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Nagy back

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18 hours ago, qnet said:

Bears fans are roasting him in the comments on this video, LOL!


Not saying Nagy doesn't deserve some of it, but he got saddled with Mitch Trubisky when he got there and then got saddled with a raw and unprepared qb in Fields that he was in a lose lose situation with.  He was darned if he did and darned if he didn't.  I often wonder if coaches in their desire to be HC won't take on impossible situations or believe they are capable of turning the impossible into the possible and just perpetuate a cycle of poorly run organizations.   A good coach can be made to appear like a poor coach when the organization is dsyfunctional.    Gotta have power to change the culture and often times these young coaches want the title without realizing that without the power they can't succeed.  If, and its a big if, EB realized this he wouldn't be willing to make concessions to get that title.  Meaning he wouldn't get jobs because he knew that he couldn't succeed in an organization without the power to clean house.    Always hard to tell which is which but organziations that are constantly hiring and firing and hiring HC's are dysfunctional.   

Chicago will be dysfunctional far longer than their memory of Matt Nagy's short tenure there.   


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Also, we got pinched on this EB deal.  It would be horrible optics if we didn't bring EB back or offer him the job back.  No way around it.   You can't say he deserves to be a HC blah blah blah and then let the guy walk to bring back the white dude who couldn't hack it in Chicago (even though thats not entirely a fair assessment, because Chicago is a dumpster fire).   

Not saying Andy didn't really want EB back but wanted him to have the freedom to choose.   Andy is a good dude like that, but if by chance he didn't then the PR hit would have been bad.

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10 minutes ago, Lamardirts said:

Also, we got pinched on this EB deal.  It would be horrible optics if we didn't bring EB back or offer him the job back.  No way around it.   You can't say he deserves to be a HC blah blah blah and then let the guy walk to bring back the white dude who couldn't hack it in Chicago (even though thats not entirely a fair assessment, because Chicago is a dumpster fire).   

Not saying Andy didn't really want EB back but wanted him to have the freedom to choose.   Andy is a good dude like that, but if by chance he didn't then the PR hit would have been bad.

Good point. I just hope ried uses Nagy to tighten the vice on EB. This hiring of Nagy does tell us there is some truth to the rumours. I just hope this works for players.

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I'm not that serous about it guys. I just thought it was funny how the Bears fans were roasting him. It reminded me of this forum when dissatisfied with a coach or player. I only knew more about Nagy when he was hired by the Bears. I knew he was the Chiefs OC, but thought nothing of it because we had Reid. 

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