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New "NFL SCANDAL" Vikings star Adrian Peterson indicted on felony charge of injury to a child


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CNN) -- A grand jury has indicted star NFL running back Adrian Peterson on a felony charge of injury to a child, spurring the Montgomery County, Texas, Sheriff's Office to issue a warrant for his arrest.

Authorities didn't divulge details Friday about what led to the charge. But Peterson's lawyer said the "charged conduct involves using a switch to spank his son" -- explaining that his client did so while doling out discipline "much like "he experienced as a child growing up in east Texas."

Rusty Hardin said "Adrian never intended to harm his son and deeply regrets the unintentional injury."

Rather, Hardin characterized the former NFL MVP as "a loving father who used his judgment as a parent to discipline his son."

Adrian Peterson was the NFL's MVP in 2012.

Peterson will travel to Houston and will then "post bond as soon as it can be arranged," according to Hardin.

"(Peterson) will continue to insist on his innocence of any intended wrongdoing," the lawyer said.

Hardin claims that his client has "cooperated fully with authorities and voluntarily testified before the grand jury for several hours."

"Adrian will address the charges with the same respect and responsiveness he has brought to this inquiry from its beginning," the lawyer said.

Right after news broke of the indictment, the Vikings released a statement saying they were "in the process of gathering information regarding the legal situation."

The team came back a short time later to announce that its offensive catalyst has been deactivated for Sunday's game against the New England Patriots.

According to Texas law, a person can be convicted of an injury to a child offense if they are proven to have caused bodily or mental injury "intentionally, knowingly, recklessly or with criminal negligence" or causing such harm by omission. A child, by this definition, must be 14 years old or younger.

Peterson's indictment prompted a flurry of reaction on Twitter.

Some defended him and criticized authorities for pressing charges, saying that such forms of discipline are common and acceptable.

"Adrian Peterson was indicted in TX for swatting his son with a switch! Who knew that was illegal, cuz my mama would b in jail!"tweeted comedian D.L. Hughley.

Others came down hard on the Vikings star, including one man who was "sickened."

"Anyone who defends this is a coward," one person tweeted.

2-year-old son allegedly killed by another man

The alleged criminal offense took place in Montgomery County, which is north of Houston.

The 29-year-old Peterson grew up in Palestine, Texas, which is 150 miles north of Houston and 100 miles southeast of Dallas.

A running back for the Vikings since 2007, he rushed for 75 yards in his team's season-opening 34-6 rout of the St. Louis Rams.

In 2012, he was named the league's most valuable player when he ran for 2,097 yards, just nine yards short of the single-season mark,the NFL said.

For all his exploits on the field, Peterson has dealt with heartache and headaches.

That includes the death of his brother in 2007, a day before he participated in the NFL's skill testing event for potential draft picks.

And last year, Peterson's 2-year-old son died after allegedly being abused by another man.

Authorities in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, found that child unresponsive, and later determined he'd suffered injuries to his head consistent with abuse.

Joseph Robert Patterson, the boyfriend of the boy's mother, was arrested and eventually charged with murder. Patterson has denied the charge and said the boy choked on strawberry fruit snacks, theArgus Leader of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, reported.

News of Peterson's indictment casts another shadow over the NFL, which is reeling from the fallout over then-Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Ric allegedly punching his then-fiancee Janay Palmer in a casino elevator.

A New Jersey grand jury indicted Rice for third-degree aggravated assault; he pleaded not guilty and entered a pretrial intervention program for first-time offenders that could clear him if he successfully completes the requirements.



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I agree with Oldtimer. Some of the facts should be things like the age the child, how many times did he spank  him, how hard did he spank him and finally what did the child do to rate a spanking? With all of that being said, I got may ass whipped on a regular basis when I was growing up. Every house in my family had a paddle hanging on the wall. Not only did I get the paddle, I got the flyswatter, the orange racetrack piece, and of course the switch I had to pick out myself. (hint.. do NOT grab the heaviest log you can handle.. mom does not see the humor and the ass whipping is worse.) About half the time it was the "just wait till your dad gets home!" Sometimes nothing would happen but other times he would break out the "White Hand of Justice" and heat up our asses a little. When I was about 4 or 5 I was playing with matches in the kitchen and lit some paper on fire. My mom ran my hand through the fire on the stove a couple times, not enough to blister but enough to make me feel it. Then she whipped my ass like no other along with all sorts of yelling and screaming at me. I never messed with matches again. I guess my point is that I got a lot of corporal punishment and I do not think it "traumatized" me nor did it give me PTSD. I say that it taught me that doing stupid things will result in unpleasant consequences. Maybe some of these kids now days should feel a little pain now and again, might do them some good. JMHO   Go Chiefs

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a 4 yr old


with a switch


that left marks on his legs long enough for the boy to travel back home and his mother to see them


a couple of days later



Thats not discipline- thats abuse



 then I musta been abused sometimes .. and I never even knew it   DAMN IT!!!

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Let me start off by saying I abhor abuse both verbal and physical to women and children. Having said that this hysteria by the media is just nuts. Where were all these writers and broadcasters when Belcher shot his wife. That is the ultimate in abuse.


By my count you have Hardy, McDonald and Rice as wife beaters and Peterson as a child beater and that is creating the hyperbole by the media.   You'd think the world was coming to an end.


Yes something needs to be done by the NFL but this is much bigger than that, it's a national issue that needs to be addressed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's my take:

First an assumption:

  APs decision to use a switch wasn't something he thought of all by himself.  It's too old school, which leads me to believe it's how HE was raised.


Assuming AP used what he knew from how he was raised, I find it hard to believe that he set out to abuse his child... especially given the fact that he spends so much time traveling to see ALL of his kids... that's a dedicated father (very much like DT (rip))...


That being said, although I don't have an issue with spanking a child (sometimes really bad decisions require swift and immediate consequence to hammer home the lesson), a switch can easily break skin and cause damage where it isn't intended...


as such, I believe the case should be deferred provided AP receives counseling to correct his technique.  And let that be the end of it (should it happen beyond this, THEN seek charges)


Abusing children is unacceptable, but as the parent/child relationship is paramount, anytime there is a chance to correct someone who doesn't necessarily realize what they are doing is abusive, fixing the problem must take priority over tearing the family down.


on the lighter side:

also... and I know we're in a different era... but:   If AP was raised with the threat of a switch being used, and that somehow pushed him to become the best RB in the league....   just sayin lol...

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