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Hawg Droppings: Week #1 (Tenn @ KC)

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This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

Not with a bang but a whimper.

- T.S. Elliot 




                A Brief Synopsis.

                It took the Tennessee Titans until about the ten minute mark in the second quarter to identify that against this Kansas City defense one need not run to set up the pass. To the contrary it seemed that running would merely be a wasted opportunity to test what is clearly an undermanned KC secondary.  Or so it was prior to the season ending injuries to Kansas City defensemen Derrick Johnson and Mike Devito, running the ball became somewhat more amusing for the Titans after that point.

                Kansas City’s offense underwhelmed. The question of whether that was from a lack of talent on the line, in the Wide Receiver Corp.,  emanating from under center, or as a result of a coaching staff that clearly forgot that arguably the league’s best running back is most effective when allowed to actually run the ball, will likely go unanswered for a few more weeks.  If you are a stats guy, do yourself a favor and instead of looking at yesterday’s box score go ahead and put your eyes out with soldering iron and a damaged fork.


                Cause for Hope? (Positive Take Aways)

  1. I always have to remind myself that one good thing about the NFL is that not every game REALLY matters.
  2. Andy Reid simply cannot allow the running game to languish like this again… right?

                Look on Thy Works and Despair! (Negative Take Aways or am I Just Being Real?)

  1. I have already read some folks speculating that the injury Derrick Johnson could spell the end of his career, given its severity, recovery time, and his age. If this does in fact come to pass it will be a tragedy. To be struck down by a non-contact injury when so close to becoming Kansas City’s all-time leading tackler seems a cruel hand to be dealt by the whims of fate.  Derrick Johnson deserves better.
  2. Mike DeVito… I was just starting to warm up to the guy. He faces similar career implications to those faced by Johnson.  On a team that was really going to have to lean on its front seven to cover up its deficiencies in the secondary, DeVito’s bulk and push will be missed.
  3. 88% of everything else I watched on Sunday.

                Red Whine. (My Arkansas Razorbacks thoughts that no one cares about.)

  1. The only thing I learned from last weekend’s tilt with Nichols State is that the worst team to take the field this season in Fayetteville will not be the Arkansas Razorbacks. I don’t often feel genuine sympathy for an opponent; I was already there by the second quarter on Saturday.

                Final Chiefs Prognosis:  So… See you next year guys?


About the Author- Hawg B. Baller is a bartender, bouncer, and jurist who is in no way qualified to critique the performance of professional athletes, coaches, or people that actually work for a living. When he is not wasting other people’s time with his musings, he enjoys watersports and numbing the pain with strong drink.

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I'm glad I didn't pay for the NFL network this year. I had considered switching in order to "get it for free". Of course, the additions, subtractions, and exceptions will kill you. I stuck with the basic cable plan.


All in all, I suppose it is healthier for me to enjoy the outdoors. I need to do a little more fishing now that the weather has cooled. I got a truck. All I need now is a boat. I guess I'll have to keep borrowing my brother in law's vessel. 

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