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Notice how the Chiefs only seem to be worth a crap on odd numbered years??? WTF is up with that?

i have always wondered why both the royals AND Chiefs can never seem to have good seasons at the same time...if the chiefs are good, the royals suck (which has been the case for the last 30 years) but now that the Royals are relevent again then the chiefs suck...never both at the same time.... :(

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How does Mongo know Reid is scheming is antiquated 80s style 49 offense? What facts does he have to support his claim? Does he have access to game film that shows what's happening in the secondary? Is he pulling from coaching experience? The answer is no. Everyone on offense is culpable, I'm sure an experienced nfl coach is going to tell you there were breakdowns everywhere......I feel so sorry for no it all angry fans, who over simplify the problem. Take a graduate level research class before you post wild generalizations......

My eyes.  When your star RB is only getting 5 touches in the first half, something is wrong.  The phrase "1988 49ers offense" was just a buzz phrase to mock his pass first mentality, which if it weren't obvious by what you see, it would be if you know Reid's reputation in PHI, the part of the country where I spent the first 44 years of my life.  It was the biggest criticism of him there. 


You see, you don’t to have access to NFL game film to have an intelligent opinion.  Some of us think for ourselves and don’t swallow everything fed to them like tripe.


BTW:  If you've read everything posted, you'd see I said the players, coaches and front office lost this game.  It's just hard for me to pin a lot on players who are simply not good enough to compete at this level.  Had Reid called the perfect game, they still probably would have lost.

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You must not have watched other games today. There are a few other teams that played as bad as KC today. I know you don't care about those other teams.

What does that have to do with KC?  Are you saying everything is okay because other teams suck too?

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Good one year bad the next. Same ol story in the Midwest.

Yep. Bil...posted in another thread about every team rebuilds each year to an extent with FA and draft. I agree however good franchises don't have the rollercoaster ride the Chiefs seem to be on. Up one year down the next. Good example...the Steelers. They have been .500 or better for the past ten years. Why can't we build consistency like that? One reason is bad drafting. Another is bad coaching I believe. Not saying this necessarily about Reid...but Crennel? Haley? Edwards? Cunningham? None of them will ever be a HC again in this league...for a reason. We have never developed our own franchise QB and we have whiffed far too many times regarding draft choices.

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You must not have watched other games today. There are a few other teams that played as bad as KC today. I know you don't care about those other teams.

Dumbest, and I mean DUMBEST logic I've seen or heard in a while. Get a fucking clue...

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Yep. Bil...posted in another thread about every team rebuilds each year to an extent with FA and draft. I agree however good franchises don't have the rollercoaster ride the Chiefs seem to be on. Up one year down the next. Good example...the Steelers. They have been .500 or better for the past ten years. Why can't we build consistency like that? One reason is bad drafting. Another is bad coaching I believe. Not saying this necessarily about Reid...but Crennel? Haley? Edwards? Cunningham? None of them will ever be a HC again in this league...for a reason. We have never developed our own franchise QB and we have whiffed far too many times regarding draft choices.

Being the “Steelers” starts with the draft.    Even the Steelers aren’t the Steelers anymore.  Poor drafting has cost them that ability to let Joey Porter walk because James Harrison is lying in wait. 


Everyone knows we needed a WR or OG.  Maybe one day Dee Ford will be a superstar.  Drafting him over the many WR available was Steeler-like.  Tamba Hali may be gone as soon as next season.  

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Being the “Steelers” starts with the draft. Even the Steelers aren’t the Steelers anymore. Poor drafting has cost them that ability to let Joey Porter walk because James Harrison is lying in wait.


Everyone knows we needed a WR or OG. Maybe one day Dee Ford will be a superstar. Drafting him over the many WR available was Steeler-like. Tamba Hali may be gone as soon as next season.

Not sure if Benjamin was on the board when we drafted, a guy I liked, looks like the real deal....
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Dumbest, and I mean DUMBEST logic I've seen or heard in a while. Get a fucking clue...

How about read the post before telling others to get a clue. If you want to read some real stupid shit read your own posts. My comments were in response to Bil basically saying the Chiefs are the worst team in the NFL. My point is no they aren't, they aren't real good right now but they wont go 0-16 either.
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How about read the post before telling others to get a clue. If you want to read some real stupid shit read your own posts. My comments were in response to Bil basically saying the Chiefs are the worst team in the NFL. My point is no they aren't, they aren't real good right now but they wont go 0-16 either.

The Chiefs might actually be the worst team in the nfl. No way of knowing that for sure right now. Sorry but justifying a piss poor Chiefs team by saying other teams played poorly too is a losers mentality. Good effort guys! You'll get then next time! It's okay we weren't the ony bad team today!

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Guest Mongo (Jesus Christ man)

Can't be truly objective without game tape. Period. Not enough evidence Mongo. Without tape, ones vision of what happened is abstract & incomplete. Arm chair quarter back generalizations. Without game tape you can't see what's happening on the back end of the defense....which is half of the story. Standard TV broadcast gives one an incomplete picture. Too many generalizations dude based on circumstantial evidence.....I agree that the online stunk it up, Charles needs more touches, dumb move my smith to air it out at the end of the half....but it's just coming from a fans perspective. All I'm saying is when one starts generalizing on the coach getting out coached, without knowing the plays, the reads & adjustments on the line, the defensive looks pre & post snap & individual matchups....ones looks like a bullshitter. Get the tape, provide the evidence, then give us a theory Mongo.....

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Can't be truly objective without game tape. Period. Not enough evidence Mongo. Without tape, ones vision of what happened is abstract & incomplete. Arm chair quarter back generalizations. Without game tape you can't see what's happening on the back end of the defense....which is half of the story. Standard TV broadcast gives one an incomplete picture. Too many generalizations dude based on circumstantial evidence.....I agree that the online stunk it up, Charles needs more touches, dumb move my smith to air it out at the end of the half....but it's just coming from a fans perspective. All I'm saying is when one starts generalizing on the coach getting out coached, without knowing the plays, the reads & adjustments on the line, the defensive looks pre & post snap & individual matchups....ones looks like a bullshitter. Get the tape, provide the evidence, then give us a theory Mongo.....

Nope.  I'm entitled to an opinion cause I saw the game.  The evidence is the best RB in the game, on a team void of any other viable option, only touched the ball 11 times.  The coach admitted his play calling sucked.  Sorry, dude.  No game film necessary. 

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Nope. I'm entitled to an opinion cause I saw the game. The evidence is the best RB in the game, on a team void of any other viable option, only touched the ball 11 times. The coach admitted his game calling sucked. Sorry, dude. No game film necessary.


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The other team didn't stop Charlie. His head coach did.

This is true. We schemed ourselves out of the game. I mean obviously if you're gonna be without one of your so called play makers, Bowe, might as well just not give the ball to your only other weapon on the team. Too obvious....


But hey, at least other teams played terrible too. No harm no foul, right?

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Chiefs sucked, but I think the Titans are a better team than they get credit for, especially with Whiz as their head coach now. Their biggest problem last year was Locker's health, not his ability to play. They were 4-2 with him with one of those losses to SF. I don't count the Jax loss as he started but hardly played.

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Chiefs sucked, but I think the Titans are a better team than they get credit for, especially with Whiz as their head coach now. Their biggest problem last year was Locker's health, not his ability to play. They were 4-2 with him with one of those losses to SF. I don't count the Jax loss as he started but hardly played.

Possibly, but maybe the Chiefs were a flash in pan team last year that just benefitted from an easy schedule. Maybe we have a coach and gm that are trying too hard to find hidden gems instead of signing or DRAFTING a needed position player. I know they are tight on cash but letting all the talent walk in free agency, like Albert, really hurt our team.


To top it off, we can't even compete thus far. Pre-season is a precursor to the season and I think they thought they could have just turned on the switch and been good. Joke is on them and us...snakebitten, unlucky, whatever you call it. That's Chiefs football.

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Possibly, but maybe the Chiefs were a flash in pan team last year that just benefitted from an easy schedule. Maybe we have a coach and gm that are trying too hard to find hidden gems instead of signing or DRAFTING a needed position player. I know they are tight on cash but letting all the talent walk in free agency, like Albert, really hurt our team.


To top it off, we can't even compete thus far. Pre-season is a precursor to the season and I think they thought they could have just turned on the switch and been good. Joke is on them and us...snakebitten, unlucky, whatever you call it. That's Chiefs football.

You can't expect to lose Albert, McCluster, Flowers, and Schwartz and expect to be as competitive as 2013. They whole staff knows this is a drop-off season.

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You can't expect to lose Albert, McCluster, Flowers, and Schwartz and expect to be as competitive as 2013. They whole staff knows this is a drop-off season.

So don't bother giving the ball to one of the best players in the NFL giving yourself no chance at winning at all? It's a lost cause lets just fuck around for 16 games and see what happens...sure Andy that's a grand idea.


Chiefs don't have the first clue on how to win...history speaks for itself with this team. For god sakes even the fucking cardinals, raiders and lions have all had more success as of late. Shit, the lions were 0-16 a few seasons ago weren't they? IMO this is typical Clark Cunt and company thinking they can outsmart everyone with these diamond in the rough ideologies. Being a Chiefs fan sucks ball sack...

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Too much hand wringing and second guessing,  We got in cap trouble and were cash strapped. Simple as that.  This was on Pioli.  We had an easy schedule last year and won more games than we should have primarily due to Jamaal Charles and Alex Smith, the latter of who cost us two high draft choices.  We didn't have enough money left to sign Albert and never had any intention to, which is why we drafted Fisher. I still think the two draft choices were a good trade for a QB like Smith, considering it was a weak draft overall, though I know Mongo and several others will always disagree.  But now, look where where we are! Seriously.  Look LONG RANGE friends.  We have cap space, cash, and, thanks to the FA losses, we have FOURTEEN draft choices along with a nucleus of good young talent at several key positions.  Any decent GM and scouting department should be able to draft and/or trade draft choices next winter and create the nucleus of long-term dynasty, especially if this is a strong crop of college seniors. I don't follow college ball, so I don't know what this crop is shaping up to be like.  But if we end up with a weak record this year, which I fully expect, we should be near the top of every draft round and FA selection round.  The 2015 winter will determine our long term future. I have thought this for quite some time.  It will determine whether our scouts and Dorsey are winners or over-rated failures.  We will have an easy 2015 schedule mostly likely, because our 2014 record will be terrible, and our young guys this season will have had a lot of reps in a difficult year and learn what NOT to do.  The O-line will gain the experience needed to become credible.  Hopefully, Fisher pans out.


Anyway, I cannot help but think that we are in the catbird seat for the next 7-10 years starting in 2015.  I would fully expect to contend for a championship by 2016 or 2017.

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