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I've had a chance to step back off the ledge.

Here are my thoughts. 

D came out and looked great.  Gave our O two possessions to jump out on top.  

The refs on the Bucs 2nd TD sucked the life out of our D.  Gave them 3 fresh downs.   

  • 1.   Jones shove (seriously I saw 4 far more egregious shoves after the whistle but this one gets flagged)
  • 2.  The called back int on a very ticky tack PI on Ward that Evans pushed off on.  
  • 3. The offsides on ST.   Hardman is nothing more than a gadget player and his play has become a liability as a wr and returner.

The personal foul on HB was laughable and if you watch from the start Brady is at the goal-line in the middle talking before HB points his finger in his face.  

Finally the HB penalty in the endzone where Brady throws an uncatchable ball and they bail out Evans again.

I'm not even counting the Evans foot trips Breeland to set that up because.....

Andy Reid called one of the worst games of his career.   Not sure if Britt was on his mind but the dude let the whole organization down.   

That TO before half with 49 some odd seconds was the stupidest TO ever.   Even if we stop them we get the ball back with less than 30 seconds and our O was in shambles.

This game should have been 7-6 at half or at worst 10-6 instead of 21-6.     That means at one point in the 4th this game could have been 20-12.  

Dave Toub should not be allowed to have personnel say over the bottom of the roster.  That should be for wr/rb/ol development for mahomes.  Toub's punter wasn't ready, Hardman is a liability and cost this team 4 easy points because he pulled a Dee Ford.

Finally the Oline isn't just bad imo I've never seen a worse Oline ever.   Mahomes was pressure more than any other qb in SB history and Brady was pressured 4 times.   40 million on that dline for 4 pressures. 

Embarrassing lose but sometimes those kind of loses will drive this team to be better.   I hope this is the evolution of Mahomes.  Dude needs to have a fire in his belly.   His teamates let him down.   Hill, Kelce, Hardman, Watkins, Andy, EB, and the Oline all owe him an apology.......

Final say....

We will be back.

This team will be better next year.


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Another concerning thing I noticed and was talking to my cousin about.  

Patrick Mahomes demeanor tonight.  It wasn't like last year it was almost like he knew.   Maybe the toe was killing him.  Maybe the game plan was so bad there wasn't much he could do but why didn't we throw slants, quick outs, running backs in the passing game.  CEH made some dudes miss.    Again seems like it goes back to Reid and EB and that craptastic game plan.

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4 minutes ago, Lamardirts said:

Another concerning thing I noticed and was talking to my cousin about.  

Patrick Mahomes demeanor tonight.  It wasn't like last year it was almost like he knew.   Maybe the toe was killing him.  Maybe the game plan was so bad there wasn't much he could do but why didn't we throw slants, quick outs, running backs in the passing game.  CEH made some dudes miss.    Again seems like it goes back to Reid and EB and that craptastic game plan.

I saw the look on his face too, and I think that was the admission that he knew his line wasn't going to be able to get it done.  While the toe was probably bothering him, I don't think that was it.  Dude's a warrior, he could've tuned out the toe.  He was just getting hit by the reality that the guys around him were flat out not getting the job done.  In the same situation, a Manning or a Brady would've been screaming at their linemen, we know this because we've seen it happen before, but Pat just kinda hung out with his own thoughts.  Now, he may have very well gotten on to the shitty line, but if he did he sure didn't make it the theatrical sideline spectacle that the before mentioned guys did.  Part of me wishes he would have, but I don't think that's his style.  I'd never question his fire though, dude left it all on the field and then some.  His teammates should be ashamed.  

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55 minutes ago, Lamardirts said:

Another concerning thing I noticed and was talking to my cousin about.  

Patrick Mahomes demeanor tonight.  It wasn't like last year it was almost like he knew.   Maybe the toe was killing him.  Maybe the game plan was so bad there wasn't much he could do but why didn't we throw slants, quick outs, running backs in the passing game.  CEH made some dudes miss.    Again seems like it goes back to Reid and EB and that craptastic game plan.

I noticed that also. No ones demeanor was right IMO, even Kelce. I really like the way CEH ran, they were having more success doing that than I thought they would. 

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1 minute ago, moons314 said:

I saw the look on his face too, and I think that was the admission that he knew his line wasn't going to be able to get it done.  While the toe was probably bothering him, I don't think that was it.  Dude's a warrior, he could've tuned out the toe.  He was just getting hit by the reality that the guys around him were flat out not getting the job done.  In the same situation, a Manning or a Brady would've been screaming at their linemen, we know this because we've seen it happen before, but Pat just kinda hung out with his own thoughts.  Now, he may have very well gotten on to the shitty line, but if he did he sure didn't make it the theatrical sideline spectacle that the before mentioned guys did.  Part of me wishes he would have, but I don't think that's his style.  I'd never question his fire though, dude left it all on the field and then some.  His teammates should be ashamed.  

I don't think it would have mattered and Mahomes new it.  They were backups out there playing.  Allegretti is the only one that played that should come back

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24 minutes ago, Lamardirts said:

I've had a chance to step back off the ledge.

Here are my thoughts. 

D came out and looked great.  Gave our O two possessions to jump out on top.  

The refs on the Bucs 2nd TD sucked the life out of our D.  Gave them 3 fresh downs.   

  • 1.   Jones shove (seriously I saw 4 far more egregious shoves after the whistle but this one gets flagged)
  • 2.  The called back int on a very ticky tack PI on Ward that Evans pushed off on.  
  • 3. The offsides on ST.   Hardman is nothing more than a gadget player and his play has become a liability as a wr and returner.

The personal foul on HB was laughable and if you watch from the start Brady is at the goal-line in the middle talking before HB points his finger in his face.  

Finally the HB penalty in the endzone where Brady throws an uncatchable ball and they bail out Evans again.

I'm not even counting the Evans foot trips Breeland to set that up because.....

Andy Reid called one of the worst games of his career.   Not sure if Britt was on his mind but the dude let the whole organization down.   

That TO before half with 49 some odd seconds was the stupidest TO ever.   Even if we stop them we get the ball back with less than 30 seconds and our O was in shambles.

This game should have been 7-6 at half or at worst 10-6 instead of 21-6.     That means at one point in the 4th this game could have been 20-12.  

Dave Toub should not be allowed to have personnel say over the bottom of the roster.  That should be for wr/rb/ol development for mahomes.  Toub's punter wasn't ready, Hardman is a liability and cost this team 4 easy points because he pulled a Dee Ford.

Finally the Oline isn't just bad imo I've never seen a worse Oline ever.   Mahomes was pressure more than any other qb in SB history and Brady was pressured 4 times.   40 million on that dline for 4 pressures. 

Embarrassing lose but sometimes those kind of loses will drive this team to be better.   I hope this is the evolution of Mahomes.  Dude needs to have a fire in his belly.   His teamates let him down.   Hill, Kelce, Hardman, Watkins, Andy, EB, and the Oline all owe him an apology.......

Final say....

We will be back.

This team will be better next year.


 if we get a decent offensive line

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I don’t like blaming losses on refs but this ref is known for his bullshit. 
Mahomes did what he could. Running for his life on every pass play. 
reid. I don’t get the play calling. Horizontal plays against LBs like they have would never work. All of us on this board know that. 
they would have been better off running 3 TE sets and hammering the ball with runs. 
Mitch would have least opened some passing lanes. This is what happens when u over think. 
postive thing is that Veach should know now that o line is top priority. 

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2 minutes ago, Holmes4six! said:

I don’t like blaming losses on refs but this ref is known for his bullshit. 
Mahomes did what he could. Running for his life on every pass play. 
reid. I don’t get the play calling. Horizontal plays against LBs like they have would never work. All of us on this board know that. 
they would have been better off running 3 TE sets and hammering the ball with runs. 
Mitch would have least opened some passing lanes. This is what happens when u over think. 
postive thing is that Veach should know now that o line is top priority. 

Maybe not all of it but I believe the refs are the main reason that the Chiefs lost.  The 1st half yellow flags were in my opinion very bogus.  A friend of mine even said " I wonder how much Brady paid the refs to make sure he wins.  Others were not refs being paid opinion but agreed with me that they were calling very questionable penalties in Brady's favor.  How about the PI on Breeland?  Plainly, he slipped and lost his footing and fell onto the receivers foot causing him to fall.  At least that's how I saw it.  And why was a PI not called when Patrick threw a pass to Kelce and the defender had his arm around Kelce's neck before the pass got there?    Boomer even said during the halftime that he thought the refs were calling it to close against Chiefs!  None of the others disagreed with him that I saw.  

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The refs screwed us over big time with all the fresh downs handed to Brady but still Reid was outcoached, trenches sucked big time, things that we were lucky to get away with finally caught up and led to the big loss. Starting the season with so many front office mistakes the team exceeded my expectations and I'm just glad we didn't get any major injuries to Mahomes that will linger for 2021.

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I'm not going to analyze the ref thing. It is what it is. What cost the Chiefs more than anything is putting a bunch of scrubs in front of a half a billion dollar talent and asking them to play like the Colts Oline. Stupid! And I don't think the Fisher injury changed that. Major upgrades to the Oline are needed. Period.

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The whole team looked like they just wanted to go home.  No fire nothing.  The OL was beyond awful.  I thought when we lost Fisher it would make things harder but hoped that Reid would gameplan some help but they were left on an island.  During the post game comments one player said we had gameplanned for Man coverage but they played zone....so no adjustments?  Has no team ever played zone on us?(sarcasm)  That's on the staff.  If anyone says that his son wasn't on his mind more than the game they are full of it.  This was one of the worst called games by the coaching staff I have ever seen.  I was screaming at the tv before halftime asking "are we trying to help them score by giving them timeouts".  Just a terrible time to call your worst game Reid.

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8 hours ago, Lamardirts said:

Patrick Mahomes demeanor tonight.  It wasn't like last year it was almost like he knew

he got absolutely pummelled on that last sack... where they threw the UR flag

at that point the game was over... there was no need for them to try to hurt Mahomes

if anyone would have tried to pull that shit on brady they would have ejected them from the league

this team needs to remember the guys involved in that play and take care of business...

the favoritism was obvious... but it's done and we need to come back next year with some new blood

Hope PM's surgery goes well

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36 minutes ago, mex said:

he got absolutely pummelled on that last sack... where they threw the UR flag

at that point the game was over... there was no need for them to try to hurt Mahomes

if anyone would have tried to pull that shit on brady they would have ejected them from the league

this team needs to remember the guys involved in that play and take care of business...

the favoritism was obvious... but it's done and we need to come back next year with some new blood

Hope PM's surgery goes well

That made me really mad, and I had some bad thoughts about Suh, that I will not mention. 

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I think it's time to move on from Mahomes.... kidding

It sucks for him to lose to Brady but if you want a glass half full look at it, at least now for the rest of the career as someone pointed out on twitter he can just focus on being the best version of Patrick Mahomes instead of worrying about eventually being the goat (not that he probably was in the first place).

Tough game, think it is just unfortunate we got the shitty ref crew who clearly has it out for us (both games this year they called 10+ penalties and if I remember correctly they were the crew for the Pitt playoff game and the phantom Fisher hold), we lost 5 lineman both before the season and during and eventually had 4 backups against one of the top dline's.  Even Brady couldn't beat the Giants when they had that monster dline, twice.

Even though we lost in the Super Bowl, it just feels different then every year PreMahomes.  I'm excited to see who we add in the draft and FA (players will want to come play with PM) and see what we can achieve next year.

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18 minutes ago, soonerborn77 said:

I think it's time to move on from Mahomes.... kidding

It sucks for him to lose to Brady but if you want a glass half full look at it, at least now for the rest of the career as someone pointed out on twitter he can just focus on being the best version of Patrick Mahomes instead of worrying about eventually being the goat (not that he probably was in the first place).

Tough game, think it is just unfortunate we got the shitty ref crew who clearly has it out for us (both games this year they called 10+ penalties and if I remember correctly they were the crew for the Pitt playoff game and the phantom Fisher hold), we lost 5 lineman both before the season and during and eventually had 4 backups against one of the top dline's.  Even Brady couldn't beat the Giants when they had that monster dline, twice.

Even though we lost in the Super Bowl, it just feels different then every year PreMahomes.  I'm excited to see who we add in the draft and FA (players will want to come play with PM) and see what we can achieve next year.

Winning last year helps also. 

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56 minutes ago, DieHard said:

A lot of bad Ricky tack calls, but didn’t cost us the game. I think we played terrible on offense, defense and special teams. I didn’t think this team could fold up in every phase. 
Agree that Pat did not look relaxed at all. 

I agree to some extent DH but our D was playing well until the refs gifted brady a touchdown with all those bullshit flags

goal line stand, sack, and good pressure on brady that caused and errant ball tipped into HB's hands... 

and of course the bullshit call that reversed that play and gave all momentum to brady

when you're playing a SB caliber team, the refs can KILL you because you're already having to play your best

we play a team like the chargers and we can overcome bad/inconsistent calls

we play a great team with the NFL poster child, it's impossible to overcome

there were more bullshit calls than I care to remember, and our receivers were getting held on every play... case in point Kelce in the red zone for the 5 yard completion... the defender had him wrapped before th ball even got there... no flag

would a 1st and goal have changed the outcome of that drive? we'll never know but the fact is the drive ended because of referee inconsistency

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