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When Clark Hunt speaks, the NFL listens. 

Watching NFL football in 2022 there have been a plethora of questionable calls, bad calls, missed calls weekly causing many games to suffer. 

In the case of the Kansas City Chiefs it has bordered on laughable and obvious. 😲 Obvious because they conveniently miss the times that Patrick Mahomes gets his head bounced off the turf like a rag doll and laughable because of the consistency of which they throw the flag on the Chiefs defense on third downs. 

Yesterday the Chiefs were flagged on five straight third down defensive stops keeping the Texans drive alive until the Texans scored their only touchdown in the second half. A lot has been made of Carl Cheffers and his officiating crew. So much so that this stat below was brought to light on 810 WHB this morning. 

In 15 years as a head ref, Carl Cheffers' crews penalized the KC @Chiefs 143x, most in the #NFL, & for a total of 1,240 yards, 2nd most of any team. The avg team caught 86 flags & 740 yards.

Is it still a conspiracy if the facts support the Chiefs? 

Which brings me to the next step. Clark Hunt needs to step up in front of the cameras and hold a press conference at this massive screw job the Chiefs have been getting of late. 

Clark Hunt gets respect and the NFL world would take heed to his words. Clark Hunt could present these facts in a professional manner to where he would not receive a massive penalty or fine for bringing to light this bias that continues weekly against the Kansas City Chiefs. 

It is also important to have an investigation on these referees ASAP because if Clark Hunt stays quiet then Carl Cheffers will be back officiating a Chiefs playoff game next month. 

I am 53 years old and have been watching the NFL closely since 1977 and I have never seen such a terrible job of officiating. It needs to be addressed NOW! And the only person that save the Chiefs in this situation is Clark Hunt. 


Uh, it is kind of a serious trend. 


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1 minute ago, mex said:

The man has a point. But Clark won't make a peep. The refs give fans an avenue for blame that doesn't spotlight the team.

Yeah but it's obvious this crew is there to thwart, paralyze and destroy the chiefs chances. almost too evidential. I’m just saying that’s a heavy hand from a single officiating crew levied against one team. 

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Just now, gochiefsgo said:

Yeah but it's obvious this crew is there to thwart, paralyze and destroy the chiefs chances. almost too evidential. I’m just saying that’s a heavy hand from a single officiating crew levied against one team. 

The NFL should have a body to review such things, and leave the owners out of it. If Clark made a stink, then other officiating teams could be tempted to say 'fuck you' just like Cheffers

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Yeah I’m not sure this is Clark’s mandate to address this issue but perhaps it could be “mentioned” by “someone” as the calls are overwhelming against the Chiefs on every single important play that team officiates. It’s bordering on intentional 

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3 minutes ago, West said:

I have assumed that it was "being addressed" at the league office but the screw jobs just continue.

The Chiefs need to do something different because the "subtle approach" is not working.


I agree man, and sorry I have been relatively absent on here, I only tend to appear when I’m totally pissed off, and this trend qualifies. Even in the superbowl against the Bucs, Cheffers team absolutely buried any chance that the golden boy could rally. All to possibly guarantee another Brady championship. It felt intentional then and this recent “let’s drop them another peg; type officiating, felt totally on purpose. 

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4 minutes ago, dhitter said:

The thing that aggravates me the most is how rough teams are allowed to be with Mahomes. Shots to the helmet and facemask...body slams....late hits at the sideline. You breathe on Tom Brady wrong and it's a flag. 

That freaking body slam shit could have sent Mahomes to the IR and there was no flag. 

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38 minutes ago, dhitter said:

The thing that aggravates me the most is how rough teams are allowed to be with Mahomes. Shots to the helmet and facemask...body slams....late hits at the sideline. You breathe on Tom Brady wrong and it's a flag. 

I said that on the game day Thread.  It’s bullshit.  

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Surely there's some behind the scenes protocol where teams can get this addressed by the NFL. 

I normally give the officials the benefit of the doubt, but these calls have been consistently terrible and one sided. I've almost gotten used to seeing Jones held on virtually every passing play, but what's worse is seeing Pat steamrolled with no flag. And it strains credulity that so many ticky tac penalties were called on the D on third down that kept drives alive Sunday. Really weird. Really suspicious.  

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Officiating as a whole needs to be addressed.   The public perception seems to be these guys are untouchable.   Yea they get graded every week but its behind closed doors and nobody really knows what the grading system is and how its done.   A coach makes decision good or bad they are in front of a room full of reporters having to answer questions having to explain themselves.  Refs need to explain some of the bs calls they make especially since the NFL is full on embracing gambling now. 


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I'd like to see the refs be required to attend a press conference after each game. Maybe not to just bash them (though deserved) but for each team to roll the tape for up to 3 infractions during that game and have them discuss the reasoning for each call. They made that Patriot player discuss why he threw the ball to Chandler to lose the game. Why not ask Cheffers why a WR intentionally ran into Thornhill and Thornhill got flagged? 

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2 hours ago, Okiechief1 said:

Officiating as a whole needs to be addressed.   The public perception seems to be these guys are untouchable.   Yea they get graded every week but its behind closed doors and nobody really knows what the grading system is and how its done.   A coach makes decision good or bad they are in front of a room full of reporters having to answer questions having to explain themselves.  Refs need to explain some of the bs calls they make especially since the NFL is full on embracing gambling now. 


What's the point of grading if failure isn't punished?

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