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The only time I felt let down by Mahomes was on the ball in the dirt to a wide open Hardman on the goal line.  That should have been the game.  The Chargers coach will be second guessed for the fourth down calls, but they were the right calls.  Sometimes, the coin comes up heads ten times in a row and it's just bad luck.  Where he really went wrong was on the first series when it was first and goal from the five.  They were running all over the Chiefs and he called four passes in a row.  I hate that philosophy but coaches keep doing it and it cost them the game.  Thank you Chargers.  

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1 hour ago, Biggjliv4 said:

My questions would be:

1. Why do they continue to run out of the gun, especially at the goal line?

2. Why are there not two sets of 10 play scripts for each quarter? Seems we bog down and move away from the run after the first series every game. That first drive was fantastic and well balanced. 

The first drive we were 6-7 for 71 yards passing and we had 3 nice runs that added up to 25.  

Then we ran for 0, 5, 0, -1, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3 and 0.  That takes you to the end of the 3rd quarter.  And the whole time, everyone talks about how bad CEH is a bust.  That's why we moved away from the running game.  It has to be working, you can't just give away drives in a game that you are playing from behind.  

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11 hours ago, Obi Won Mahome said:

Your statement definitely rings true for me. I am critical of PM15’s play when he is off.  However, I am never pissed at him.


I am a huge Mahomes fan, but I know the guy is not perfect.  For me the most frustrating part about PM15 playing poorly is that I know what badassery he is capable of.



This^^^. Exactly. 

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10 hours ago, xen said:

Outside of the Giants and Tits games, where, you know, he actually played the first 2 bad games of his career (most especially vs the Tits), he has not been playing poorly.  The game film does not back your assertion sir.   There is a massive difference between not playing to the all world level he set previously and playing poorly.   

I think pm15 has only been playing “poorly” compared to what I’ve come to expect. I’m spoiled and not ashamed to admit it.  He’s so incredible that when he throws a dirt ball like he did to a wide open Hardman I am stunned. That’s a tad Mahomes makes 99 out of 100 times. Last night was the 1.

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On 12/17/2021 at 8:57 AM, oldtimer said:

unless they get on the COVID protocol. 

The way things are going the protocols are gonna be massively eased up on…hopefully won’t be an issue…plus I’m sure in light of recent events the staff/teammates have probabaly laid down the law on being careful 

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29 minutes ago, WichitaZRide said:

The way things are going the protocols are gonna be massively eased up on…hopefully won’t be an issue…plus I’m sure in light of recent events the staff/teammates have probabaly laid down the law on being careful 

Holidays almost assures no control. Hard to dictate not getting together with family etc.

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On 12/17/2021 at 5:48 AM, xen said:

Outside of the Giants and Tits games, where, you know, he actually played the first 2 bad games of his career (most especially vs the Tits), he has not been playing poorly.  The game film does not back your assertion sir.   There is a massive difference between not playing to the all world level he set previously and playing poorly.   

Guess it depends on the definition of 'poorly.' If it was Kirk Cousins, Thursday night was a career game. 

Gonna vent here.

Expectations on Patrick Mahomes are top-level. Might not be fair, but he's earned it these last three years.

This year he's been off. He hasn't been himself (until 4th Q Thursday) nor touched the bar that he himself has set. It's not a slam on PM to acknowledge this. Even he has admitted it. 

I've said before it looks like he's pressing. My uninformed take is that since the SB last year, he's seemed a bit rattled... maybe because of inconsistent pass-pro. When defenses go 2 high, and when the OL isn't giving him time to scan and utilize his weapons, no QB will thrive.

So what does he do? He opts for less-risky throws to avoid the INT... by throwing low and away from the coverage ie that short pass to Travis Thursday night that fell incomplete. That makes it look worse, when in reality he's doing the right thing... like the all-pro he is.

Seems like it's taken Andy a while to adjust... but has it?  I mean, we like have the 3rd or 4th toughest schedule in the NFL to date, we have the best record, and for the first 7 games we played like shit... certainly not to potential.

The 4th quarter in LA was amazing... the PM performance we have all come to love and (perhaps unfairly) expect. This kind of game is a huge confidence-builder... on both sides of the ball. We saw Patrick's reaction after the 2-point conversion... it was just like his reaction after the go-ahead touchdown in the '19 playoffs vs Houston. 

I keep telling myself he's getting back his mojo... and he is. Every game he's looking like the Patrick from the last few seasons. The key here is the team still believes in him, and he's definitely got the fire.

Lastly, and I never thought I'd say this after the 1st 7 weeks, is that we are in 1st place because of our defense. When we have both Jones and Clark healthy and on the field, it is a completely different team. With our young stud LBs getting a season of reps under their belts, it has completely turned this defense around. When healthy and on the field, our D can win games for us. Who would have thought?


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I'm guilty of setting Mahomes expectations too high. Forgetting at times, that he's human. It's interesting that when drafted, this is the Mahomes I expected. Lots of TDs and lots of INTs. I was prepared for it then. Then he spoiled us. 


(NOTE: I originally typed TDS instead of TDs and I know a few folks who may have commented on that.)

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4 hours ago, mex said:

Guess it depends on the definition of 'poorly.' If it was Kirk Cousins, Thursday night was a career game. 

Gonna vent here.

Expectations on Patrick Mahomes are top-level. Might not be fair, but he's earned it these last three years.

This year he's been off. He hasn't been himself (until 4th Q Thursday) nor touched the bar that he himself has set. It's not a slam on PM to acknowledge this. Even he has admitted it. 

I've said before it looks like he's pressing. My uninformed take is that since the SB last year, he's seemed a bit rattled... maybe because of inconsistent pass-pro. When defenses go 2 high, and when the OL isn't giving him time to scan and utilize his weapons, no QB will thrive.

So what does he do? He opts for less-risky throws to avoid the INT... by throwing low and away from the coverage ie that short pass to Travis Thursday night that fell incomplete. That makes it look worse, when in reality he's doing the right thing... like the all-pro he is.

Seems like it's taken Andy a while to adjust... but has it?  I mean, we like have the 3rd or 4th toughest schedule in the NFL to date, we have the best record, and for the first 7 games we played like shit... certainly not to potential.

The 4th quarter in LA was amazing... the PM performance we have all come to love and (perhaps unfairly) expect. This kind of game is a huge confidence-builder... on both sides of the ball. We saw Patrick's reaction after the 2-point conversion... it was just like his reaction after the go-ahead touchdown in the '19 playoffs vs Houston. 

I keep telling myself he's getting back his mojo... and he is. Every game he's looking like the Patrick from the last few seasons. The key here is the team still believes in him, and he's definitely got the fire.

Lastly, and I never thought I'd say this after the 1st 7 weeks, is that we are in 1st place because of our defense. When we have both Jones and Clark healthy and on the field, it is a completely different team. With our young stud LBs getting a season of reps under their belts, it has completely turned this defense around. When healthy and on the field, our D can win games for us. Who would have thought?


Sorry gonna disagree.  NFL gamepass has coach's tape and what I've seen is a guy who is learning to take what the defenses give him.  He has progressed during this season from doing that as a last resort to recognizing what the D is trying to do earlier in the snap and feeding his guys while they still have time to make a play. Outside of the games I mentioned where his play was actually poor, when you start breaking down the drives in each game and realize how many drives were stopped by our own players through drops and turnovers you start to understand that he really has not been playing poorly (overall, he has his poor moments) at all.

It is almost impossible to tell how well an individual is playing by watching the only the live broadcast.  

I would also argue with the assertion some have made here that the pass protection has been poor.  I think some saw the early season struggles and maybe are just assuming that has continued, but it really hasn't and got cleaned up quite a while ago, outside some struggles at RT (looking at you Wylie).  It's the same assertion people are still making that OBJ is struggling in pass pro when the reality is he has continually improved there throughout this season and actually has been doing very well vs some strong pass rushers.

That is not to say we don't have issues, we do.  Where Patrick still struggles some is escaping a pocket when he doesn't need to and he also still sometimes takes longer drops than necessary, which always hurts your Oline.  But he has also cleaned that up to some extent and has been doing better with it.  

That is also not to say that Patrick has not had struggles this year.  He obviously has.  But it's not to the extent people think.

I said it when we had a losing record and I'll say it again.  Turnovers and drops have hurt us more than anything.   The perception of this whole season looks different without those, and we saw them again this week.

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3 hours ago, xen said:

Sorry gonna disagree.  NFL gamepass has coach's tape and what I've seen is a guy who is learning to take what the defenses give him.  He has progressed during this season from doing that as a last resort to recognizing what the D is trying to do earlier in the snap and feeding his guys while they still have time to make a play. Outside of the games I mentioned where his play was actually poor, when you start breaking down the drives in each game and realize how many drives were stopped by our own players through drops and turnovers you start to understand that he really has not been playing poorly (overall, he has his poor moments) at all.

It is almost impossible to tell how well an individual is playing by watching the only the live broadcast.  

I would also argue with the assertion some have made here that the pass protection has been poor.  I think some saw the early season struggles and maybe are just assuming that has continued, but it really hasn't and got cleaned up quite a while ago, outside some struggles at RT (looking at you Wylie).  It's the same assertion people are still making that OBJ is struggling in pass pro when the reality is he has continually improved there throughout this season and actually has been doing very well vs some strong pass rushers.

That is not to say we don't have issues, we do.  Where Patrick still struggles some is escaping a pocket when he doesn't need to and he also still sometimes takes longer drops than necessary, which always hurts your Oline.  But he has also cleaned that up to some extent and has been doing better with it.  

That is also not to say that Patrick has not had struggles this year.  He obviously has.  But it's not to the extent people think.

I said it when we had a losing record and I'll say it again.  Turnovers and drops have hurt us more than anything.   The perception of this whole season looks different without those, and we saw them again this week.

You pretty much repeated my points, other than on pass-pro. 

I don't have NFL GamePass but I do have a Holiday Inn Express next to where I work.

I agree that many of Patrick's issues lie with players not executing, be it not holding on to 'catchable' balls, fumbling at the wrong time, or not getting into their routes quickly. That has cost us big time, way more than Patrick being a little off.

It's VERY clear, at least to me, he's been pressing. The ball he doinked off of Kelce's shoulder was classic pressing. Same with the ball he buried on a wide open Hardman at the goal line. (of course, I'd have to agree with you that Hardman would have needed to actually CATCH the ball, but the point is made)

On pass pro, we're going to agree to disagree. It seems Patrick has way less time in the pocket this year. I don't have all those fancy coach's replays that give you stats replays, but I do know the Chiefs are the least-blitzed team in the NFL. That means he's getting pressure from a 4 man rush... which allows secondaries to stay 2-high and allow their LBs to stay in their zones. Normally, Patrick would pick that apart, because both Kelce and Hill are great at freestyling 'after the route'.  But we've seen a lot less of that this year. Our drives don't seem as consistent. We're still scoring ok... 27.5 pts per game is pretty good. (Thank you raiders)  But in 2018 we were at 34.8 ppg.

IMO our lack of ability to consistently run the ball hurts, allowing teams to pressure with just 4 down linemen.

Since Patrick has been sacked 25 times, the most in 4 seasons, without a lot of blitzes... it tells me our OL might not be doing the same job as previous years. 

Totally agree on his deeper drops in the pocket... sometimes he gets too far back allowing DEs to simply outrun our tackles. 

I'm not saying Patrick is 'struggling'. Far from it. I mean we're in first fucking place. If Cousins had the Vikes in first place, they'd rename Minneapolis after him. But Patrick has definitely shown signs of forcing shit because he's been under pressure, or because he FEELS under pressure. A lot.

Or, I could be 100% wrong. I mean, Detroit beat Arizona... so miracles can happen.

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12 hours ago, mex said:

You pretty much repeated my points, other than on pass-pro. 

I don't have NFL GamePass but I do have a Holiday Inn Express next to where I work.

I agree that many of Patrick's issues lie with players not executing, be it not holding on to 'catchable' balls, fumbling at the wrong time, or not getting into their routes quickly. That has cost us big time, way more than Patrick being a little off.

It's VERY clear, at least to me, he's been pressing. The ball he doinked off of Kelce's shoulder was classic pressing. Same with the ball he buried on a wide open Hardman at the goal line. (of course, I'd have to agree with you that Hardman would have needed to actually CATCH the ball, but the point is made)

On pass pro, we're going to agree to disagree. It seems Patrick has way less time in the pocket this year. I don't have all those fancy coach's replays that give you stats replays, but I do know the Chiefs are the least-blitzed team in the NFL. That means he's getting pressure from a 4 man rush... which allows secondaries to stay 2-high and allow their LBs to stay in their zones. Normally, Patrick would pick that apart, because both Kelce and Hill are great at freestyling 'after the route'.  But we've seen a lot less of that this year. Our drives don't seem as consistent. We're still scoring ok... 27.5 pts per game is pretty good. (Thank you raiders)  But in 2018 we were at 34.8 ppg.

IMO our lack of ability to consistently run the ball hurts, allowing teams to pressure with just 4 down linemen.

Since Patrick has been sacked 25 times, the most in 4 seasons, without a lot of blitzes... it tells me our OL might not be doing the same job as previous years. 

Totally agree on his deeper drops in the pocket... sometimes he gets too far back allowing DEs to simply outrun our tackles. 

I'm not saying Patrick is 'struggling'. Far from it. I mean we're in first fucking place. If Cousins had the Vikes in first place, they'd rename Minneapolis after him. But Patrick has definitely shown signs of forcing shit because he's been under pressure, or because he FEELS under pressure. A lot.

Or, I could be 100% wrong. I mean, Detroit beat Arizona... so miracles can happen.

Is anybody that surprised that AZ is fading.  That seems to be their m.o. under Kingsbury.  We'll have to agree to disagree on the pass pro bro.  A lot of those sacks are on Patrick or our shitty RT play.

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2 minutes ago, xen said:

Is anybody that surprised that AZ is fading.  That seems to be their m.o. under Kingsbury.  We'll have to agree to disagree on the pass pro bro.  A lot of those sacks are on Patrick or our shitty RT play.

Actually I kinda am. Not that I pay that much attention but I'm rooting for anyone not the Rams nor Buccs for the NFC going to the SB.  Our AZ lives in the belly of that beast I wonder what the locals are thinking.

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17 minutes ago, oldtimer said:

Actually I kinda am. Not that I pay that much attention but I'm rooting for anyone not the Rams nor Buccs for the NFC going to the SB.  Our AZ lives in the belly of that beast I wonder what the locals are thinking.

Probably "here we go again..."

Dec/Jan record

2020 2-3

2019 2-3

2018 1-4

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2 hours ago, oldtimer said:

Actually I kinda am. Not that I pay that much attention but I'm rooting for anyone not the Rams nor Buccs for the NFC going to the SB.  Our AZ lives in the belly of that beast I wonder what the locals are thinking.

Over here in AZ...starting to get that "not again" vibe. I could understand having a bad game against a bad team but getting crushed is another thing. Some in the media are questioning Murray when the chips are down. "Really don't like Kyler's body language when things are going bad. Always throwing his hands up -- looking to call someone else out. He's yelling at AJ Green seconds after throwing a pick. He has grown up a lot this season... but he has a ways to go as a leader." I think they definitely have the talent. Leadership from QB and coach is questionable. 

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