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AP report: Police sent NFL the Ray Rice tape in April

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This shouldn't have ever been an NFL issue.  They always want to be the liberal champion of human rights and botched it.  Several times now on this item alone.  They drew the attention to themselves.  


The handling of Rice from day one should have been as simple (conservative?) as, "The NFL is not in the business of law.  We'll abide by whatever decision the justice system takes. Should Ray Rice's availability to play football be compromised, that's a football decision to be handled by the Baltimore Ravens."  End of story.  


Of course that goes with DUI, pot, and several other things the NFL feels it has a responsibility to stick its nose in to satisfy the liberal left.


I like Roger Goodell.  I think he's interested in improving the sport.  However NFL athletes aren't saints, unless they are in New Orleans.  Leave them to their own morality and let society handle the rest.  And tell the whining special interest group to screw themselves.  Its just a game.

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Here's the problem mongo, many business' hold certain positions to a higher regard when it comes to drawing attention to themselves via crime, drugs, and so forth. I worked for a company that specifically stated that should I find my name in the newspaper for a "negative" reason, then my job would immediately be terminated.  They don't want attention focused upon anyone that meets with the public regularly. I see no reason that the NFL should not be able to do the same if they choose. Frankly, with so many youth idolizing these guys, I see it more fitting that they are punished should there be evidence of the crime.

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Here's the problem mongo, many business' hold certain positions to a higher regard when it comes to drawing attention to themselves via crime, drugs, and so forth. I worked for a company that specifically stated that should I find my name in the newspaper for a "negative" reason, then my job would immediately be terminated.  They don't want attention focused upon anyone that meets with the public regularly. I see no reason that the NFL should not be able to do the same if they choose. Frankly, with so many youth idolizing these guys, I see it more fitting that they are punished should there be evidence of the crime.

I understand PERFECTLY.  I know of such peeps, closely.  


However, the NFL has inappropriately aligned themselves in that regard.  It's a game.  And as much as we love it so, it shouldn't transcend rules in life.  


And the foremost is greed.  And that's why Ray Rice was let go by society.  And, some of us have difficulty swallowing it when a black man gets on the other end of it.  And, conversely, some of us want to excuse it because, "Well, it's just about time!"  


Ray Rice was not punished by the law neither because he black or white.  It was because he was green, with liquid assets.  That should offend the lot of us.  .


We, in our society, so misplace blame and responsibility.  Sometimes, it falls on us.

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