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16 hours ago, Burpo The Mad Clown said:

Oh, I really wanted all of those so bad I could taste it. But, this one is more visceral. More emotional. I want annihilation. I want them to cry on the flight back to Cincinnati. I want them to sob at the press conference. 
I want this:



Famous photo.  I recall seeing that from a book of WWII photos and thought it was people watching the Germans march into Paris. Never saw that caption on the lower left before.

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26 minutes ago, Fmbl2187 said:

Famous photo.  I recall seeing that from a book of WWII photos and thought it was people watching the Germans march into Paris. Never saw that caption on the lower left before.

It actually is from the German occupation of Paris. The caption is erroneous. I didn’t notice it when I posted the pic. 

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1 hour ago, Fmbl2187 said:

Famous photo.  I recall seeing that from a book of WWII photos and thought it was people watching the Germans march into Paris. Never saw that caption on the lower left before.

nice catch I never gave it a second thought as I always attributed to seeing the NAZIs marching in front of the Arc De Triomphe

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1 hour ago, Burpo The Mad Clown said:

It actually is from the German occupation of Paris. The caption is erroneous. I didn’t notice it when I posted the pic. 

To be fair, the caption just as easily could say "French man cries after watching a man pair the wrong wine with his cheese."

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33 minutes ago, xen said:

To be fair, the caption just as easily could say "French man cries after watching a man pair the wrong wine with his cheese."

Many historians believe the tears were due to the Germans confiscating all the French wine and leaving only Blue Nun for the Frenchies. 

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Since nobody's posting... how's this:

We don't have a chance. 

It's Burrowhead Stadium.

Cincy's DL is lights out, and will dominate Wylie and OBJ... they gonna sack the shit out of an immobile Mahomes.

Chiefs DL sucks.

Chiefs secondary sucks.

Andy won't run the ball (unless it's the TE under center)

Chiefs STs suck

Burrow owns Mahomes.

They won 3 straight.

They killed buffalo at buffalo, when the Chiefs couldn't beat either at home.

We should give them our locker room because it's their stadium.

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9 minutes ago, mex said:

Since nobody's posting... how's this:

We don't have a chance. 

It's Burrowhead Stadium.

Cincy's DL is lights out, and will dominate Wylie and OBJ... they gonna sack the shit out of an immobile Mahomes.

Chiefs DL sucks.

Chiefs secondary sucks.

Andy won't run the ball (unless it's the TE under center)

Chiefs STs suck

Burrow owns Mahomes.

They won 3 straight.

They killed buffalo at buffalo, when the Chiefs couldn't beat either at home.

We should give them our locker room because it's their stadium.

Well damn...You're right!

We don't have a chance..

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20 hours ago, Fmbl2187 said:

I think the Raiders game following the one where Ben Davidson speared Len Dawson, for an old guy like me, THAT was the one I wanted more than any other. I was blind with rage against the Raiders, and it has mostly lasted through the decades until they became a truly bad team.

That was the first game I ever attended. I was 11 years old, and I too have felt that same way about the Raiders ever since.

My second game was the longest game in pro football history!  Those were painful for a kid!

In any case, this upcoming game we need the best effort out of both our O and D lines to win this game.

And please Andy, run the ball just a little more!

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2 hours ago, Burpo The Mad Clown said:

Many historians believe the tears were due to the Germans confiscating all the French wine and leaving only Blue Nun for the Frenchies. 

Might have been grief and terror at the idea of murderous Nazis and genocidal maniacs taking over their country and goose stepping down their main thoroughfare.  That women next to the guy looks pretty terrified. It hard even for me to find much humor in that,  even though I like outrageous jokes about almost anything.

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