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KC must beat TN

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I know people will take that as a jab at Al, but its not. If you have a shot at a frQB and you don't have one, you've got to take it. I hope we can all agree that Al is not a superstar QB.

That's why this franchise has never been consistent. We've never had the great qb. Never.

Alex is a winner but not with this trash. He will be boo'd out if town by years end and not to his fault. We out a shitty product on the field this year. Period.

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What this team needs now is a boat load of picks, and the right man to execute those decisions. I hope Dorsey is up to the task. The Chiefs have a lot of decisions to make at the end of this season. Losing DJ, and DeVito could mark the beginning of some soul searching that leads to big changes. Currently, the Chiefs only have $4.35 M cap space available for 2015. The axe may fall. If so, that number could exceed $50 M in cap available for 2015. Tamba Hali, Bowe, and a few others may be in their final season if the Chiefs decide to start over. 

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Guest Chieftain

It's only 1 game, but that was really  tough to watch and leaves me with little hope for the remainder of the season. We can only hope they get better as the season progresses otherwise it will be a long and ugly road.


The play calling was really bad today. Did anyone else notice the game went downhill after Santos missed that field goal? They should have been up 6-0 instead it lead to Tennessee being up 7-3. It almost seems like Andy Reid tells his players that if they miss fields goals they're going to lose the game. Anyways, I'm convinced that if Santos makes that 48 yard field goal the Chiefs win. I know that's absurd but I saw a completely different mood and mindset from the team after that missed field goal, they seemed deflated. They are not a good team playing from behind, I feel like they never give up but they're not the same team when facing a deficit.


If this Chiefs team loses the turnover battle they are screwed. They had a -3 turnover differential, no chance to win when your team is not built to play from behind. They rely on creating turnovers, and the only real chance they had was when I believe Sherman knocked the ball out on the kickoff, if KC recovers that it could have been a much different game. 


I can't think of much if any positives to take from this game. The season looks bleak at this point, with the loss of

DJ, the depth needs to step up big time.  I expect there to be much better play and coaching against the Broncos next week in what will more than likely be a very tough game to win. Go Chiefs!

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I refuse to blame the head coach for players not executing. If you want to blame the coach for not feeding the ball to Jamal thats fine but when the D can't stop anyone and the O can't move the ball that's all on the players. They are professionals and need to execute the way they know how. Then again the Titans didn't make mistakes and played very good ball. I believe the Titans just beat the Chiefs no excuses.

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I refuse to blame the head coach for players not executing. If you want to blame the coach for not feeding the ball to Jamal thats fine but when the D can't stop anyone and the O can't move the ball that's all on the players. They are professionals and need to execute the way they know how. Then again the Titans didn't make mistakes and played very good ball. I believe the Titans just beat the Chiefs no excuses.

The injuries during preseason were a part of the problem. The Chiefs started getting Charles involved in the passing game a lot more last season. I would have thought they would utilize him by setting him out wide and getting the ball to him in other situations other than behind the QB, running the ball off handoffs. 


It was the coaches' faults for not being creative enough to find ways to get their #1 playmaker the ball. Eleven touches is bad enough. When the opposing team schemes to shut down a player, and the coaches don't find a way to get him open... that is a lack of creativity. It isn't as if Charles is a one trick pony. He can catch the ball as well or better than most of the receivers. The whole game was stupidly coached, and stupidly played. 

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