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The best scenario is for the Chiefs to get back Sneed, Schwartz, and Sammy.  Also gotta hope Rankins is ready to contribute.  Much depends on the Chiefs beating the Raiders after the bye.  Andy has a good history after a break so if some of the vets come back, they should win.  Saint and Bucs are the only games where the Chiefs won't be heavy favorites but so far this season, they seem to play down to lower teams.

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They are always unknown challenges every season. It will be nice to get some of the guys Jetlord mentioned back. 

Watching the Panthers game right now. These teams are really pulling out all stops and doing everything to win. The Panthers are pretty solid despite their record IMO. 

And yes, it's nice to watch the game knowing the outcome. 

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9 hours ago, jetlord said:

The best scenario is for the Chiefs to get back Sneed, Schwartz, and Sammy.  Also gotta hope Rankins is ready to contribute.  Much depends on the Chiefs beating the Raiders after the bye.  Andy has a good history after a break so if some of the vets come back, they should win.  Saint and Bucs are the only games where the Chiefs won't be heavy favorites but so far this season, they seem to play down to lower teams.

Schwartz and Rankin on the right side will be a huge upgrade. Now to get Kilgore back at center and I think we will have our line set.

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25 minutes ago, kkuenn said:

Schwartz and Rankin on the right side will be a huge upgrade. Now to get Kilgore back at center and I think we will have our line set.

Still haven't seen a good reason why Kilgore was removed from the starting lineup. They put him in, the line improved. So naturally, let's do that for 3 weeks and then go back to the shittier option. Because...

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28 minutes ago, Iluvhouse24 said:

Still haven't seen a good reason why Kilgore was removed from the starting lineup. They put him in, the line improved. So naturally, let's do that for 3 weeks and then go back to the shittier option. Because...

Because they know more than we do. I trust their decisions and know Mahomes has stated he likes Reiter. Also: They dont need to give us a reason.

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I don't know that I'm that worried about the remaining schedule.  The Bucs melt if you get pressure and Spags does a great job at designing pressure, plus we are more potent than NO and they gashed that Bucs D. Not sure i've ever seen Brady throw a yolo ball like I saw last night.   Oakland was an aberration with a few deep bombs and an overall poor game for us and we still only lost by 8.   We play bad and lose by 8, when other teams play bad we beat them by 20.  NO is a little scary but Brees doesn't have the arm or legs like he once did and Cameron Jordan is a beast.   That could be a shoot out but Schwartz should be back by then and I still think we beat them.  15-1.    Pitt might run the table but they remind me of the 2013 9-0 Chiefs.  

Now watch us lose again to Oakland lol.

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4 minutes ago, West said:

I must be missing something?

Even with our O-Line Questions....We average over 34 points a game over the past 4 games.

My concern is all about the Defense.....They look lost out there.


Your not and the defense has played well enough. 17-1 Thats crazy success. Its about wins not fantasy stats.

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30 minutes ago, West said:

I must be missing something?

Even with our O-Line Questions....We average over 34 points a game over the past 4 games.

My concern is all about the Defense.....They look lost out there.


I agree. There's something wrong with scheme. How do you not account for McCaffrey on the TD? 

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32 minutes ago, West said:

I must be missing something?

Even with our O-Line Questions....We average over 34 points a game over the past 4 games.

My concern is all about the Defense.....They look lost out there.


Yep, that is the gist of my post. The offenses we will face will be a good test

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9 minutes ago, azchief21 said:

I agree. There's something wrong with scheme. How do you not account for McCaffrey on the TD? 

#1 he is elite. #2 I think there were others to account for as well. Its like teams trying to cover all the KC weapons and yet Kelce dominates, or Hill, or Watkins or?

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23 minutes ago, azchief21 said:

I agree. There's something wrong with scheme. How do you not account for McCaffrey on the TD? 

We need Gay to be ready for an increased role in the 2nd half of the year.  Dude flashes every time he hits the field.  

Btw Carolina wisely targeted Sorenson with McCaffrey all game long.  That is a complete mismatch.  Sorenson was shadowing him all game and much like a actual shadow, provided little resistance.  


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1 hour ago, AFCWEST said:

#1 he is elite. #2 I think there were others to account for as well. Its like teams trying to cover all the KC weapons and yet Kelce dominates, or Hill, or Watkins or?

Teams don't leave Kelce uncovered ever.  Kelce or Hill might get open but they are always accounted for.   With that said, It was an all out blitz and Thornhill ran right by him so maybe it was just an individual missed assignment or chip.  Had he been chipped out of the backfield Teddy wouldn't have had time to make that throw.  Hard to tell if it's scheme error or player error.  Sorenson has taken the starting role from Thornhill at least these past two games so who knows.   Nothing CMC did on that play would be considered elite.  He ran out of the backfield was wide open, caught a pass and walked into the endzone.  He is elite but that play was a defensive error not a superstar making a play. 


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To put it into perspective.    

Our defense would have help them to 11 points if Thornhill covers CMC on that 4th and 3.  CJ hadn't made a mental error and Dave Toub had pulled his head out of butt on that fake punt.   Seriously 3 mental errors that resulted in 21 points.   The last TD I believe the Panthers had a very questionable catch that looked like a drop but they ran a play before Andy could challenge.   

Sure our D has problems, mainly Ben Niemann, but that offense has some legit playmakers.   If we clean up the mental errors I think Spags can scheme around our Ben problem.

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