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Chiefs defense and front 7

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Front 7 is nasty. And we are going to find our next MLB of the future. Jmj looks good. Baily is a beast. Vickerson is a steal.


Actually look better without berry.


Btw, we aren't getting beat deep anymore like I predicted. Abdullah is wayyyyyyy better than Lewis. 1 job, don't get beat deep.


So glad that guy is gone.

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Yup, Yup, Yup I love how we stacked the front 7 in the off season. I completely agree with Dorsey's moves to upgrade it during the off-season with Rivers and Manning in our division. We have a solid rotation of guys in the middle to fill in with the loss of DeVito. Howard, Walker, Vickerson, etc. A sick pass rush package when you throw a fresh Dee Ford into the mix. It only gets better when we get back Joe Mays to fill in alongside JMJ.


I like our chances to beat NE at Arrowhead on MNF. Like I said, just get a win in Miami. Looking forward to our D getting their first turnover of the season against Tom Bratty!

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I thought the D did some nice things but I have to remind myself this was Miami and not the Saints or the Bengals. I too am pleasantly surprised at the play of our fill ins. JMJ was a mixed bag. I thought he made some nice plays but also handed some plays to Miami by being out of position. Bailey is a freakin' load. He is what I thought he could be. Tamba seems to be playing like a man on a mission. And Dee Ford had some really solid moments. With that speed...once he gains some experience he could be a handful for offenses. Good thing about this team is we did it without DAT, J Charles, Berry...we are filling in with guys who are actually good. Who is this team?

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I think to much focus has been put on Dorsey and his drafts, and not enough has been put on his bottom of the roster moves. The oline and wrs are still a concern, but I've been pretty impressed with the depth he's put on the team so far. The entire secondary that was on the field yesterday were guys he brought in. Over half the roster has been replaced since he got here.

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I think to much focus has been put on Dorsey and his drafts, and not enough has been put on his bottom of the roster moves. The oline and wrs are still a concern, but I've been pretty impressed with the depth he's put on the team so far. The entire secondary that was on the field yesterday were guys he brought in. Over half the roster has been replaced since he got here.

The secondary did a nice job yesterday.

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Dorsey has churned the backups and bottom of thus roster and deserves kudos for that. Personally I liked that his drafts were forward thinking. Yeah we didn't get a lot of immediate gratification, but he drafted what he felt were the best players and some of those guys are starting to come on. Fish is even showing signs of improvement.

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I think once Mays returns, our run defense will slightly improve. Mauga tends to get out of position alot. I think JMJ just needs more playing time to get better. He has the athletisim and speed to be a good LBer...


Joe Mays, is a stud and will help this defense tremendously when he returns i'm sure of that. Our front 7 will be SIIIICK!

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Joe Mays, is a stud and will help this defense tremendously when he returns i'm sure of that. Our front 7 will be SIIIICK!

Do you mean Joe Mays, the "stud" (cough, cough) whose bust for Canton is being readied as we speak?  Or do you mean Joe Mays the journeyman who is now on his 4th stop in a 6 year career in which he's only been a starter 35 games?  The Joe Mays whose best season was only 67 tackles?  That Joe Mays?  Really?


Do I have a misunderstanding of the term "stud?" It seems to get thrown around loosely here.  Is it a synonym for "mediocre?"

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