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Alex Smith Documentary


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“My in-laws take the kids, and I head to the tunnels. When I get down there, I hear screaming. In the medical room there are people crowded around Alex -- the doctors, [Redskins owner] Mr. [Dan] Snyder, all the medics. Alex screams as they try to readjust his leg. I've never seen him like that before. But in my mind, I'm just thinking, let's go. Let's get him on that ambulance, get him the surgery, get this fixed.

As we ride in the ambulance, Alex says, "Pull up the score. How's [Redskins backup] Colt [McCoy] doing?" He wants to know all the formations. This is typical Alex. He's worried about the team, which is still in first place at 6-3, and how they are doing. He wants to make sure everyone else is OK.

At that point, Dr. Vineet Mehan, the plastic surgeon, comes in with the orthopedic surgeons and says, "Here are your options. We want to lay out everything you could do."

For the first time Alex is really awake and listening.

"Obviously, one is amputating."

"Two is a muscle transfer. One transfer option would be your lat."

Alex said: "You're not taking my lat. I need that to throw. It's everything. You can't take my lat."

It had to be a large muscle because Alex's tibia was so long.

"We can take part of your quad on your left leg."

But they also tell him it might not work. In addition to transferring the muscle, you have to connect arteries and veins and all these things. It's microvascular surgery. And when you do that, like an organ transplant, it's not guaranteed to take. If it doesn't take, you're going to an amputation. And if you have an amputated right leg, now your left leg is weakened. You have to use that leg for the rest of your life.

"It's not to say that you couldn't be athletic and have a prosthetic because there are amazing athletes that have prosthetics," the doctors say. "But we wouldn't want to try that surgery and -- if it doesn't work -- weaken the leg that you would have to use for the rest of your life as the strong leg."

Alex's parents and I look at each other. "What do you do?"

Alex is participating more in the conversation, and he's a fighter. Give him a challenge and he wants to go. As soon as he hears about the transfer, he's like, "Let's do it. Let's go."

After the muscle transfer surgery and a week of recovery, Alex is finally discharged home in a wheelchair with his leg fixated upward. It's now two weeks before Christmas.”

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Obviously, you can get injured in any game with anyone blocking for you, but it appears that the backup who was playing on the snap that Smith got injured was playing because the coach was banging the same woman as the person who was supposed to be blocking (Bibbs). So the starter’s snaps were limited. The backup missed the block (like anyone could against Houston’s pass rushers). But still. One more half block would have slowed it enough.

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