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The old sudden death was unfair.  A decent return, a couple of first downs, and a field goal without the other team having a chance is not the way to decide a game.  I like the college tie breaker system, but it drags games out too long  Maybe use something like that except have teams start at their own 40 instead of the opposing 25.  That would probably mean one possession per team in most cases. 

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8 minutes ago, reesebobby said:

One team gets to pick where the ball is placed, the other team gets to decide if they are on offense or defense. 

First to score wins?  Not a huge fan as I think it benefits one team over the other like the former rule did.   Doesn't matter where they place the ball as the 2nd team just goes on offense and if you place it anywhere near the 50 it's a huge advantage for one team.   Keep it as it.

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1 minute ago, Lamardirts said:

First to score wins?  Not a huge fan as I think it benefits one team over the other like the former rule did.   Doesn't matter where they place the ball as the 2nd team just goes on offense and if you place it anywhere near the 50 it's a huge advantage for one team.   Keep it as it.

They say the breakeven is the 13.  Put it on the 12 and teams will play defense as you have 88 yards to go.  Put it on the 13 and they play offense with 87 yards to go.  Not sure how the breakeven place was determined.  Some kind of math wiz I guess.  First to score is my understanding.  

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whatever system they come up with, it needs to be fair!  The current system is very unfair.  Team A wins the flip and get the ball,  Score a td.  Game over.  What's fair about  that?  Team A kicks a FG, then team B gets the ball, That's fair.  Both teams should get equal opportunity.

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I say keep the current system BUT make a change so that no matter what the team that has the ball first the team thats on D first gets the ball.  This would kinda be like a hybrid between current rules and college rules.


Example:  kick off like normal of course

Pats receive first in OT......Drive down and get a TD

KC then gets the ball and MUST get a TD or the games over and if they get a TD it then turns to sudden death!


Another Example:

Pats receive first and only get a FG

KC then gets the ball and NOW they know that they can either keep the game going by simply getting a FG(then it would go to sudden death).  OR they can go for the TD to win the game!



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5 hours ago, xen said:

Just use the college rules.  They're fun and we have Mahomes.


College rules are fine --- more fun and more fair.  Only downside is that it can go on for too long, and sometimes that's just more fun anyway.  Maybe make teams go for two right away to help with that.

Current NFL rules are dumb.

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I've never understood why everyone wants to make overtime so hard?  Is it really that difficult to put 10:00 on the clock and play it like a 5th quarter?  It would make for more exciting play because one mistake doesn't end the game.   Then, if the game is still tied after the "5th quarter"  then put 10:00 on the clock and play sudden death.  The cutesy stuff like college does is flat out awful IMO.  

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1 hour ago, moons314 said:

I've never understood why everyone wants to make overtime so hard?  Is it really that difficult to put 10:00 on the clock and play it like a 5th quarter?  It would make for more exciting play because one mistake doesn't end the game.   Then, if the game is still tied after the "5th quarter"  then put 10:00 on the clock and play sudden death.  The cutesy stuff like college does is flat out awful IMO.  

Soooo having a FG challenge would be out? Haha

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The Spot and Choose Rule eliminates the role of chance or luck in determining an outcome.

Surely you all remember the 2018 AFCCG? Mahomes never saw the field.

Say it is now Spot and Choose. Pats win the toss, they pick the 20 yard line. Then KC picks offense or defense. The way the Defense was playing that day, KC would choose Offense and the pats would have to go 80 yards to a score (sudden Death).

Wouldn't you rather have the ball with Mahomes having to drive 80 yds


The Defense having to stop the Pats from going 80 yds for a score?

A lot of the strategy depends on how each unit (offense and defense) are playing, weather, field conditions, etc....did your kicker just miss an extra point? Shank a 20 yarder? Did the defense just get run over to take it into overtime? Or did your defense just smoke their offense to get you the ball back to kick the field goal?

Decisions, decisions.....

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1 hour ago, Handswarmer said:

The Spot and Choose Rule eliminates the role of chance or luck in determining an outcome.

Surely you all remember the 2018 AFCCG? Mahomes never saw the field.

Say it is now Spot and Choose. Pats win the toss, they pick the 20 yard line. Then KC picks offense or defense. The way the Defense was playing that day, KC would choose Offense and the pats would have to go 80 yards to a score (sudden Death).

Wouldn't you rather have the ball with Mahomes having to drive 80 yds


The Defense having to stop the Pats from going 80 yds for a score?

A lot of the strategy depends on how each unit (offense and defense) are playing, weather, field conditions, etc....did your kicker just miss an extra point? Shank a 20 yarder? Did the defense just get run over to take it into overtime? Or did your defense just smoke their offense to get you the ball back to kick the field goal?

Decisions, decisions.....

So does a 10 minute clock with a 2 minute warning and 2 time outs.  An OT between Mahomes and Brady with them exchanging scores would've been crazy good ratings.  Everyone gets an even opportunity, and it's true to the sport, rather than all this gimmicky bullshit sweeping through sports, such as the just awful college football overtime, major league baseball starting innings with runners on base.  Disgusting. 

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That's not what would have happened if we just played a 10 minute overtime.  The Patriots would have slowed down and done a 10 minute drive on us and given Mahomes no time.  He *might* have had a chance to tie like he did at the end of regulation.

College overtimes are awesome.  I don't know what you consider "gimmicky" about them and gimmicky is not always bad.

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College overtime is terrible for stats. You will end up with a QB throwing 12TDs in a game and other crap. Can skew points differential comparisons between teams, who knows what other tie breakers.

The way it is now is fine. Only better would be 10 minutes with no sudden death. Regular season it just ends in a tie if not resolved. Playoffs you go to a sudden death, 6th period with no gameclock.

Many regular season OT games are lasting at least 5 or 6 minutes, if not going down to the wire.

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18 hours ago, moons314 said:

I've never understood why everyone wants to make overtime so hard?  Is it really that difficult to put 10:00 on the clock and play it like a 5th quarter?  It would make for more exciting play because one mistake doesn't end the game.   Then, if the game is still tied after the "5th quarter"  then put 10:00 on the clock and play sudden death.  The cutesy stuff like college does is flat out awful IMO.  

The more I think about it Moon I actually really like the idea of just keep playing!  Just like how the NBA does it.

The problem is would the NFL ever do this?  I mean they keep trying to make the game safer and having players play an extra quarter probably won't look good for that.  Not to mention if they are still tied after that 5th QT.  Do a 6th?  Sudden death at that time, but if doing that why not just do sudden death to begin with?


Maybe go a 5th quarter for 8mins, which I'm sure is still well above the avg drive time.  Then if still tied go into college rules to gain some excitement back to the game.

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