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NFL Domestic/Child abuse percentage


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 I was bored and decided with all the media hype about current events in the NFL to see how NFL players compare to the "average" population regarding domestic violence and child abuse. Of course this is very unscientific and all that. To start lets get the total number of NFL employees to 10000.


Players: 53 active and 5 practice squad. NFL total: 1696 (lets round up to 1700)

Cheerleaders: 30 per team comes to 960, toss in coaches etc.. NFL total: 1000. (Chiefs have 33 cheerleaders)

Coaches: 25 per team. NFL total: 800 (Chiefs have 22 coaches)

League office: 1858 (per Sports Business Journal) Add in janitors, secretaries, security, refs.  NFL total: 2000.

Miscellaneous: 140 per team. NFL total 4480. ( IT guys, beer vendors, scouts, maintenance, media etc)

Extras: we are 20 short so lets throw in 10 steroid dealers and 10 Lawyers. NFL total: 20


OK!! we are at 10000! Now lets see who has been bad. (remember, innocent until proven guilty)

1. Rice

2. Peterson

3. Hardy

4. McDonald


These are stats from Washtenaw County Michigan 2010. (chosen at random)

Child Abuse: 687 per 100000 population. (up from 366 in 2005)

Domestic Violence: 791 per 100000 population. ( up from 611 in 2005)

Looks like these stats are on the rise so lets round up to 700 Child Abuse and 800 Domestic Violence.


Washtenaw County: Child Abuse 70 per 10000.  Domestic violence: 80 per 10000


OK.. I figure out of all the other NFL employees  DV and CA occur and we just don't hear about it because they are not famous, so not counting them and judging by the 4 above the NFL player numbers would be..

Child abuse: 10 per 10000.  Domestic Violence: 30 per 10000.


There it is!! After 3 cups of coffee.. A seriously flawed and totally inaccurate study! I had some trouble getting concrete numbers and of course Washtenaw County can have more or less rates than other areas. I look forward to you "Brains" out there tearing these numbers apart etc.. LOL.  I would love to know the actual numbers. You all have a great Chiefs day!




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