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OK I officially hate these assholes now

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I always have a problem when anyone acts like they’ve already arrived without winning it all. There are 56 losers of Super Bowls, including us. However, our group of players have won a Super Bowl who are still playing. They have not.

I wonder if the Eagles are going to lose as well because they’ve unloaded. They feel they have already had their redemption, achieved what they needed to do to prove everyone wrong. They’re talking a lot about how they made it against all odds. Credit to them for making it, but they haven’t gone the whole way yet. Yes, they did win recently, but not these group of players. Yes, I know every year every team is different, but the base has been the same for us.

Fans are different, they can do what they want to be idiots. I’m sure that we have had some fans that were idiots before we won. However, when it comes from the players themselves, I hate that they’re trying to act cool before they do it. Do it and then I tell everyone how cool you are. I get that I think that that’s what makes them roll, but he does stupid. That should be preparation and talent and skill and hard work. Being cool or talking shit shouldn’t be your motivator or enabler for success. I understand that you get in someone’s head, but do that on the field.

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