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NFL COVID-19 testing: What happens when a player tests positive?

Daily COVID-19 testing has been in place since the start of NFL training camps for people in two groups — Tier 1 ("players and essential football personnel whose job function requires direct access to players for more than 10 minutes at a time on a regular basis") and Tier 2 ("other essential personnel who may need to be in close proximity to players and other Tier 1 individuals and who may need to access restricted areas periodically").

The daily COVID-19 testing for those two groups will continue into the regular season, except on game days, according to ESPN. Other team employees are tested weekly.

BioReference Laboratories, the same company the NBA uses, handles all testing for the NFL. (Which has been good for the league with the exception of one hiccup.) Each team has its own testing site at its facility, and there are two types of tests: a PCR test for COVID-19 (nasal swab) and an antibody test (blood sample).

All NFL team facilities also are equipped for daily symptom screening and temperature checks for everyone who enters.

All NFL players who test positive for COVID-19 go through the same protocols. First, they are immediately isolated. They are forbidden to access team facilities and are not allowed to have any direct contact with fellow players or team personnel. They immediately are placed on the Reserve/COVID-19 list (more on that below).

In the event a player develops symptoms for the first time while inside the team facility, he must go through the following protocols:

  • Immediately isolate in a separate room
  • Continue to wear a mask
  • Be transported and quarantined at home ASAP

As for when players can return to the team, it depends. Below is the NFL's wording on its rules for players returning from COVID-19 cases.

Following a positive test, if the player is asymptomatic, he can return once:

  • 10 days have passed since the initial positive test; OR
  • Five days have passed since the initial positive test and the player receives two consecutive negative PCR virus tests at least 24 hours apart within that five-day period

Following a positive test, if the player demonstrates symptoms, he can return when:

  • At least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared; AND
  • At least 72 hours have passed since he last experienced symptoms

In either case, a player who tests positive must be cleared by his team's head physician before returning.



Not sure how that applies to someone who hasn't tested positive but has been in contact with one who has. 

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