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6 minutes ago, oldtimer said:

no one is keeping you here .. you dont like it hit the road

Guess your in a piss mood huh?  

I see nothing wrong in asking why non-Chiefs fans are allowed to come onto these boards and talk crap about our players?  

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8 minutes ago, Balto said:

Guess your in a piss mood huh?  

I see nothing wrong in asking why non-Chiefs fans are allowed to come onto these boards and talk crap about our players?  

I see you reported me to myself .. thats funny shit right there. Bottom line Hands has been suspended before so he's not untouchable also  there are few who have actually drank a beer or several with him so he's not an unknown  much like you.  You dont like him block him or deal with it

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15 minutes ago, oldtimer said:

I see you reported me to myself .. thats funny shit right there. Bottom line Hands has been suspended before so he's not untouchable also  there are few who have actually drank a beer or several with him so he's not an unknown  much like you.  You dont like him block him or deal with it

Interesting that Balto gets a lecture while hands trolls the site.  

But I guess when you got power......

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I mean, we wouldn't mod a chiefs fan for saying what Hands said.  Just use that as a good rule of thumb.   

I would agree just block him if he annoys you that bad.  Trust me there are days I wish I could block him but I can't since I'm an admin.

Or you know, just do what I do and turn it into a ridiculous conversation about why LJ sucks.😁

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It's annoying, but I don't object to Hands coming in with smack talk.  We smack him plenty, just like our team smacks his.

I do object to the fact that it's weak smack talk.  Every team misses on draft picks, he really burned us on that one!

I also object to the fact that he comes in specifically to start some ruckus and then says "Who, me?" when he gets criticized.  Own it, dude!

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36 minutes ago, Adamixoye said:

It's annoying, but I don't object to Hands coming in with smack talk.  We smack him plenty, just like our team smacks his.

I do object to the fact that it's weak smack talk.  Every team misses on draft picks, he really burned us on that one!

I also object to the fact that he comes in specifically to start some ruckus and then says "Who, me?" when he gets criticized.  Own it, dude!

Weak? I thought it was average because I am not even trying....

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43 minutes ago, xen said:

I mean, we wouldn't mod a chiefs fan for saying what Hands said.  Just use that as a good rule of thumb.   

I would agree just block him if he annoys you that bad.  Trust me there are days I wish I could block him but I can't since I'm an admin.

Or you know, just do what I do and turn it into a ridiculous conversation about why LJ sucks.😁

Oh you enjoy our conversations....I mean we aren't gonna take long showers in the dark but, c'mon man....

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2 hours ago, Balto said:

I mean I guess a few of you know Handswarmer in RL so I see why you Mods allow him to be a troll and such but really if anyone else that wasn't a Chiefs fan came onto these boards and trash talked like Hands does that person would get booted.  Trash talking and putting down players should be only allowed by true Chiefs fans not others IMO.  I'd get banned soooooooooo fast if I went onto a Ravens website and started talking crap.

You would actually get booted for the insane comments you make like trading Fisher ( and then he gets cut)

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1 hour ago, oldtimer said:

I see you reported me to myself .. thats funny shit right there. Bottom line Hands has been suspended before so he's not untouchable also  there are few who have actually drank a beer or several with him so he's not an unknown  much like you.  You dont like him block him or deal with it

I once called the cops on the cops with my cell phone in my left hand while I was being cuffed  by the cops with my right hand behind my back. 


Ok not really. 

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43 minutes ago, Palangi said:

There is our vet center to play behind Allegretti. 

He's started for a playoff team the last several years including when they went to a SB in 2018. I doubt he is not our starter. I do hope Allegretti is given a fair shot to win the job. 

He's a step up from Reiter. Not a huge one, but he is better than Reiter. Line is getting fortified. I approve. 

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1 hour ago, Palangi said:

It doesn't matter.  He here to start shit like usual.  


He's here for the same reason as all the non Chiefs fans that used to flood Scout forums were there. Our forums are more active than theirs. We are fucking insane, 365 days a year, balls to the wall, football addicts. Take it as a compliment.

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4 minutes ago, Iluvhouse24 said:

He's started for a playoff team the last several years including when they went to a SB in 2018. I doubt he is not our starter.

He's a step up from Reiter. Not a huge one, but he is better than Reiter. Line is getting fortified. I approve. 

I love how they gave Reiter a chance and then moved on when he tried to wait us out.  Glad we have moved on from our LG and C from last year in regards to starting positions.

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9 minutes ago, Lamardirts said:

I love how they gave Reiter a chance and then moved on when he tried to wait us out.  Glad we have moved on from our LG and C from last year in regards to starting positions.

RG too. Unless you think Wylie is going to beat out Long and LDT.

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2 hours ago, oldtimer said:

I see you reported me to myself .. thats funny shit right there. Bottom line Hands has been suspended before so he's not untouchable also  there are few who have actually drank a beer or several with him so he's not an unknown  much like you.  You dont like him block him or deal with it

Take it easy on your self-imposed punishment, OT.  Maybe have Poot administer it...

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41 minutes ago, Iluvhouse24 said:

He's started for a playoff team the last several years including when they went to a SB in 2018. I doubt he is not our starter. I do hope Allegretti is given a fair shot to win the job. 

He's a step up from Reiter. Not a huge one, but he is better than Reiter. Line is getting fortified. I approve. 


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I think the bigger question about Hands is why a Flacco holding Lombardi profile picture? Ray Lewis, Ed Reed, or other legit great players were not available? I’d even throw more respect if it was Dilfer holding it, if only for being the worst QB to win one. Heck, why not troll KC with Grbac in a Ravens jersey to remind us all of how frustrating that dude was? Heck, Lin Elliot it up. Your trolling needs improvement.

As to the new center, if he can run block and maul at all, sounds good to me.

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3 hours ago, oldtimer said:

I see you reported me to myself .. thats funny shit right there. Bottom line Hands has been suspended before so he's not untouchable also  there are few who have actually drank a beer or several with him so he's not an unknown  much like you.  You dont like him block him or deal with it

I thought you'd like that :) 

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2 hours ago, xen said:

I mean, we wouldn't mod a chiefs fan for saying what Hands said.  Just use that as a good rule of thumb.   

I would agree just block him if he annoys you that bad.  Trust me there are days I wish I could block him but I can't since I'm an admin.

Or you know, just do what I do and turn it into a ridiculous conversation about why LJ sucks.😁

I totally get it and your correct.  It's just the fact that all of us come to this site because we are a little more involved with our love for the Kansas City Chiefs than a typical fan and yes we all bitch or cheer players/coaches/front office all the time.  This includes arguing with each other on what we think KC should do or should sign or who sucks/great.

And maybe it is just me but to read someone's post that is 100% negative about OUR team and they are not even Chiefs fan just rubs me the wrong way.  So I respectively disagree about "we wouldn't mod a chiefs fan for saying what Hands said as a rule of thumb" because I believe Non-Chiefs fans should be held on a different level than us actual Chiefs fans, ON THIS "KC CHIEFS" SITE!

Just seems wrong to have to block a Ravens fan that's allowed to come onto a Chiefs fan website and bad mouth our team all the time.

Hey Hands....Just become a Chiefs fan and I'll buy you your first Mahomes Jersey!  

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