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Weekly Rooting Guide

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Week 13:


Chiefs over Broncos: Obvious.


Chargers over Ravens: Whaaaa? Well, Ravens could either kick us out of the playoffs or beat us in the playoffs. I like our chances of beating out the Chargers both in playoff spot - beat them already with one more shot or in the playoffs. We don't play the Ravens and Denver can take care of the Chargers later.


Rams over Oakland: I almost went the other way so as to get off some of the winless side and stop them from getting the first pick overall - but strength of victory is more important to us.


Browns over Bills - We can beat the Browns or Bengals in the playoffs - if Browns keep winning we can keep Ravens or Steelers out. Would still help if Browns lose, as Bills aren't making it.


Packers over Patriots - Little hope to getting second seed, but if we tie them, we have the head to head. Still, Patriots aren't losing two games. Regardless, NFC over AFC always anyway.


Jets over Dolphins - WC contenders need to lose.

Saints over Steelers - WC foe. If they win, however, it could make them overconfident, so overall doesn't matter as much.

Cardinals over Falcons - Need Arizona over-confident. Better NFC record helps draft pick w/o hurting playoff chances and helps SOV if we beat them.


Tampa Bay over Bengals: While I would rather face the Bengals or Browns in the playoffs over Ravens/Steelers, we need Bengsl losses to help us get in if other AFC North team wins their division.

Giants over Jaguars: Need to stop Oskland from getting first pick.

Titans over Texans: Off chance that Texans challenge our playoff hopes. While I don't think we deserve a spot if it comes down to that, I would rather make the playoffs. At titans win, however marginal, helps our strength of schedule.


Redskins over Colts: In the off chance that we get the bye, we would want Home field advantage.

Seattle over Niners: Strength of Victory.

Eagles over Philadelphia: Don't really care, but someone here dislike Jerry Jones. I'll roll with that. Interested in how they get to 8-8.

Lions over Chicago: Helps draft pick w/o hurting playoff chances.

Vikings over Panthers: Punish them for tying the Bengals and not winning.

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If all the clear favorites win and we win, then we should be rooting for the Bengals and Dolphins this week. We also need to be rooting for Denver and New England this week.


Technically, just for this week, the Dolphins game doesn't matter if all the other games go right. However, I would rather have the Dolphins in the playoffs than the Ravens, if we get in.


If the Steelers beat the Bengals, Buffalo winning would kick us out of the playoffs if the Ravens win. That's why we have to root for Denver. I realize that long-term we can root for other teams because we think other teams will be at the other teams, but I'm looking week to week.


Oddly enough, if the Chargers beat the Patriots, we need the Steelers to win.



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If all the clear favorites win and we win, then we should be rooting for the Bengals and Dolphins this week. We also need to be rooting for Denver and New England this week.


Technically, just for this week, the Dolphins game doesn't matter if all the other games go right. However, I would rather have the Dolphins in the playoffs than the Ravens, if we get in.


If the Steelers beat the Bengals, Buffalo winning would kick us out of the playoffs if the Ravens win. That's why we have to root for Denver. I realize that long-term we can root for other teams because we think other teams will be at the other teams, but I'm looking week to week.


Oddly enough, if the Chargers beat the Patriots, we need the Steelers to win.



If what we want happens next week, the worst case scenario is the 6th seed if we beat the Raiders. In other words, if this next week goes well, and we win the following week, there's no scenario where we are out of the playoffs that week.


We would probably be rooting for the Browns to beat the Bengals and Chargers to beat the Broncos, unless you want to have the ravens in the playoffs instead of Chargers (in which you within root for the Broncos).


Here's what I think happens: http://espn.go.com/nfl/playoffs/machine/_/results/400554349~2~400554374~1~400554379~2~400554384~2~400554388~1~400554416~2~400554419~1~400554422~2~400554433~1~400554432~2~400554431~2~400554430~2~400554428~1~400554426~2~400554424~1~400554429~2~400554342~2~400554346~2~400554353~1~400554350~2~400554376~1~400554380~1~400554382~1~400554386~2~400554427~2~400554425~2~400554423~1~400554415~1~400554420~2~400554418~2~400554392~2~400554390~1

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If what we want happens next week, the worst case scenario is the 6th seed if we beat the Raiders. In other words, if this next week goes well, and we win the following week, there's no scenario where we are out of the playoffs that week.


We would probably be rooting for the Browns to beat the Bengals and Chargers to beat the Broncos, unless you want to have the ravens in the playoffs instead of Chargers (in which you within root for the Broncos).


Here's what I think happens: http://espn.go.com/nfl/playoffs/machine/_/results/400554349~2~400554374~1~400554379~2~400554384~2~400554388~1~400554416~2~400554419~1~400554422~2~400554433~1~400554432~2~400554431~2~400554430~2~400554428~1~400554426~2~400554424~1~400554429~2~400554342~2~400554346~2~400554353~1~400554350~2~400554376~1~400554380~1~400554382~1~400554386~2~400554427~2~400554425~2~400554423~1~400554415~1~400554420~2~400554418~2~400554392~2~400554390~1

If this happens and we beat Pittsburgh, the important game would be the Broncos beating the Bengals. The reason is that if the Broncos lose, we're playing the Colts. If the Broncos win, we're playing the Bengals. Of course, this is if all the other games go as expected.


Here's how I think it will go: http://espn.go.com/nfl/playoffs/machine/_/results/400554349~2~400554374~1~400554379~2~400554384~2~400554388~1~400554416~2~400554419~1~400554422~2~400554433~1~400554432~2~400554431~2~400554430~2~400554428~1~400554426~2~400554424~1~400554429~2~400554342~2~400554346~2~400554353~1~400554350~2~400554376~1~400554380~1~400554382~1~400554386~2~400554427~2~400554425~2~400554423~1~400554415~1~400554420~2~400554418~2~400554392~2~400554390~1~400554356~2~400554366~2~400554361~1~400554373~1~400554398~2~400554401~2~400554402~2~400554406~1~400554449~2~400554447~2~400554444~2~400554442~2~400554439~1~400554436~2~400554410~2~400554434~2

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If this happens and we beat Pittsburgh, the important game would be the Broncos beating the Bengals. The reason is that if the Broncos lose, we're playing the Colts. If the Broncos win, we're playing the Bengals. Of course, this is if all the other games go as expected.


Here's how I think it will go: http://espn.go.com/nfl/playoffs/machine/_/results/400554349~2~400554374~1~400554379~2~400554384~2~400554388~1~400554416~2~400554419~1~400554422~2~400554433~1~400554432~2~400554431~2~400554430~2~400554428~1~400554426~2~400554424~1~400554429~2~400554342~2~400554346~2~400554353~1~400554350~2~400554376~1~400554380~1~400554382~1~400554386~2~400554427~2~400554425~2~400554423~1~400554415~1~400554420~2~400554418~2~400554392~2~400554390~1~400554356~2~400554366~2~400554361~1~400554373~1~400554398~2~400554401~2~400554402~2~400554406~1~400554449~2~400554447~2~400554444~2~400554442~2~400554439~1~400554436~2~400554410~2~400554434~2

If this is how it plays out, we wouldn't have to win the Chargers game to make the playoffs if the clear favorites win their games. We obviously would want to win because sometimes the clear favorites don't win. Also, we would want the Browns to beat the Ravens because then we would face the Bengals instead of the Colts. Oddly enough, the Bengals and the Steelers game doesn't matter.


Note that throughout these links I have posted, I have posted what I think will happen unlock with us winning, which might not happen, not what we are rooting for. It's obvious that I have to have us when to keep going on. However, if we are to lose a game, it would be the Arizona game and then the Chargers game at the end, but not both. Steelers game is most important if they keep winning but the Steelers, of course, would have to win their other games for them to get in. They can still knock us out without getting in.


Here is how I think it would end up if we win out: http://espn.go.com/nfl/playoffs/machine/_/results/400554281~1~400554285~2~400554289~1~400554292~2~400554316~2~400554321~2~400554323~1~400554327~1~400554399~2~400554395~1~400554371~2~400554368~1~400554363~1~400554359~2~400554354~1~400554330~1~400554349~1~400554374~2~400554379~2~400554384~1~400554388~1~400554416~1~400554419~1~400554422~1~400554433~2~400554432~2~400554431~1~400554430~1~400554429~2~400554428~2~400554426~2~400554424~2~400554342~1~400554346~1~400554350~2~400554353~2~400554376~1~400554380~2~400554382~2~400554386~1~400554427~2~400554425~2~400554423~1~400554420~1~400554418~2~400554415~2~400554392~1~400554390~2~400554356~2~400554361~1~400554366~1~400554373~1~400554398~1~400554401~1~400554402~1~400554406~1~400554449~2~400554447~2~400554444~1~400554442~1~400554439~1~400554436~1~400554434~2~400554410~1~400554404~1~400554405~2~400554407~1~400554409~1~400554411~2~400554412~2~400554413~1~400554435~2~400554448~2~400554446~2~400554445~2~400554443~1~400554441~2~400554440~1~400554438~2~400554437~2#

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Week 13:

Chiefs over Broncos: Nope.
Chargers over Ravens: Got it.
Rams over Oakland: Got it.
Browns over Bills - Nope. But at least Hoyer didn't win with three INTs again. The guy is 61-120 and 1/7 TD/INT ratio over three games.
Packers over Patriots - Got it.
Jets over Dolphins - Almost.
Saints over Steelers - Got it.
Cardinals over Falcons - Nope.
Tampa Bay over Bengals: Nope, despite three INTs. Alex Smith loses with three INTs, Palmer wins. I understand one pick vs. conservatism, but 3?
Titans over Texans: Nope, not even close.
Redskins over Colts: Nope, but this wasn't a prediction.
Seattle over Niners: Got it. Was a prediction, too.
Eagles over Dallas: Got it.
Lions over Chicago: Got it.
Vikings over Panthers: Got it.


8-7, though I think I'm missing a game somewhere? Oh yeah, Jacksonville over Giants. Just how I would have had it. And that worked. So 9-7 this week.

Week 13:

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Week 14:


Chiefs over Arizona: Obvious.

New England over San Diego: Obvious, we are no longer bye week hunting.

Denver over Buffalo: We are no longer division hunting, need to pare down WC contenders, though would rather face Buffalo than Colts.

Indianapolis over Cleveland: Weed out other WC threats.

Niners over Oakland: As much as I would love to have someone else lose to Raiders to avoid the sole distinction. We need to improve draft pick without hurting playoff hopes.

Cincinnati over Steelers: Not afraid of the Bengals if we face them in the playoffs. Steelers get hot sometimes.

Miami over Baltimore: Ravens are too scary in the post-season. Still in playoff mode for Chiefs. Miami can lose to New England later.

St. Louis over Washington: Better to have teams we beat have good records.

New Orleans over Carolina: Don't really care, but might as well have the Steve Smith bashers lose.

Tennessee over Giants: Might as well have the teams we lost be better than they currently are.

Seattle over Philadelphia: Better to have teams we've beaten have better records.

NY Jets over Minnesota: Ditto, though I normally root for NFC over AFC, but both are irrelevant to our playoff and draft hopes.

Detroit over Tampa Bay: Hurt Oakland's chances of first pick and help our draft pick without hurting playoff chances.

Jacksonville over Houston: Same as above, but also weed out a WC threat.

Green Bay over Atlanta: Really don't care, but having another NFC team above us without helping AFC helps our draft pick - though I don't think that they need it.

Dallas over Chicago: A much as people don't like Jerry Jones, a better record helps our draft pick w/o hurting our playoff chances.

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Week 14:


Chiefs over Arizona: Nope, and this was the only important one.

New England over San Diego: Got it.

Denver over Buffalo: Got it.

Indianapolis over Cleveland: Got it.

Niners over Oakland: Nope, but I didn't lose any sleep over it.

Cincinnati over Steelers: Big Nope.

Miami over Baltimore: Nope, pipe dream.

St. Louis over Washington: Got it.

New Orleans over Carolina: Nope, what's going on?

Tennessee over Giants: Nope.

Seattle over Philadelphia: Got it.

NY Jets over Minnesota: Nope.

Detroit over Tampa Bay: Got it.

Jacksonville over Houston: Nope.

Green Bay over Atlanta: Got it.

Dallas over Chicago: Got it.


8-8 - sound like this year?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Was it wrong for me to be rooting for Detroit to lose so our misery had company? Or should I have been rooting for anyone in that position to get themselves out of the hump? I don't care about Jerry Jones, I understand how people are full of themselves. More power to you, I guess.

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Donkeys losing would bring a smile to my face.

Indeed...but I don't see it happening. I will root for Indy anyway. Can't stand Dallas so I'll be rooting for the Packers. Gotta root for New England because if they lose and the Donkeys win then Denver hosts the AFC title game. Just the thought of that makes me ill. As for the Carolina-Seattle game? I think Seattle wipes the Panthers noses all over the field. Did you see how Carolina was doing laps around the stadium when they won last week? You would of thought they had won the SB. Tells me they are satisfied with the one win and call it a year. 

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