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It is the time that we ask for everyone to consider a donation to the site. Any contribution is welcome. Boss continues to keep the site up and running and takes on  all the expenses minus what we donate.

This site has been a sanctuary for many of us, especially during the lean years. Let’s continue to run it back and pay it forward. 

If you wish to donate- here is the link -

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20 minutes ago, Lamardirts said:

What is the approximate operating costs of the site?   And how much is the average donation?

I'll just put it this way..from the best of my knowledge as I am not privy to the amounts of each but I do know  several on here that have been here for over a decade....the donations are few and far between but  generous. my suggestion is to do what you think best. regardless  whatever we get  does not touch the generosity that Boss has shown over these many years

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1 hour ago, Lamardirts said:

What is the approximate operating costs of the site?   And how much is the average donation?

I don't remember the exact costs but its not cheap.  We've never covered costs but sometimes we do ok.  Anything helps. 

Boss has never asked us to do this.  He just keeps paying the bills.  We do it cause we love this place.

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On 9/25/2020 at 4:04 PM, Lamardirts said:

What is the approximate operating costs of the site?   And how much is the average donation?

Don't know about the cost of operating the site, but it's rumored that the average donation is between $5000-7000.  Of course, there's no limit on either end of that amount. 

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