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Ray Rice suspension....your thoughts

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Let me preface my comments by condemning Ray Rice for his actions.  Unless his wife is an attack trained MMA fighter and he was fearful for his safety, he has no excuse.  I don’t know the exact punishment laid by the law, but get the impression it was a wrist slap.  If so, it is worthy of scorn.


So, too, is the NFL.  It has no business getting involved in these matters.  This is all a matter of it pushing its liberal bullshit agenda of catering to public opinion.  Ray Rice committed no crime versus football and thus deserves no suspension. 


Of course we aren’t privy to the meeting between Rice and the NFL and the lies he told.  I still doubt any of this would have occurred had TMZ not released the video.  I have a very difficult time believing BAL and the NFL had not already seen it.  That’s why Goodell was already publicly waffling on his stance last week.  Even if they hadn’t, I do not buy their manufactured shock at having seen it.  Was it really hard to imagine what a man knocking out a woman would look like?  Watch an MMA fight and pretend the loser has breasts.


Had the legal system addressed this properly, Rice’s suspension would have been handled by an appropriate prison sentence.  Its not the business of Roger Goodell to decide more is necessary.

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The Baltimore Ravens are a shady organization

Not sure about shady but I believe they should have been at the forefront of the investigation if for no other reason than to ensure their player didn't get railroaded.


Again I believe that they didn't want to get involved so they let the NFL do it. That way if he was suspended then they could say it wasn't their doing and the fans wouldn't hold them accountable. If he wasn't suspended again the could point their finger at the NFL.


This almost reminds me of the little boy who does something wrong but mommy (the Ravens) don't want to be the bad guy so she lets daddy (Goodell and the NFL) punish him.


For Hands, I know every team does it and Chiefs do it twice on Sunday but Rice and the Ravens are in the spotlight so don't get so defensive. Someone else will screw up shortly and the fans and media will turn their attention to someone or something else.

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I am pissed off at Goodell and at the Ravens owner Steve Bisciotti.


They act like Ray Rice is guilt-ier of knocking his wife the fuck out. As Mongo said, What the fuck did they think it looked like? Ozzie Newsome the GM says "Ray Rice didn't lie to us- what he said was on the tape is what was on the tape"


yet Goodell and Bisciotti have a different version...and are embarrassed.


So Rice gets cut while Greg Hardy, who beat the fuck out of his GF and WAS CONVICTED, gets to play while he appeals his trial.



Had a free ticket to the Ravens-Steelers game Thursday- didn't go because I am not giving these assholes any of my money.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ozzie Newsome the GM says "Ray Rice didn't lie to us- what he said was on the tape is what was on the tape"


So Rice gets cut while Greg Hardy, who beat the fuck out of his GF and WAS CONVICTED, gets to play while he appeals his trial.

First question, if Ozzie knew exactly what happened then why didn't he act? Why did he ignore it and expect someone else to act?


Second question, who is us? Did Hairball know, if so why didn't he do something?


Third question, are you mad that Rice got cut or that Hardy is still being paid during his appeal?


Fourth question, what do you believe the penalty for knocking your girlfriend out on camera and then dragging her out of the elevator should be?

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#1 ans #2= i cannot answer for Ozzie- I do know from what Harbaugh said, they sat down as a team (Ozzie, Harbs, Dick Cass and Bisciotti) to decide everyones fate.


3- I am mad that because of Bisciotti's ego and the organizations mishandling of the case we lost our all pro RB who would have regained his Pro Bowl status under the new offense.


and yes, Hardy gets convicted, appeals and is allowed to play. Now Rice gets cut and this turd goes on an exemt list and gets paid every week.


#4- Previous cases of DV have ended being 0, 1 or 2 games at the most. But none of them had a video. Well, let me ask you, if the player says he did or court decides that he did beat the fuck out of his GF or wife, do you really need to see pictures to confirm it for you?


And compare the incidents between Hardy and Rice:


Rice= knocked her out


hardy= punched her, drug her around by her hair, picked her up and threw her on futon full of assault weapons, choked her, punched her again


Now I ask, while not condoning either behavior, which is worse?

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They were both heinous and both should have been punished in court and by their teams.


I heard Jamal Lewis today on the radio saying the owner is one of the best in the league and if "you don't believe me ask anyone who has played for him". Sounds like rhe only folks upset with him are the fans because he did something the cops or the NFL wouldn't do.

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They were both heinous and both should have been punished in court and by their teams.


I heard Jamal Lewis today on the radio saying the owner is one of the best in the league and if "you don't believe me ask anyone who has played for him". Sounds like rhe only folks upset with him are the fans because he did something the cops or the NFL wouldn't do.

Why is it the Baltimore Raven's or the NFL's responsibility to hand out punishment "above and beyond" that what was laid by the law?  Blame the legal system.  The rest is just football.  


Had he been arrested and jailed as society deemed appropriate, chances the NFL and BAL would have had punishment handled for them.  Football would have taken care of itself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey 1963- you know the CBA precludes teams from administering punishment before the league does in situations like this?


What I as a fan am upset at is the fact that Rice told them what happened. Explained it to the point where Ozzie Newsome, one of the most trusted men in football, said "Ray didn't lie to us. What he said happened was on the tape".


So the owner was TOLD his star RB hit his fiancée, "rendering her unconscious" and was ok with the NFL handling the punishement.


Then owner SEES videotape of Rice "rendering her unconscious" and immediately cuts him? 


and this is after the NFL increased the punishment for first time offenders to a mandatory 6 games for 1st offense, 1 year for second.



and these other guys get aid and put on some top secret list?

WTF is going on here?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hate to say it, but the Ravens looked to be in full melt down last night. I anticipate the league to be very hard on Suggs for that classless act. 


Players from both teams were out of control. They put retribution over the team. 

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