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Ray Rice suspension....your thoughts

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most of the sports shows I've been watching have really taken the NFL (Goodell) to task for the perceived short 2-game suspension.

Rice held a presser today to answer questions and issue a mea culpa,


with guys getting minimum 4 game suspensions for first offenses for weed and the NFL trying to cultivate the female fan, does this seem too short to you?


Be the commish for a day. I realize the justice system has already spoken, but I believe the NFL needed to speak louder.


I think it should have been 4 and I wouldn't have cared if it was for the season. my .02

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It's bullcrap. Gordon gets a year for barely failing a drug test for pot and Ray Rice gets two games for beating up his girlfriend? That's messed up.

i try to look at the whole incident objectively. Yes he plays for my team but that does not mean I condone his actions. At all.


To get a year for a drug test means its your THIRD Offense. Gordon's been in the program since he joined the NFL.


Ray Rice is a 7 year veteran who made a horrible mistake- his first one ever.


The anger at the 2 games should be directed to the Commissioner not Ray if you dont like the punishment.


BTW, Fabian Washington (Raiders) got 1 game suspension for Domestic assault. Cary Williams (Ravens/Eagles) got 2 games for Domestic Assault.


The reason why all the focus on Rice- a video of him dragging her out of the elevator.

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I just saw Roger Goodell speak to this.  He pointed out that the league penalized Rice more harshly than the legal system.  Still, 2 games seems light.  Double it.  


Football is a violent game played by violent men.  All too often it doesn't stop off of the field.  The league should take an initiative to address this.  It's more relevant than wearing pink for a month.

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I just saw Roger Goodell speak to this.  He pointed out that the league penalized Rice more harshly than the legal system.  Still, 2 games seems light.  Double it.  


Football is a violent game played by violent men.  All too often it doesn't stop off of the field.  The league should take an initiative to address this.  It's more relevant than wearing pink for a month.

and 3 game checks. $500+K.....

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I don't know what the laws are elsewhere, but a first offense conviction for domestic violence in Michigan can carry up to 93 days of jail time plus fines, which I think is maxed at $1,000. Aggravated domestic carries up to 1 year in jail and a $1000 fine, but that is assault resulting in injuries that require medical attention. I think Maryland it is 3 to 5 years. Rice was indicted by a grand jury for aggravated assault, although that was dropped back down to domestic.


Knowing what happened, that being Rice is responsible for knocking his wife unconscious, and then dragging her, I'd agree with the grand jury indictment when looking at this as the Commissioner. I would have suspended Rice for the season had he been convicted of aggravated assault, without question. I'm not so sure that wouldn't have been my punishment, but certainly I would have suspended him for 8 games and fined him 4 game checks. Regardless of the ultimate legal outcome, the evidence shows aggravated domestic violence. Had it been domestic violence, I would have considered a 4 game suspension.


I think Rice got off too easy.

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i try to look at the whole incident objectively. Yes he plays for my team but that does not mean I condone his actions. At all.


To get a year for a drug test means its your THIRD Offense. Gordon's been in the program since he joined the NFL.


Ray Rice is a 7 year veteran who made a horrible mistake- his first one ever.


The anger at the 2 games should be directed to the Commissioner not Ray if you dont like the punishment.


BTW, Fabian Washington (Raiders) got 1 game suspension for Domestic assault. Cary Williams (Ravens/Eagles) got 2 games for Domestic Assault.


The reason why all the focus on Rice- a video of him dragging her out of the elevator.



A mistake is when the waitress pours you regular instead of decaf.


Knocking out your bride-to-be doesn't really fall into the "mistake" category, IMO.




What a joke.

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I would think 4 games at max.., Nothing more.., I'm not all that comfortable with the NFL getting too involved in players domestic lives.., To me, this is more about kissing the media yappers ass..,

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Hands, sometimes you're posts are laughable.


1. Ray Rice admitted to hitting his wife.

2. Police released the fact that they do have a video of him striking his wife.

3. There is a publicly released video of Rice dragging his wife from the elevator.


Result: Rice hit his wife in the elevator and drug her ass out.


Allegedly my ass.

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Hands, sometimes you're posts are laughable.


1. Ray Rice admitted to hitting his wife.

2. Police released the fact that they do have a video of him striking his wife.

3. There is a publicly released video of Rice dragging his wife from the elevator.


Result: Rice hit his wife in the elevator and drug her ass out.


Allegedly my ass.

He admits a "Mistake".


Don't really care what you think of my posts either.


Never said I condoned the behavior but none of us is above reproach either.


I can support the player without condoning the behavior.

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2 games is OK with me.., Hands being all butt hurt about it is even better..,

I'm not butthurt about it all...I fully expected 6 games, reduced to 4 upon appeal.


The anger should be directed at the NFL for not having concrete policies in place to deal with it And the players for signing the CBA that gave Goodell this power in exchange for more money and less practice time.

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I'm not butthurt about it all...I fully expected 6 games, reduced to 4 upon appeal.


The anger should be directed at the NFL for not having concrete policies in place to deal with it And the players for signing the CBA that gave Goodell this power in exchange for more money and less practice time.


Of course you are..,ha ha..,


But I agree with you and have no problem with a two game suspension.., To me, the NFL have every right to impose suspensions and fines on actions that reflect on performance on the field and the stature of the NFL.., But they need to draw a line when it comes to players personal lives.., If a player is arrested and convicted of something I also have no problem with imposing discipline, but not just to placate some special interest group.., They need to stick to football..,

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  • 3 weeks later...

Its a pretty damning video.., He's been released..,


Seems like there's a lot of bloviation everywhere.., But its media pressure, right or wrong that got him released.., I see this turning into a frenzy..,

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