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Daniel Kilgore and Demarcus Robinson placed on COVID-19 List!

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2 hours ago, mex said:

disagree... they need to live their lives as best they can which includes haircuts

have you gotten a haircut in the last few months?  did you ask your barber for 5 consecutive negative tests before visiting?

looks to me like he did everything he could

how much you wanna bet none of these guys are the least bit affected by the virus, assuming they actually were exposed?

I watched an entire football season of both college players and pros testing positive, quarantining, and going back to playing without so much as a second thought

completely unaffected by their 'dangerous infection'

I'm so sick of this shit... we're a nation of whiny little bitches

You know that I'm 99% in agreement with you on the unnecessary closing of sports, schools, and businesses but in this case there were rules about outside contacts and for a few weeks before the biggest game of their lives. the players have a responsibility to go along with league rules no matter how foolish.  We don't know the exact rules, but if a barber was t0 be tested and cleared before coming to the team facility so the players were even slightly less liable to be exposed, then Robinson had the duty to go alone with it.  He's well paid to make that compromise.

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39 minutes ago, jetlord said:

You know that I'm 99% in agreement with you on the unnecessary closing of sports, schools, and businesses but in this case there were rules about outside contacts and for a few weeks before the biggest game of their lives. the players have a responsibility to go along with league rules no matter how foolish.  We don't know the exact rules, but if a barber was t0 be tested and cleared before coming to the team facility so the players were even slightly less liable to be exposed, then Robinson had the duty to go alone with it.  He's well paid to make that compromise.

I don't disagree with that jet... but do we know the whole story? If he violated direct instructions from the team... he was clearly in the wrong.

That said... are all players, coaches, trainers, staff etc supposed to be 100% quarantined? How about the players' wives/children/girlfriends etc? Are the players not going home or to their hotels after practice? Are they not allowed contact with any other people? If so, are the people they are allowed contact with getting covid tested every day like the barber? Are families quarantined too?  Is Patrick allowed to stay with his wife?

These are pretty important details I would think, but I admit I'm not up to speed on any of the precautions they are supposed to take.

EDIT guess what I'm saying is, if they are limiting contact with all people, then yes he fucked up. But if players are allowed to visit wives, children, girlfriends, etc without the EXACT SAME testing protocols as the barber, then it's all just an exercise in futility. Especially with the high degree of false negatives. 

The whole damned thing is just such a fucking waste.

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4 minutes ago, mex said:

I don't disagree with that jet... but do we know the whole story? If he violated direct instructions from the team... he was clearly in the wrong.

That said... are all players, coaches, trainers, staff etc supposed to be 100% quarantined? How about the players' wives/children/girlfriends etc? Are the players not going home or to their hotels after practice? Are they not allowed contact with any other people? If so, are the people they are allowed contact with getting covid tested every day like the barber? Are families quarantined too?  Is Patrick allowed to stay with his wife?

These are pretty important details I would think, but I admit I'm not up to speed on any of the precautions they are supposed to take.


The point is, he made a decision that could have potentially put a lot of key players in a position to miss the biggest game of their careers.  This is a legacy game.  For some of these guys it'll determine if they get in the HOF and for others it could put them in the goat conversation.  What if Hill or Kelce or Mahomes tests positive and misses out.   It doesn't matter if they are asymptomatic they cannot play if they test positive.   I understand the wussification of America and I agree, but everyone in that building should be taking every precaution to protect themselves.  It probably won't come back to bite him but it was a boneheaded decision.    The article said players agreed for this guy to come...hence the 5days of testing before they let him in so why do you go the day before the barber is properly tested for 5 full days.   

Another issue I have is why did they let the cat in the building before his PCR test came back?   

Again it probably won't matter but it was definitely a bone headed decision.    You can't control everyone that these guys come into contact with but you can limit your contact to non essential people leading up to this game.    Especially Robinson who is a FA and could potentially have a crazy play, catch, game that could earn him millions, but you can't do that if you get your butt sent to the covid list for a hair cut.

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I get all that Lamar... I mean jeezus we been dealing with this shit forever it's not all that hard to understand

but my questions are valid... if the players are allowed contact with families... including wives, girlfriends, children... and if they are not quarantined to the same degree  and held to the same protocols as the barber, then it's all a bunch of useless nonsense


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1 hour ago, mex said:

I get all that Lamar... I mean jeezus we been dealing with this shit forever it's not all that hard to understand

but my questions are valid... if the players are allowed contact with families... including wives, girlfriends, children... and if they are not quarantined to the same degree  and held to the same protocols as the barber, then it's all a bunch of useless nonsense


I agree with that and for the most part 100% feel the same. I mean heck our kids go to school, wear mask, have a plexiglass between the desks....then recess comes and kids are hugging, running around like wild beast and such.  I mean what good is all the other crap if you allow recess?  Lol

I did think well what other players went with Robinson a day early?  Maybe the team did allow it?  But why weren’t there any other -layers put on the list?  Tells me he went rogue and didn’t wait like the 20+ other players/coaches.  

you bring up family but again I’d like to think most players are not around people that have been out and about without masks/gloves.  This game does mean that much.  Not really a big deal if they get COVID health wise but the fact IF they get it NO SB for them or anyone else they spread it too REGARDLESS if it’s a made up virus from Jewish space ships or whatever lol.


Players have to put real life on hold it’s just that simple.

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1 hour ago, Balto said:

I agree with that and for the most part 100% feel the same. I mean heck our kids go to school, wear mask, have a plexiglass between the desks....then recess comes and kids are hugging, running around like wild beast and such.  I mean what good is all the other crap if you allow recess?  Lol

I did think well what other players went with Robinson a day early?  Maybe the team did allow it?  But why weren’t there any other -layers put on the list?  Tells me he went rogue and didn’t wait like the 20+ other players/coaches.  

you bring up family but again I’d like to think most players are not around people that have been out and about without masks/gloves.  This game does mean that much.  Not really a big deal if they get COVID health wise but the fact IF they get it NO SB for them or anyone else they spread it too REGARDLESS if it’s a made up virus from Jewish space ships or whatever lol.


Players have to put real life on hold it’s just that simple.

I get all that and you're right there's a lot on the line... I guess I could agree robinsn screwed up, as long as all the players are sequestered with no outside contact

but if they can come home to their wives and kids, and their wives and kids are going out to the supermarket, school, gas station, dentist... then it's kinda silly to blame robinson especially considering the barber was doing his part and getting tested

I mean, it was the ORGANIZATION that allowed him to start cutting hair before the test results came in... halfway through they told him to stop but from what I heard they let him finish whoever he was cutting at the time

if anything, we should be upset at the organization for risking those players, including Mahomes and Kelce who were supposedly there

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5 hours ago, mex said:

I get all that and you're right there's a lot on the line... I guess I could agree robinsn screwed up, as long as all the players are sequestered with no outside contact

but if they can come home to their wives and kids, and their wives and kids are going out to the supermarket, school, gas station, dentist... then it's kinda silly to blame robinson especially considering the barber was doing his part and getting tested

I mean, it was the ORGANIZATION that allowed him to start cutting hair before the test results came in... halfway through they told him to stop but from what I heard they let him finish whoever he was cutting at the time

if anything, we should be upset at the organization for risking those players, including Mahomes and Kelce who were supposedly there

I agree with you Mex.   You really can't control everything and everyone.   I know not everyone thinks like me but a barber has many clients from all different back grounds and would be a person that would instantly raise a red flag.   Thankfully it looks like all is going to be fine.    While I think it was a dumb and selfish decision I don't think he should be cut or anything like that.   Its a judgment call on his end and while I don't agree with it its not like he's clubbing it up the night before a game or anything.   

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17 minutes ago, xen said:

The barber had actually tested negative for 5 straight days which is why they let him in, per protocol.  The 6th one got him.  

Why did they let him in after 5?  Why not 10?  Or, 20?  Come on.  When is safe, safe?  Evidently, whoever set the protocol has no clue what they are doing.  That barber should have been isolated under quarantine for a month before being allowed to cut hair.  What kind of a world are we living in?  Robinson should not only be cut, he should be arrested and given a life sentence for endangering his teammates with a virus that has killed countless NFL players.  JMO, of course.  Don't cancel me.

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40 minutes ago, SEMO said:

Why did they let him in after 5?  Why not 10?  Or, 20?  Come on.  When is safe, safe?  Evidently, whoever set the protocol has no clue what they are doing.  That barber should have been isolated under quarantine for a month before being allowed to cut hair.  What kind of a world are we living in?  Robinson should not only be cut, he should be arrested and given a life sentence for endangering his teammates with a virus that has killed countless NFL players.  JMO, of course.  Don't cancel me.

That’s the spirit!  Oh wait

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44 minutes ago, SEMO said:

Why did they let him in after 5?  Why not 10?  Or, 20?  Come on.  When is safe, safe?  Evidently, whoever set the protocol has no clue what they are doing.  That barber should have been isolated under quarantine for a month before being allowed to cut hair.  What kind of a world are we living in?  Robinson should not only be cut, he should be arrested and given a life sentence for endangering his teammates with a virus that has killed countless NFL players.  JMO, of course.  Don't cancel me.

preach it brother Seems

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2 hours ago, mex said:


I'm so fucking sick of it

clearly, it's not about player safety

it's about the almighty Virtue Signal

Now before you make up your mind, take into account all the deaths among the college and pro athletes that have foolishly been allowed to play in the past year.  Puts it in a whole new light.  Hardly any have died in the blue states.  Now consider the numbers in the red states that opened up college sports in pursuit of the almighty dollar.  

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25 minutes ago, jetlord said:

Now before you make up your mind, take into account all the deaths among the college and pro athletes that have foolishly been allowed to play in the past year.  Puts it in a whole new light.  Hardly any have died in the blue states.  Now consider the numbers in the red states that opened up college sports in pursuit of the almighty dollar.  

Yep... those SEC boys are dropping like flies... sure glad the B1G and the PAC cancelled half their season. It's just a game. 

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