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I Don't Get It...

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A thread for pet peeves or NFL-related annoyances.


I'll start off:


Another thing wrong with today's societal thinking: Jim Irsay, Indianapolis Colts owner, gets game ball after win over Cincinnati Bengals - ESPN


I don't mean to say he should be chastised or demonized, but a game ball because he came back after a league suspension for driving under the influence? This isn't a win over cancer. This is similar to how I've heard people say that Vick is a great human being, exceptional. I understand he stopped killing dogs, repented, did his time, and shouldn't be demonized the rest of his life, but not killing dogs anymore isn't exactly exceptionally good. One might say he's given to charity, but he did that before and during his dog killing days. What makes him celebrated? I don't kill dogs either, where's my badge? ;)


What grinds your gears? (Other than references to Family Guy.)


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The NFL's resistance to calling offensive pass interference on the Denver Broncos for initiating illegal contact. They are guilty of it dozens of plays a game and it goes uncalled. It is bullshit, and every NFL team should be screaming about it loudly.

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Excessive penalties on defensive backs. Defensive holding and defensive pass interference are being called way too much. The preseason was just silly, with the league trying to send a message. What message - that receivers should be allowed to run completely free? Why not just make the rule that the defensive player is not allowed to play any deeper than 5 yards from the line of scrimmage? If the QB is not sacked before the receiver gets 5 yards down the field, the receiver gets a free chance to catch the ball and then the defender must wait 10 seconds after the catch before pursuing the receiver? That should achieve the league's goal of adding more offense and scoring to the games...

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