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My 2014 "Rankings"

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1. New England: Bye Week win.

2. Seattle: Bye Week win.

3. Denver: Bye Week win

4. Dallas: Reality gave them a win with the referee pocketing the flag. They lose a spot in this fictional rankings. Yes, the comeback was great, with that help, but they shouldn't have gotten down by so much.

5. Green Bay: Bye Week win. They can change this by beating Dallas next week.

6. Indianapolis: Did they even have to play the game? Rephrase - did Cincinnati even play in the game?

7. Baltimore: Probably should put them ahead of the Colts, but I don't feel like punishing Indianapolis for having no one to play. I mean, I didn't lower any bye week teams, did I?

8. Detroit: Lions go to the head of the losing teams because of their referee problems. Started well but gave up their lead when playing keep away. DPI would have taken off clock. Refs extending Dallas' drive also removed comeback clock timing.

9. Pittsburgh: As bad as it looked, they were in it and might have pulled it off if the refs had been more liberal with calling PI. Big Ben's likely concussion didn't help.

10. Arizona: Pity can't keep them ahead of Pittsburgh. Injuries and 77 yards on offense kept them from going higher.

11. Cincinnati: Would have been tempted to rank them higher than Arizona if any of Green's backups stepped up. Instead, they were like Avery was when Bowe was out - when they are better than Avery. Dalton got lucky again that the defensive player decided to bat the ball down instead of intercept the Hail Mary with no time left. Get the INT!

12. Philadelphia: Didn't believe in dropping playoff team (Bengals) below non-playoff team (Eagles) when Eagles were 3-4 against playoff teams.

13. Houston.

14. Kansas City.

15. Buffalo.

16. San Diego.

17. Carolina: Playoffs are bigger than regular season games, so putting their .500 record over SF or Miami's .500 is a no brainer.

18. San Francisco.

19. Miami.

20. Cleveland.

21. Atlanta.

22. New Orleans.

23. St. Louis.

24. NY Giants.

25. Minnesota

26. Chicago.

27. NY Jets.

28. Washington.

29. Oakland.

30. Jacksonville.

31. Tampa Bay.

32. Tennessee.

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I decided to give those on a bye a win so that they would stay within that category of wins. Playoff bye weeks shouldn't punish you. And you know how all the teams read these rankings. I wouldn't want to hurt their feelings. ;)


I tried to reward those who won in the playoffs and not to punish those who lost versus those who did not make it. Example: Philadelphia didn't make the playoffs but technically the Bengals, by losing, now have a worse record than the Eagles. But could we really say that they did better by not playing? The Bengals were ahead at the end of the regular season and losing to a playoff team shouldn't affect that unless that had been in the regular season.


However, I didn't overvalue Carolina's win in the playoffs. I pushed them above the other .500 teams

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Week "19"

1. New England: Overcoming two 14 point leads is so great that it hides the fact that they got down by that much twice. I was prepared for a Manning-Brady love-fest, but Luck isn't a stranger to media love.
2. Seattle: Defense, defense, defense. And a little bit of great offense (mixed with ok). Was tempted to put them over New England, but thought I should wait to see.
3. Green Bay: Hobbling Rodgers found a way to win the game. Normally, a QB getting too much credit or media hyping the injury bugs me, but did you see that TD throw? Any team with Rodgers as their QB will never be out of the game until the end. Yuck, I hate me over-praising.
4. Indianapolis: I haven't been as impressed by Luck as others, but it's clear that his team is better than a hobbled Manning Broncos. The media has to hype yards per game because they can't push TDs or INTs. How about letting wins speak? We'll see.
5. Dallas: They'll scream about bad calls, but from what I've read, it was a correct call. At least more justifiable than a picked up PI flag.
6. Denver: Much of this drop is just me falling for the NOW. Right now, it seems to be over, but come September, if he doesn't retire, I'll still be deferring to the Broncos. Here's hoping he hangs them up.
7. Baltimore: Ravens gave up a 28 point lead. Well, they decided to do it in two installments. Was very impressed with great coaching on both sides, save one INT in the end zone that would have given Brady nearly 100 seconds to counter even if it had been a TD.
8. Detroit: Better record than Baltimore, but is their loss more impressive than Baltimore's win and loss? They were screwed officially, so I'm putting them ahead of the Steelers.
9. Pittsburgh: Technically would have a better record than the Ravens, but when the Steelers lost to those Ravens and those Ravens almost beat New England, how could I put the Steelers ahead?
10. Arizona.
11. Cincinnati.
12. Philadelphia: Won't put a non-playoff team over a playoff team if they weren't already ahead of them in the regular season.
13. Houston.
14. Kansas City.
15. Buffalo.
16. San Diego.
17. Carolina: Wasn't good enough to raise them, in my opinion, but won't drop them.
18. San Francisco.
19. Miami.
20. Cleveland.
21. Atlanta.
22. New Orleans.
23. St. Louis.
24. NY Giants.
26. Chicago.
27. NY Jets.
28. Washington.
29. Oakland.
30. Jacksonville.
31. Tampa Bay.
32. Tennessee.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Week "20"

1. New England: Deflated or not, a blowout is impressive and expected for me. Wouldn't have been falling back surprised if the Colts won, but who here expected the Patriots to lose this game?
2. Seattle: For all the great play at the end and the factors going Seattle's way, can't consider them number one because of their start unless they beat the Patriots this weekend.
3. Green Bay: As bad as the ending was and for how many things they did wrong, this beats a blowout, though Packer fans might disagree. So much blame to go around, but enough happened to say, even if they had won, that they wouldn't be number one without winning it all.
4. Indianapolis: Luck will get there and AFCC is impressive, but someone should get on him for his INTs vs. TDs in the playoffs and turnovers in the regular season. Manage those without losing your positives and he will realize the potential of his hype. Beating Manning was the third step, as getting their first playoff win was their second, and making the playoffs the year before was the first. Anyone see the fourth step being a SB loss before the fifth step of winning it all? Sixth is dynasty... ok, let's not get too ahead of ourselves.
5. Dallas.
6. Denver.
7. Baltimore.
8. Detroit.
9. Pittsburgh.
10. Arizona.
11. Cincinnati.
12. Philadelphia.
13. Houston.
14. Kansas City.
15. Buffalo.
16. San Diego.
17. Carolina.
18. San Francisco.
19. Miami.
20. Cleveland.
21. Atlanta.
22. New Orleans.
23. St. Louis.
24. NY Giants.
26. Chicago.
27. NY Jets.
28. Washington.
29. Oakland.
30. Jacksonville.
31. Tampa Bay.
32. Tennessee.

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Week "21"


1. New England: I wonder if anybody is going to remember the game-winning touchdown versus the game saving interception and horrible play call? The Patriots turned out to be the best team in the league AND got some of Seattle's luck. (Yes, I know, it's not luck.)

2. Seattle: The last play called was so terrible that, as a prisoner of the moment, I was tempted to drop them below Green Bay. But then I remembered the Green Bay game. Seattle is solidly below the Patriots.

3. Green Bay.

4. Indianapolis.

5. Dallas.

6. Denver.

7. Baltimore.

8. Detroit.

9. Pittsburgh.

10. Arizona.

11. Cincinnati.

12. Philadelphia.

13. Houston.

14. Kansas City.

15. Buffalo.

16. San Diego.

17. Carolina.

18. San Francisco.

19. Miami.

20. Cleveland.

21. Atlanta.

22. New Orleans.

23. St. Louis.

24. NY Giants.

26. Chicago.

27. NY Jets.

28. Washington.

29. Oakland.

30. Jacksonville.

31. Tampa Bay.

32. Tennessee.

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The following is the compiled rankings after weighing each week more than the previous week. This is just how the season went, not a true rankings.


  1. New England Patriots: Worst days were early on so the 18th place ranking they started at after losing to the Dolphins didn't hurt much. Win the first seed and the SB and you are bound to have caught up.
  2. Denver Broncos: Never dropped below 10th and so consistency kept them this high.
  3. Dallas Cowboys: Besides Week 1, they never dropped far and never had back-to-back losses, so that consistency helped.
  4. Green Bay Packers: Got hot toward the end, got a bye week, and advanced in the playoffs.
  5. Seattle Seahawks: Winning the SB would have jumped them above Green Bay, but their early struggles kept them down. I believe the bye week being early hurt, too. Need to revise byes and ties.
  6. Arizona Cardinals: Were number one so long, shouldn't be a surprise to be up here. Finish dropped them from first to 6th.
  7. Indianapolis Colts: Started poorly and then were consistently 4-8th.
  8. Detroit Lions: Surprise team, but I always put them low on their win category because their offense was iffy.
  9. Philadelphia Eagles: They were a so-what team, but started off well and never dropped until late.
  10. Cincinnati Bengals: Stupid tie kept them above those who lost a half a game more. Will revise next year.
  11. Baltimore Ravens: Good team, better second half of season. Went from middle to bottom of top third.
  12. Pittsburgh Steelers: Ok to good team, got better as season went along until playoffs loss.
  13. San Diego Chargers: Started really well and the drop wasn't big enough to drop below KC.
  14. Kansas City Chiefs: First two games were bad and the ending was bad, but the quality wins kept them high each week in their win category.
  15. Buffalo Bills: Started off well and beat good teams, floated for awhile and won their last game.
  16. Houston Texans: Too early and too late wins, middle was soft and dragged them down.
  17. San Francisco 49ers: Gave benefit of the doubt for a long time, otherwise would have been lower.
  18. Miami Dolphins: Never believed in them, so I did rank them low each week. Didn't prove me wrong at end of year.
  19. Cleveland Browns: Typical Cleveland will tease before collapsing. Got helped by three INT wins.
  20. Carolina Panthers: Playoffs win was too late to raise them too much. Didn't give much credit for winning division.
  21. Atlanta Falcons: No real comment here. Mike Smith deserved to be fired. No fire at the end to win a playoff spot.
  22. New Orleans Saints: Would have been lower if Tampa weren't tanking. Disappointment all year except short middle section.
  23. St. Louis Rams: Surprising team with bad record, always put them as high as I could win-count-wise.
  24. Minnesota Vikings: A few surprise wins but never put them high on my list.
  25. Chicago Bears: Gave them too much credit for beating SF and gave them too long of the benefit of the doubt. Should have been lower earlier.
  26. New York Giants: No real comment except for noting another bad year for them.
  27. Washington Redskins: Couldn't fix or stick to a QB cost them. Had potential to be top 20.
  28. New York Jets: Ranking sounds about right if I say so myself - consistently bad, but not worst.
  29. Oakland Raiders: A few surprise wins at the end raised them from the dweller but stole a first overall pick.
  30. Jacksonville Jaguars: Consistently bad, need I say more. Rookie year should make Bortles better next year.
  31. Tennessee Titans: Would have been worst if not for early surprise win over Chiefs, keeping them in top 18 for two weeks.
  32. Tampa Bay Buccaneers: Tanked enough to win/lose this honor. Consistently terrible with no real big wins, except over nobody Saints (I think) and terrible game against Atlanta couldn't drop them enough.
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