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Maybe its that the NFL was trying to downplay that one of its stars was using his fiancé as a punching bag, trying to keep the incident as an "internal" NFL problem. It just got to big to fast. For better or worse Twitter, Facebook and all the other social media sites can really influence decisions made by the big wigs. The NFL is in full damage control mode. They are trying to protect their image and $$ flow etc. These are of course just uneducated guesses by myself. Maybe one of you smart guys can better explain what I am trying to say.

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Apparently neither the Ravens or the NFL fully vetted the issue.  Or they did, and thought they could just carry on with no issue.   


Video surfaces and both had to take a HARD stance.


Ravens by contract termination and NFL by 1 year indefinitely.


I find it hard to believe neither couldn't have seen the video, or pushed the issue on trying to get access to it.  But as the days pass we may see more of the truth on that.  Either way it aint looking good.

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My point is that under the new DV policy, 1st timers get 6 games, 2nd time lifetime ban? Why did Rice get "indefinite"?


You get "indefinite" only if a video surfaces?


What does the 49er get who hit a pregnant woman?


Where is the consistency?

Goodell appears to be a snake but is more likely a puppet.    


To answer your question.  There is ZERO consistency when it comes to covering your ass.

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Its all reactive.., I'm willing to let the dust settle before I look for sanity..,


As it is now, every media outlet has it and people are screaming like banshees for heads to roll.., Stupid reactive American "journalism".

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I don't understand it either Hands. The NFL set a policy, and it should be adhered to. It don't think the NFL should also set a "degree" of severity. If it is domestic violence, first offense, then the suspension should be 6 games.

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Personally I don't believe it is the NFLs responsibility to punish Rice, his employer should have done there job and shit canned him or suspended him themselves.


SF should have taken action against McDonald as well.


If a team does not act accordingly then the NFL should have stepped in and punished both the player and the organization.


Out curiosity has anyone noticed that both of these two instances happened under the Hairballs watch? No I am not saying they endorse these type of actions or condone them. Maybe they just don't care what goes on off the field and don't feel they are responsible for their players actions. To me the player's are responsible for their own actions, then the coaches, followed by the owners and then the league.

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Personally I don't believe it is the NFLs responsibility to punish Rice, his employer should have done there job and shit canned him or suspended him themselves.


SF should have taken action against McDonald as well.


If a team does not act accordingly then the NFL should have stepped in and punished both the player and the organization.


Out curiosity has anyone noticed that both of these two instances happened under the Hairballs watch? No I am not saying they endorse these type of actions or condone them. Maybe they just don't care what goes on off the field and don't feel they are responsible for their players actions. To me the player's are responsible for their own actions, then the coaches, followed by the owners and then the league.

So if you and your wife have an incident, you should be fired from your job?

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#1- the CBA prevents discipline before adjudication of their cases


However, the domestic violence rule says that the league can take action upon being charged. Doesn't say convicted or tried but charged. So yes they could take action.


#2- coincidence; there are 21 out of 32 teams with a player who was or is facing a Domestic violence charge in 2+13/14


Not sure your point here, what the hell is 2+13/14?


#3- your last paragraph contradicts itself.


No it doesn't, I do believe that a player is responsible for their action but in many of these cases they player obviously cant police themselves so the coaches need to step in.


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#1- thats under the "new" DV policy- Rice was judged under the "OLD" DV policy


#2- you insinuate that only the Harbaugh's as coaches have players with DV charges- 14 players arrested in the last two years, 21 teams with players arrested or facing allegations of DV out 32 in the years 2013-2014


#3- You argue that the coaches have a responsibility to prevent this then turn arpund and say the players should be held responsible.  Contradiction.

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