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Disaster averted

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So, we live in the country and our cell signal isn't very good. So we got a 'microcell booster' to help pick up a few bars. You're supposed to hook it up to an internet cat-5. 

We have a closet where we keep our audio/video rack. The rack consist of the xfinity box, the xfinity modem, our surround sound system which consists of an amplifier and another amp for the subwoofer, also has a video recorder for our security system, and a multi switch box that controls it all.

I'm not an IT guy by any means, and when I opened the closet to find a spot on our modem to plug the new device, I must have pulled something loose because I lost the picture on my TV. 


I'm panicking, because I only have 3 hours to figure it out.  The backside of that rack is like spaghetti... tons of cables, wires, lines, etc going every which way. I was flabbergasted... so I pulled up a chair and systematically started unplugging and replugging every single cable, one by one. 

It came back on right as TB scored their 2nd TD. 

Holy shit that could have been horrific.

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