that said 7 years sounds about right. I hope I'm wrong but we will see.

I disagree completely.  Mahomes wants to be the best to ever play the game.  Team members just said this during post-super bowl interviews.  He'll play as long as he's healthy and still able to perform at a level that he expects of himself.  I see him playing late into his 30's, or another 12-15 years.  

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52 minutes ago, oldtimer said:

show me where he gets paid that much

IIRC, Butker get about $3.1 million and Colquit $2.6.  Butker is worth it.  The difference of many games is on the FG making or failing.  Colquit could be replaced.  Even if a punter on a rookie contract nets a few less yards, it's usually not game deciding.  We've seen lots of teams lose games on special teams, but not that many based on the punter. 

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